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Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Fast pacing, mostly good acting across the cast, amazing visual effects, high quality production, a decent plotline (0 more)
The series big plot twist was slightly rushed, did not enjoy the romance plot line between two characters, some of the acting is over done(but giving it's star trek I can forgive that) it's really dar (0 more)
So, I started the series with high hopes and ended it slightly underwhelmed. The first few episodes are fairly gripping if a bit fast paced, but the immediate action ment that I was invested in the plot straight away. The visual effects are stunning, having just watched the original series it's almost jarring to see a star trek series that looks so modern and realistic, the production quality really ups the standard of this show. The overall acting of the show is okay, I particularly enjoyed Sonequa Martin-Greens performance of Micheal. However, I wasn't so keen on her character being the center of the entire plot, and her seemingly endless skills and knowledge, I'm not a huge fan of the 'chosen one' character trope. Compared to the origin star trek series, Discovery is very dark and pessimistic. It's a lot more war focused, a long way away from the original series more optimistic and 'utopian' future. That being said, just because it isn't like the original star trek, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have it's one appeal. The series has an overarching storyline, each episode relating directly to the next, so if your looking for some light watching, this might not be the show for you. There is a particular plot twist near the end of the series that I really enjoyed but felt was slightly rushed, and of course some plot holes but that's inevitable with a show like this. Overall, it's an enjoyable TV series, I would definitely recommend giving it a watch ( just don't go in expecting it to be like other star trek series). Not only is it visually stunning to watch, the plot is engaging, they're are many references that star trek fans will enjoy, and the cast is extremely diverse and refreshing as well!
The Twisted Tree
The Twisted Tree
Rachel Burge | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Martha is our protagonist in this novel, and this book is told from her perspective. I really liked Martha, she is different, she is blind in one eye and marked with a scar that makes her doubt herself. There is no very wide selection of characters, but all of them are very intriguing. I really liked Stig (the boy who ran away from his home) in this book as well. He is strange but at the same time very sweet and likeable. One thing that I really don’t understand is the need for kids to consume alcohol in books. Why? In this case, it did not bring anything to the story, so I think it could’ve been left out. :/

I really liked the way the author combined different themes in this book. We have modern day youth entwined with ancient mythology, magic, demons and souls, and topped up with a little bit of romance. It was a dark and spooky read, the whole setting of this novel feels isolated and gloomy, set in a little island in Norway during winter, where snowstorms rattle the whole house. It is a tiny book, so the story is really fast-paced and filled with interesting turns and twists. I really enjoyed how the author analysed the family relationships through our main characters. It was heartbreaking but very amusing at the same time.

I really liked the writing style of this novel, it is easy to understand, but it delivers a lot of new things to me. There is plenty of Norwegian mythology in this novel, and I think the author has done a great job with the research. The chapters were a decent length and didn’t feel draggy, and I absolutely loved the artwork used in this novel, it made the reading experience more enjoyable. The ending was nicely written, but it left me with many unanswered questions. What happened to Martha and Stig? Who is going to water the tree? Etc.

So, to conclude, it was a really good read, filled with unique and different characters, as well as action-filled and entertaining plot, where magic and scary ghosts are only a few steps away, hidden in the Twisted Tree.
Anything That Isn't This
Anything That Isn't This
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this was a surprising read. Not just a typical YA dystopian novel, but a peculiar, artistic novel complete with illustrations throughout.

For some reason, I wasn't expecting the strange world that Priestley created in this book. The Grey is suffocating Frank, the Ministry controlling his every decision. Most people are okay with it, comfortable in the routine provided. But Frank wants more.

First, Frank is obsessed with a girl from his school. Even after they graduate, he is desperate to be with her - he believes they're 'fated'. But after a while, he realises that maybe she's not quite right for him.

This combines two typical YA romance plots - the "unpopular boy gets the cool girl" and also the "childhood friends become lovers" plot. I think it's a bit unusual to mix the two, but I didn't find anything spectacular about this aspect of the novel.

The whole book has a very strange abstract sort of feel to it; I was unsure at times whether to actually take what he was saying at face value or take it as a metaphor. There are loads of weird myths that are thrown around, many of which play a big role later in the book. 

The friendship with Scape was interesting; it kind of just happened out of the blue and ended in a similar way. And Mr Vertex was a weird character - it was obvious there was something strange about him, and I felt he really added to the abstract feel created.

The book kind of felt grey, but not in a bad way - as in, I felt how Frank felt about his life. I was pretty shocked by how dark it got at the end, quite suddenly. The ending was a bit of a whirlwind, followed by a moment of calm. The calmness was nice, an interesting ending that left your imagination running wild.

I didn't really enjoy this book at first but I did eventually get into it, and quite liked it. I definitely liked the unique feel it had, almost like Coraline. 3.5 stars.
Dragon By Midnight
Dragon By Midnight
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The concept of Dragon by Midnight immediately intrigued me: a Cinderella retelling where, at the stroke of midnight, Cinderella becomes a dragon and is hunted by Prince Charming? Yes please!

Karen Kincy had some bestseller-worthy ideas when it came to this book: I loved Sikandar's mysterious sorcerer vibe and dark past; the Jinni gave Arabian nights/Aladdin vibes and the plot twist of the curse was brilliant.
However, in my opinion, the major elements that made Dragon by Midnight great were just not developed enough and I was left with unanswered questions, in particular with Cinderella's story line.
Sikandar is bound to be everyone's favourite character and the description of him as a cinnamon roll hero is perfect. I would have liked him to keep his mystery for a bit longer and for the worthiness of his previous actions to be withheld instead of instantly revealed - it felt like he was a mysterious murderer one second and then an amazing hero the next . Although this was in keeping with the fast-paced nature of the story.
Similarly, the romance between Sikandar and Cinderella developed so quickly. She almost fell in love with him straight away! It was also very fluffy and cute: which is not a criticism! This is a YA book after all. However, sometimes Cinderella seemed too wrapped up in the cute boy and less concerned about ... well, being a dragon!
Prince Benedict Charming was brilliant in his arrogance and cringe worthiness. I did expect a bit more action and dragon-hunting from him though and his attitude towards Cinderella when she returned to the castle as a girl was very odd. I truly couldn't tell if he was so self-absorbed he didn't care what had happened, or if he was plotting something.
Overall I did enjoy Dragon by Midnight and read it within a day. It is a very cute, fast-paced fairytale with some genius ideas. The overly descriptive language and lack of character development would push it closer to the middle-grade side of YA for me but I enjoyed the story and will possibly pick up the sequel if I see it.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
A Fall of Light
A Fall of Light
L.J. Greene | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
only ONE thing knocked that star off!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Greg appears as a side character in a series by Greene. I have not read those books, but I don't feel I missed out on anything by not doing. I'm intrigued by this group, though, and may well go back and read them. *if I can find the time*

I gave this 4 stars, and one thing ONLY knocked that star off.

Single person point of view.

Only Greg gets a say here, and I wanted, so desperately wanted to hear from Louis, at many key points along the way and I don't get him.

That said, it's the only fault I can find with this book.

I loved that Greg knew, deep down, that he wasn't a casual person, and he could never be casual with Louis. Yet he jumped right in with everything. I loved that Greg let Louis keep his secret for as long as he wanted to. He knew it would come out in the end, he just had to bide his time. I hated what Greg's brother was doing to him, I really did. Said brother does get his comeuppence though.

Greg's past is dark and shocking, being made homeless at 16, he did what he had to do to survive. Loved that Louis did NOT hold it against him, even if his own flesh and blood did. Loved that the band supported him doing the solo stuff, to appease his brother, and also that they stood by him.

It's not especially explicit for a MM romance, but I liked that here, it's more about the emotions going through Greg (since we don't get Louis!) than anything else.

Some difficult topics dealt with: religious intervention, conversion therapy, street life and doing what you need to do to survive. Triggers for some, be mindful.

This is the first I've read of Greene's work. Like I said, I'd like, *time allowing* to read the series that Greg first appears in, but if not, I will absolutely read any future books by this author.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Thousand Glittering Lights
A Thousand Glittering Lights
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A THOUSAND GLITTERING LIGHTS is set in the contemporary world, with a game designer as our FMC. The MMC remains a mystery so I won't say anything to spoil it.

Jennie Lynn Roberts is a one-click author for me BUT I will admit to feeling slightly dubious when I saw this was a contemporary. Surely it can't be as good as her fantasy - can it? The obvious answer is YES!!! It can be just as good, in fact, I'm hard-pressed to say which I prefer.

Ellie isn't having an easy time of it and struggles to leave the safety of her cottage. Her best friend and business partner is giving Ellie plenty of excuses about why she can't be there for her. Her dad is pressuring her to sell her business. And then - out of nowhere - a man, or ghost, starts appearing to Ellie. She thinks she's going mad. And I loved it.

There is a level of mystery to this story that had me hooked. I didn't try to figure things out for myself. I just sat back and let the story hold me, and boy, did it ever. There were so many levels to this that all fitted together perfectly in ways that might not be immediately clear. In fact, I think I may be a little afraid of this author if she ever decides to go 'dark!' 😆

This book was a very emotional read for me, with situations and circumstances so incredibly well written, I felt it like a punch to the throat. I was f'ugly crying more than once, while still trying to convince myself that I'd get my HEA.

There's so much to this book that I absolutely adored and have no hesitation in HIGHLY RECOMMENDING. Seriously, get your copy and lose yourself in this steamy, supernatural romance.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 22, 2024
This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity, #1)
This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity, #1)
V.E. Schwab | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first book in the 10 Books in 10 Days Challenge presented by Epic Reads.

This book has such an interesting concept in the way it takes the standard Good vs Evil and blurs the lines completely. There are the standard "monsters" and "humans" but it gets hard to tell who is actually at fault in the war that is brewing in the book.

I loved the characters in this book. If I were to rate the book on characters alone, I would have given it a five star review, but alas, I did not. I really enjoyed how August and Kate were both trying to be something they weren't in order to impress their families, but then when they met each other, they weren't as pressured to do that. They rescued each other from their own self destruction.

There were a few really subtle moments of romance, but it wasn't the main focus of the novel, which is something I appreciated a lot. Too often in these dystopian fantasy novels, the girl needs a male romantic lead to make her feel whole and give her some amount of power. Not here!! Kate is already strong as hell!

It was cool to see them anchoring each other through talking. When either one of them was going to break, they told each other to tell them something, anything, and that was just one of those moments that were so emotional. They start repeating each other and caring for one another, something that I don't think either of them had really had before.

I loved all of August's quotes about humanity and what makes a person human. They were very well written!!

I can honestly keep going on the characters and do a character study on these two, but I am not going to do that. (At least not right now.)

I want Ilsa to be my best friend (even though she's kinda creepy at times) and Allegro to cuddle with. It was so freaking cute how the cat was brought in to further humanize August and Ilsa. It reminded me of my cat too.

The monsters were creepy as hell. It actually made me a little nervous in the dark for a bit while I was reading it. (To be honest, I don't get scared of the dark, so that just amps the creepy factor of this book.)

I loved all of the descriptions of sound, music and silence. Because they are all so important and ingrained into the story itself, it was cool whenever Victoria Schwab would bring attention to them in more artistic and melodic ways was just beautiful. I also loved all of the star imagery (but that's just because I am obsessed with the stars.)

I really want to explore the rest of the world and see what else is in store for these characters.

Overall, very well written novel. There were a few moments where it felt a little slow to me, but those were pretty few and far between.

Plot/joke spoilers in the rest of the review.

WTF happened in the freaking Elegy? Did a new Sunai/Malaki just emerge looking like Kate's mom?!?!?!? That is just bananas!!

Also, Leo, wtf dude? You're such a prick. Why would you do that?

Sunai's favorite food = SOUL FOOD (This line was freaking brilliant.)
Alee: an Every Girl novel
Alee: an Every Girl novel
Nicole Loufas | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love realistic fiction books that are a bit dark. When I first read the synopsis of Alee by Nicole Loufas, I was instantly hooked. I ended up devouring this novel in a short time!

The book starts out with Alee as a 17 year old high school senior. After sleeping with her boyfriend's best friend, she dumps her boyfriend for being too selfish. After being slut shamed at school, Alee finds comfort in her best friend Bryn. However, while at swim practice, Bryn is shot and killed. Around that time, Alee reconnects with her father that left her and her mother when she was 5, but even he isn't really there being as he's a homeless drug addict. With everything going wrong, Alee finds solace in Laine, her now ex-boyfriend's best friend - the one she slept with. The book talks briefly about Alee's life until the age of 21 where it really focuses on what is going on with Alee. When a major life even happens, Alee is thrown into a downward spiral that she may not ever escape.

I thought the plot for Alee was written beautifully. It's a story that most people can relate to in some way. I was sucked into the plot, and I felt like I was a ghost watching Alee's life unfold from the age of 17 to 21. There are a few minor plot twists which are interesting, but there are no cliff hangers. All of my questions were answered by the end of the book. The pacing for Alee is mostly perfect. There are a few, very rare, times where the pacing slows down, but it instantly picks right back up. I was never bored while reading Alee.

The characters in Alee felt very realistic and fleshed out. In fact, I felt like I knew all of these characters at one point in my life. Alee is such a strong character. She has had so much bad happen to her. It's as if she can't catch a break. It was interesting to follow Alee's thoughts on everything that would happen to her. She tried to stay positive even when her world was crashing down. I absolutely loved Alee, and I kept wanting something positive to happen to her. Laine seemed like such a great guy, and it was obvious how much Alee meant to him (and him to Alee). I loved reading about the love between Laine and Alee. I liked how Loufas made them feel like a real couple by giving them problems as well and not some Hollywood romance. I never really liked Benny. He was well written, but I always felt like I couldn't trust him. Throughout the book, I just kept wishing that he'd stay away from Alee!

Alee is a dark read, and it has quite a few strong triggers. These include gun violence, death, murder, suicide, rape, drug use, alcoholism, miscarriage, profanity, mentions of underage sex, and sexual situations (although not too graphic).

All in all, Alee was a very interesting and emotional read. If you are a fan of sunshine and rainbow books, Alee is not for you. However, if you're after a gritty, beautifully written realistic fiction novel that discuses tough issues, then Alee is the book you've been waiting for. I would definitely recommend Alee by Nicole Loufas to those aged 17+. Alee is one of those books that will keep you thinking about everything that happened in it long after you've finished reading it.