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A Baby For Jacob
A Baby For Jacob
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cute concept
This was a cute concept and has such potential to be a good story. I really do enjoy age play and the Daddy/little dynamic. What would have increased the rating for me, though, was if the book was expanded to add in more details and more of the Daddy/little interaction.

I would have also liked to see the interaction between the two littles of the story as well as more on how the lives of both Daddy and little progress. The other thing I would definitely suggest to the author is a good editor, or at least a decent beta reader and/or proofreader.

Merissa (11869 KP) created a post

Aug 12, 2022  
"Everyone is lovable no matter who or what they are."

Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1) by J.P. Sayle & Lisa Oliver - @Archaeolibrary, @Bethb19861, @JPSayle69, @wisecrone333, #MM, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Daddy, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Merissa (11869 KP) created a post

Aug 17, 2022  
"I loved that, once he gets Ash, Gabai lets Ash set the pace to bring his little out once more."

Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1) by J.P. Sayle & Lisa Oliver - @Archaeolibrary, @debbiereadsbook, @JPSayle69, @wisecrone333, #MM, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Daddy, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Pippa in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pippa Jones is 10 years old. She lives with her Mommy and Daddy. Everyone in the town of Pepper Rock talks about the Joneses, but Pippa doesn't care what the neighbors think. She loves her Daddy and thinks he is the best Daddy in the whole wide world. Her friends Vinny and Kenna don't think that he's that great, but they love hanging out with Pippa. There are terrible rumors about her Daddy that Pippa doesn't know about. As she gets older and things in her world begin to change, the one constant is Daddy and Pippa has decided she is never going to leave her Daddy no matter what anyone thinks.

Thank you to Malynda Schlegel for allowing me to read and review her book.

When I first heard about this book, I thought about Baby Teeth where the little girl is a little crazy when it comes to her Daddy as well. This book was quite different though. At first I wasn't sure which direction this book was going to go, but you have to read until the very end to find the twist.

Pippa only has two friends in town. She has a special relationship with them, that at first she is hesitant to establish because she doesn't want to upset her Daddy, but he seems fine with it. The relationship between Pippa and her parents is strange and that you can tell from the start, but you just don't know what direction it is going to. The ending isn't as dramatic as I would have expected, but the book as a whole was very hard to put down.
His Accidental Daddy
His Accidental Daddy
Luna David | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so very nearly 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Thornton runs into the side of Asher's car and neither man will ever be the same again. Thornton is a Daddy, and he wants Asher for his boy, but Asher doesn't have a clue about the lifestyle or what being a little means. Can Thornton make Asher see that he needs him, that they need each other?

I really REALLY enjoyed this book!

I've been struggling with a lot of reading at the moment, and to be honest, Daddy/littles haven't really been my thing but this one twanged something when I read the blurb, and I am so glad I gave it a go!

Poor Asher! He really is a wreck about most things, everyday things cause him into meltdowns and he is struggling just to function. Cue getting sideswiped in the rain, and Asher is losing it, big time. Then a voice cuts through the panic and Asher can just breathe (as much as fractured ribs will allow) and Asher falls hard and fast for Thornton.

Thornton, while feeling incredibly guilty for crashing his car into Asher's, feels a pull to Asher that he never felt before. Just seeing him in that wreck calls to his inner Daddy so far and so deeply, Thornton cannot resist. But Asher thinks he is damaged, and Thornton knows that isn't the case, he just needs to make Asher see.

I've tagged this BDSM but there is actually very little of the "usual" stuff, just some spanking, and talk about power exchange and a Dom/sub relationship that is in this book for Thornton's best friends.

It is HEAVY on the emotional side of things though, and I think that's what carried me through, watching Asher get out of his head, and into his little for his Daddy. Thornton's emotions are all over the place too, but I didn't feel them as deeply as I did Asher's.

It is also incredibly SWEET in places, hence the warm and fuzzies tag.

Both voices are clear and you really do get into Asher's head when he starts to meltdown. Very well written scenes when Asher loses it and Thornton brings him back.

I'm interested in reading about Damian and Syed (the D/s relationship here), Thornton's best friends, but MORE so about another pairing that blossomed towards the end of this book. Madi, who is Asher's best friend, and Trent, who is Thornton's younger brother. That pairing would be a Mummy/little relationship, and I'm really rather curious about that one!

Not quite hitting those 5 stars, but so very nearly!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsehwere**
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
C.S. Joyce | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Okay then!

Daddy kink has been very hit and miss for me, some okay, some good, but not ever so many being so bloody good, but this one??

So Bloody Good!!

Hunter is a Dom, through and through but is disillusioned with the scene and wants to step away. He wants to retire for the police force. He wants. . . . something else. Colsen is a train wreck waiting to happen, after the death of his mother, he is wracked with guilt for not answering the phone and now he has been suspended from work. The weekend in Vegas to celebrate his best friend's up-coming wedding is the last thing he needs but he won't let his friend down. Hunter and Colsen come together, and it's not a matter of if they will butt heads, it's purely a matter of when. Can what happens in Vegas really STAY in Vegas?

I think what makes this one work so well for ME was this was a Daddy/boy relationship, rather than a Daddy/little one. Yes, Hunter buys Lego kits for Colsen, but thats more to focus his mind on something else. And Hunter wasn't really a Daddy before Colsen, either. A Dom, yes, but not a Daddy. There is an age gap, yes, but Hunter is approaching 50 (much to his disgust!) and Colsen is in his 30's. They are both working their way through what they need from the other, even if they hate each other.

And they work through their way spectactularly! Heads butt, yes indeed, and fists almost, but what gets to Colsen the most? Words. Words Hunter says in a certain tone, that pushes all kinds of his buttons he didn't know needed pushing. I LOVED how much Colsen fought Hunter, I really did. It doesn't take much for Hunter to find out why Colson is drinking so much, and once he does, he changes tactics to get Colson. Because Hunter WANTS Colsen like he never wanted before, and Colsen will be his boy, even if only for the weekend in Vegas.

But they can't leave it in Vegas, and it is great reading when Colsen finds out what Hunter did, and when Hunter comes into Colsen's space for the first time, discovering he kept some things going.

I loved it, when they finally, FINALLY, admit those three little words to each other! Very in keeping with these guys, and I loved the little epilogue.

I was to go back and read Dan and Theo's story now, too. It's their wedding they are in Vegas to celebrate. I want to continue with this series too, some interesting characters!

It's been a while since I had a one sitting read, and this one just nailed it, for me.

5 sparkling Vegas stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Heather M (8 KP) rated Bear's Magic Moon in Books

Dec 31, 2018 (Updated Dec 31, 2018)  
Bear's Magic Moon
Bear's Magic Moon
Suzanne Pinner | 2012 | Children
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The message for children is very positive. (0 more)
A story about bravery.
Little Bear loves his life on the ice, and has great fun all day long. However, there is one thing that Little Bear doesn't love: the DARK. He is afraid of the dark. So afraid is he, in fact, that when Daddy invites him to the new moon celebration, he cannot go, even to hear Wise Old Bear tell stories of his adventures.

Little Bear huddles in his home until a scary, shadowy figure appears in the entrance. This turns out to be Wise Old Bear, bringing a kind lesson to help Little Bear.

I love this lesson, and it's one that I always try to tell myself, my sons and the children I teach. Bravery is being afraid but going ahead and doing the thing you're afraid of anyway. Bravery isn't not being afraid. I believe that myself and it's great to see this being taught in a lovely picture book.

The illustrations are lovely, with lots of colour and interest added to the snowy landscape and Arctic skies.

This is a story that you will love to read with your children and would work well in the classroom too.

I posted this review on my blog:
A Little Christmas! Matty's Secret
A Little Christmas! Matty's Secret
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved the way Wes fit Matty's foxes into his life.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book is part of the 2nd season of A Little Christmas. You don't need to read the others, they all stand alone within the series. I would recommend you read Hanging With Daddy, by JP Sayle though before this one. We first met Matty there, he is Gaines' best friend. And since Gaines and his Daddy Austin play a large part here, it might help to have their story first. Not necessary, just a personal point.

Matty keeps picking the bad ones, and now questions everything. Weston comes across the cute little Pumpkin in the park and is smitten. But can Matty let Weston in??

What this is, is a wonderfully written, delightfully told tale of letting someone into your heart, even though you know it might get broken.

It's sweet and smexy, cute and cuddly, and all sorts of things that might take too long to type!

I loved catching up with Gaines and Austin, but also with Terrence and Warner, for the first Little Christmas series. Austin, Warner and Weston turn out to be very close friends, and I loved how they all slot into each other's lives here.

There is very little drama between Wes and Matty. The drama is called by Matty's ex, Putrid Peter. Have to say, that did make me laugh, calling him that but it fits perfectly!

Loved the way Wes fitted Matty's foxes into his life. The plates were a particularly cute touch. But Weston wants Matty happy, and he will do what Matty needs him to.

I did like being made to wait for the main event though! While there are smexy, steamy times, they don't go all the way til very near the end of the book, and I loved that!

I loved it, exercises and all! (But I'm with Matty on that front, walking is enough :-) )

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
My Lovely Wife
My Lovely Wife
Samantha Downing | 2019 | Thriller
8.2 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Their family looks like any other family, mother, father, two children, but what their posh friends don’t know is that mommy and daddy like to kill people. This story is told from father’s perspective, and I have no idea what his name is. (If he mentioned it and I missed it, please let me know.) His wife Millicent, runs the family, she makes the rules, she cooks and cleans, she is the main earner in the family, and she likes to plot the murders. I really enjoyed reading this book from a males perspective, it was creepy, sometimes disgusting and unbelievable but interesting. I liked the way the author was unfolding the story, there were these little turns and twists throughout the book, that got me intrigued to find out what will happen next.

Sometimes it did feel that the narrative was quite stretched in places, and was just repeating itself, I would’ve liked a little more action.
Wildling (2018)
Wildling (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror
A child who has been protected from the Wildlings by her Daddy finds out that her life isn't what she thought it was.

Not quite as horror as I was expecting, the fantasy nature of this one made it much more enjoyable.

A good story with a nice progression to it. It was nice to see Liv Tyler in something after what seems like such a long time. I was also pleased to see Brad Dourif, he's the face you always see in things, and he's always just a little creepy.

The audio effects were good in this one, the extra little grumbles and noises as she's becoming less human, and the enhanced hearing. Each bit comes together to add something to the scenes. I didn't feel like the visual effects quite met up to their standards though.

Still though, this was an enjoyable watch, and although there were some predictable bits everything was genuinely entertaining.