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Merissa (11704 KP) created a post

Dec 4, 2020  
"If you never tried a Daddy/boy book before, this may very well be the one for you."

TOUR, REVIEW & #GIVEAWAY - First (99 Daddies #1) by Casey Cox - @Archaeolibrary, @_GayRomReviews, (FB - gayromancereviews), #Contemporary, #MM, #Romance, #Daddy_Boy, 4 out of 5 (very good)
A is for Aftercare (The Alphabet of Desire #1)
A is for Aftercare (The Alphabet of Desire #1)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
focuses more on the care a Daddy gives
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Archie gets a job as PA for his favourite author and finds himself wanting to do so much than manage his diary. Hamish is is a grumpy so and so, but the young Archie becomes his muse very quickly. When one of Archie's brothers gets an invite to an adult party, both Archie and Hamish see the other in a different way.

I really really enjoyed this! It focuses more on the CARE a Daddy gives, in all ways, rather than the sex part, and I loved that I found it equally warm and fuzzies/too stinking cute and smexy!

It's not especially taxing on the brain, no complicated plot line or too much trauma to either of them, and I appreciated that right about now.

I loved that Archie and Hamish get on well together, as boss/employee, as friends, and then as Daddy/boy. They really are perfect for each other, they fit so well together. I loved Hamish's friends, and seeing how they might fit into future books. I loved the ABC triplets and I really look forward to reading Blake and Corey's tales!

It says 230 odd pages, but I didn't think it was that long. I really got sucked in with these two and time flew.

4 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
C.S. Joyce | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Okay then!

Daddy kink has been very hit and miss for me, some okay, some good, but not ever so many being so bloody good, but this one??

So Bloody Good!!

Hunter is a Dom, through and through but is disillusioned with the scene and wants to step away. He wants to retire for the police force. He wants. . . . something else. Colsen is a train wreck waiting to happen, after the death of his mother, he is wracked with guilt for not answering the phone and now he has been suspended from work. The weekend in Vegas to celebrate his best friend's up-coming wedding is the last thing he needs but he won't let his friend down. Hunter and Colsen come together, and it's not a matter of if they will butt heads, it's purely a matter of when. Can what happens in Vegas really STAY in Vegas?

I think what makes this one work so well for ME was this was a Daddy/boy relationship, rather than a Daddy/little one. Yes, Hunter buys Lego kits for Colsen, but thats more to focus his mind on something else. And Hunter wasn't really a Daddy before Colsen, either. A Dom, yes, but not a Daddy. There is an age gap, yes, but Hunter is approaching 50 (much to his disgust!) and Colsen is in his 30's. They are both working their way through what they need from the other, even if they hate each other.

And they work through their way spectactularly! Heads butt, yes indeed, and fists almost, but what gets to Colsen the most? Words. Words Hunter says in a certain tone, that pushes all kinds of his buttons he didn't know needed pushing. I LOVED how much Colsen fought Hunter, I really did. It doesn't take much for Hunter to find out why Colson is drinking so much, and once he does, he changes tactics to get Colson. Because Hunter WANTS Colsen like he never wanted before, and Colsen will be his boy, even if only for the weekend in Vegas.

But they can't leave it in Vegas, and it is great reading when Colsen finds out what Hunter did, and when Hunter comes into Colsen's space for the first time, discovering he kept some things going.

I loved it, when they finally, FINALLY, admit those three little words to each other! Very in keeping with these guys, and I loved the little epilogue.

I was to go back and read Dan and Theo's story now, too. It's their wedding they are in Vegas to celebrate. I want to continue with this series too, some interesting characters!

It's been a while since I had a one sitting read, and this one just nailed it, for me.

5 sparkling Vegas stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
His Boy to Cherish (Naughty or Nice Season Two)
His Boy to Cherish (Naughty or Nice Season Two)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIS BOY TO CHERISH is part of the Naughty or Nice Season Two series, and I am over the moon to announce Jayden gets his HEA!!!!

Oh, man! I fell for Jayden in Greeking Out and my heart hurt for him because the Daddy he got was definitely NOT one on the caring scale. And it was obvious from the very beginning that THAT is what Jayden not only wants but needs.

Bless him, you find out about Jayden's life and he's had it rough but he keeps up appearances and leaves his mask firmly in place as no one wants a grumpy boy. It is up to Ben to prove to him that he wants him no matter what, through joy and sadness, through pain and sorrow, as well as good times. And boy, does Ben step up to the mark!

This has a light Christmas theme, as in they first meet on Boxing Day and their courtship takes place over the Christmas period. Ben and Jayden instantly click but both have questions -- which is completely understandable!

I loved how Troy and Apollo were here but didn't take over the story. I really want Jude to have his own too. Yes, I'm greedy!

A warm and fuzzy story that is absolutely recommended by me. It is heartwarming and sincere and left me with a huge smile on my face. Loved it!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 28, 2021
His Accidental Daddy
His Accidental Daddy
Luna David | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so very nearly 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Thornton runs into the side of Asher's car and neither man will ever be the same again. Thornton is a Daddy, and he wants Asher for his boy, but Asher doesn't have a clue about the lifestyle or what being a little means. Can Thornton make Asher see that he needs him, that they need each other?

I really REALLY enjoyed this book!

I've been struggling with a lot of reading at the moment, and to be honest, Daddy/littles haven't really been my thing but this one twanged something when I read the blurb, and I am so glad I gave it a go!

Poor Asher! He really is a wreck about most things, everyday things cause him into meltdowns and he is struggling just to function. Cue getting sideswiped in the rain, and Asher is losing it, big time. Then a voice cuts through the panic and Asher can just breathe (as much as fractured ribs will allow) and Asher falls hard and fast for Thornton.

Thornton, while feeling incredibly guilty for crashing his car into Asher's, feels a pull to Asher that he never felt before. Just seeing him in that wreck calls to his inner Daddy so far and so deeply, Thornton cannot resist. But Asher thinks he is damaged, and Thornton knows that isn't the case, he just needs to make Asher see.

I've tagged this BDSM but there is actually very little of the "usual" stuff, just some spanking, and talk about power exchange and a Dom/sub relationship that is in this book for Thornton's best friends.

It is HEAVY on the emotional side of things though, and I think that's what carried me through, watching Asher get out of his head, and into his little for his Daddy. Thornton's emotions are all over the place too, but I didn't feel them as deeply as I did Asher's.

It is also incredibly SWEET in places, hence the warm and fuzzies tag.

Both voices are clear and you really do get into Asher's head when he starts to meltdown. Very well written scenes when Asher loses it and Thornton brings him back.

I'm interested in reading about Damian and Syed (the D/s relationship here), Thornton's best friends, but MORE so about another pairing that blossomed towards the end of this book. Madi, who is Asher's best friend, and Trent, who is Thornton's younger brother. That pairing would be a Mummy/little relationship, and I'm really rather curious about that one!

Not quite hitting those 5 stars, but so very nearly!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsehwere**
Take It All
Take It All
Quin Perin | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
smut, in its most pure and beautiful form!
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the authors, that I write a review was not required.

Quin and Perin write. smut. Pure and simple, down and dirty SMUT. If you don't like smut, steer clear cos let me tell ya, this here is one excellent SMUT book!

Now, I've decided that daddy kink really doesn't do anything for me, not really, but I did read The One With Daddy, since it's the first one in this little smut-fest. It's well written, but from only Dave's point of view. It's sexy, it's hot, HAWT, but it's not really my thang.

The One With The Politician, however, was right up my street! Again, told only from The Politician's point of view, it's all about him getting his rocks off since his wife ain't giving him what he really needs. And boy does he get them off! Hot, HOT HOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!

The One With The Jock? I need more of these two! I feel there is a longer story that they need to tell, a story out there, somewhere, in the minds of Quin and Perin and I hope they write it! Please write it!

Then there is a bonus read, that I also feel needs a longer drawn out tale! Reece and Elijah clearly have chemistry, even if they have yet to touch!

These four stories are NOT romances: they are purely and simply sex. And I make NO apologies for loving books such as these! Sometimes, you just need to read about two guys who have explosive chemistry getting down and dirty with each other!

Keep em coming, please God, keep these sorts of books coming at me, cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED them in my life!

S0, only because they are so bloody short, and only because one character in each pairing has a say...

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
something missing but I don't know what!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is part of the Naughty or Nice season three series and can be read as a stand alone to all the other books.

I like my books heavier on the BDSM side, and I'm a fan of the Daddy/little dynamics. For the most part. But something about THIS book doesn't quite work for me, and I've no idea what! So, I'm just gonna leave it at that!

What I DID like, was that what Ziv does was never made fully clear! Oh the hints and clues are there, it says some legal and some not so, but never just WHAT, you know? I was expecting him to be some sort of super secret do-gooder! He's not, but he does throw his money about to get what he wants, and who he wants!

I love that we catch up with Patrick and Akker (Agrippa My Heart) and Jessie and Smithy( His Boy To Tease) The trio of friends are now happy with their Daddies, and all loved up, and I love that they are.

Steamy and smexy, but missing *something* but I don't know what!

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Immersion Play (Leather and Lattes #1)
Immersion Play (Leather and Lattes #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2024 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
IMMERSION PLAY is the first book in the Leather and Lattes series, a spin-off from Dungeons and Dating, but you don't need to have read those to enjoy this one.

Micah, vanilla as they come, broke off his so-called relationship and disappeared to San Francisco in the middle of the night. Parker is the Daddy Dom who is determined to never fall in love, due to the heartbreak that follows when one of them inevitably dies. The connection between these two is electric from the beginning, as Parker realises he may have found the boy perfect for him, and Micah realises he isn't as vanilla as he always thought.

Not only do you get a great story between Micah and Parker, but you also get a Found Family, with snippets of their backstories. It looks like this series is going to be another winner for this author, and I can't wait to read them!

Full of connections, love, s3x, and steam aplenty, this was a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed and definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 23, 2024
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1)
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1)
Luna David | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1) by Luna David
Let Me In is the first book in The Boys Club, and we meet Liam, who at only twenty is already dealing with a tough hand in life. He is working three jobs to try and put food on the table, as well as saving for his sister's education, AND to get them out of the town they currently live in. When an offer is made to him, it seems too good to be true, but eventually, he goes with his heart. Cash is sad to see his current boy, Tommy, leave, but he knows it's for the best. What he doesn't expect is for Tommy to find him a new boy!

Things start of badly with Cash being under pressure, and not knowing anything about what's going on. However, that didn't stop him from acting like a jerk after that, much to Liam's hurt. I loved how Liam proved himself to be stronger than he thought, as well as putting his self-care first. He found new friends, got himself out of the situation, and tried to move on. Of course, it's after it happens that Cash realises just what a golden nugget he had in Liam.

This book was very easy to read, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noted. It is a very sweet book, whilst also being steamy in scenes. It is actually Cash who has to do the most growing in this book, and it was great to see him finally let Liam in. Although this book is complete, in and of itself, I would love to continue with this series, and I also hope Carter has his book. I really want to know his story.

If you like Daddy kink, then I can definitely recommend this book!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Little Christmas: Terrence
A Little Christmas: Terrence
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: TERRENCE is part of the A Little Christmas series and this one is by J.P. Sayle - a firm favourite author of mine. It seems that no matter the genre or trope, she manages to bring a story to life, making the reader care or dislike the characters as per her wishes. Terrence is no different.

From the very beginning, I was hooked by this book. From the gift fairy bringing a squishy, to the trauma of being discovered. My nerves were on tenterhooks, heart pounding, for poor Terrence. Although I was sorry for what happened to the rest of the staff, the maid who found Terrence didn't get a second thought. That was private and shouldn't have been shared by her with anyone, let alone slimy Jerry.

Warner was everything I wanted him to be. More importantly, he was everything Terrence needed him to be! Caring and nurturing, he supported Terrence and guided him, although Warner himself sometimes needed some guidance from Austin.

This was a gorgeous read, set over Christmastime but that didn't overpower the story between them. I really hope Austin has his own story. This sad Daddy needs a boy of his own. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!