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A Little Christmas: Jacob
A Little Christmas: Jacob
TL Travis | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: JACOB tells the sad story of Jacob being passed from pillar to post from birth. Sent off to Boarding School at a young age, he never saw his father again. Things went as well as can be expected for him at school until his father got arrested. Then the Headmistress really comes into her own and Jacob ends up being kicked to the curb on Christmas Day when he turns eighteen. Luckily for him, after a rocky time, Richard finds him and saves his life. Under Richard's care and guidance, Jacob realises just who and what he is.

I did enjoy this story and found it to be a great addition to the Little Christmas series but it just didn't work as well for me as some of the others. Jacob was definitely broken and Richard was the one to mend him, with plenty of loving care. There was something about Jacob that didn't sit right with me whereas I found Richard to be a sweetie.

The pacing is smooth with some tender and hot scenes. I think this is the first book by this author I have read and I will definitely read some more. I don't know what it was about Jacob that didn't work, but it certainly hasn't put me off this author or Daddy/littles. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Little Christmas! Matty's Secret
A Little Christmas! Matty's Secret
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MATTY'S SECRET is part of the multi-author A Little Christmas: Season 2 series. We have met Matty before as he is Gaines' best friend. It's finally time for him to get his own Daddy. The romance between Matty and Weston was so smooth, it was divine. The pitfalls that happen aren't anything to do with them, but with Matty's ex, a thoroughly loathsome toad by the name of Putrid Peter. Trust me, it fits!

I absolutely adored how we got Matty and Weston's story, while also catching up with Warner and Terrance, and Austin and Gaines. There were other names I'm not familiar with, so I'll be on the lookout for those, but I'm REALLY hoping Arlo and Lewis are somewhere on JP Sayle's list of books to write. 😍

Another thing I loved was how Matty loves his foxes, and they were incorporated into everyday life for him by Weston. I loved Mr Tod and those plates were a magic touch.

I stopped reading for a minute in a couple of places, usually when the exercises were being described. This was nothing to do with the author and everything to do with me having aphantasia. I simply had no idea what they were doing! LOL It sounded good though.

A sweet, cheeky, sweaty, and heartstopping story full of goodness. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 7, 2023
His Boy to Cherish (Naughty or Nice Season Two)
His Boy to Cherish (Naughty or Nice Season Two)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIS BOY TO CHERISH is part of the Naughty or Nice Season Two series, and I am over the moon to announce Jayden gets his HEA!!!!

Oh, man! I fell for Jayden in Greeking Out and my heart hurt for him because the Daddy he got was definitely NOT one on the caring scale. And it was obvious from the very beginning that THAT is what Jayden not only wants but needs.

Bless him, you find out about Jayden's life and he's had it rough but he keeps up appearances and leaves his mask firmly in place as no one wants a grumpy boy. It is up to Ben to prove to him that he wants him no matter what, through joy and sadness, through pain and sorrow, as well as good times. And boy, does Ben step up to the mark!

This has a light Christmas theme, as in they first meet on Boxing Day and their courtship takes place over the Christmas period. Ben and Jayden instantly click but both have questions -- which is completely understandable!

I loved how Troy and Apollo were here but didn't take over the story. I really want Jude to have his own too. Yes, I'm greedy!

A warm and fuzzy story that is absolutely recommended by me. It is heartwarming and sincere and left me with a huge smile on my face. Loved it!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 28, 2021
Three on A Meathook (1972)
Three on A Meathook (1972)
1972 | Horror
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Porno 70's Soundtrack (1 more)
The Dad character
About a million gratuitous boob shots (1 more)
The plot is somewhat absent...ish
Huh.... Kinda cool...ish
Contains spoilers, click to show
When you review cheesy horror films for fun while your fiancee is alseep.... And you have to keep the volune down so you can barely hear the drivel that most scripted movies spew out... Captions are always an option.
When they work...
This movie is sorta bad to begin with. The camera work is sub par. Tue acting is all around shite. And lets be honest here.... The only good part about this film was the creativity of the kills for the time it was made.
The movie breaks down at the halfway point when it turns into Billy goes to tue city lookin for love and all he finds is a brunette skank who wants to come to his farm after knowing him for 15 seconds in a bar.... But its true love
Lobg story short... Billy's Daddy is a psychopath... Blood is spilt... Carnage insues... And boobs are flashed a plenty....
But not even glorious tan lined hooters can save this thing.... Only reason i rated it what i did... Is because i could see how modern day horror film writers and directors would use this as source material for writing their own slasher style scripts. Its groundbreaking... I admit that... It's just not... Well... It's not Black Christmas enough to be considered the first slasher style film of the 70's... Watch it if you want to.... I recommend it to those who want to go into horror directing or writing as both things to do and not to do.
On to the next....
Walters Rifle (Haunted Collection #2)
Walters Rifle (Haunted Collection #2)
Ron Ripley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
45 of 250
Walters Rifle ( Haunted Collection book 2)
By Ron Ripley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

The gleaming muzzle of a rifle burns with an insatiable desire, and its new owner is all too happy to comply....

Haunted items are traversing the country, and their ghosts are wreaking havoc on their new owners. At the center of the chaos is an old rifle possessed by a blood-thirsty specter, who dreams of massacres at every turn. Meanwhile, lurking in a nearby mailbox is an antique novel possessed by a monster who takes pleasure in agonizing, heart-stopping torture.

Stefan Korzh's plan is unraveling flawlessly, and he can't imagine a better way of seeking revenge on the world. But Victor Daniels and Jeremy Rhinehart won't let that happen. Recovering from their grisly encounters with the dead, they're more prepared than ever before. They work on finding the sources of bloodshed and imprisoning the crazed collectibles.

With murderous ghosts continuing to raise the death toll, Victor and Jeremy have their hands full. They race against time to stop the mayhem and save innocent bystanders. Fueled by their quest for revenge, each step brings them toward the culprit behind all the horror. But as they get closer to catching this madman, they discover how dangerous Stefan Korzh truly is....

So I’m such a drip and didn’t realise it was an ongoing series so that answers the end of my review of the first book! So more haunted objects are sold into the world with horrifying results. It’s getting a little more personal and now he has little Annie back. Also Stefan has seriously pissed off daddy! I still think it was very rushed like the first book. Walters rifle could have featured a little more. Still a decent horror read.
Queenie Malone's Paradise Hotel
Queenie Malone's Paradise Hotel
Ruth Hogan | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Queenie Malone’s Paradise Hotel is only the second book by Ruth Hogan that I’ve read (The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes was the first), and I had only read the first 20% of this book when I pre-ordered her latest book Madame Burova. That’s how much I loved this book.

This story is told from two points of view: 6 year old Tilly and 46 year old Tilda. We see Tilly in flashbacks as Tilda goes to her late mothers seaside home to clear out her belongings.

Tilly had been an outgoing, happy child, who adored her Daddy. But one day he leaves the house and doesn’t return. Her Mummy tells her that he’s dead. Tilly doesn’t really seem to understand the concept of ‘dead’. Indeed, Tilly doesn’t seem to understand that there are people she sees that others don’t seem to notice - dead people (this isn’t a huge theme in this book , so if you don’t like reading about the supernatural, it doesn’t dominate. But I like the supernatural, so 🤷🏼‍♀️). This is such a lovely story filled with very likeable people, such as the flamboyant Queenie Malone and her mother, who has a different Hollywood starlet name according to the day of the week.

In the present day, Tilda starts to work through her feelings of resentment towards her mother: the way that she felt abandoned when went to boarding school, in particular.

Tilda is a very solitary figure - a polar opposite to her childhood self, in fact. When she finds her mothers diaries and starts to read them, there are many revelations that explain her mothers motivations - some of them very sad.

This is another wonderful book from Ruth Hogan, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it (I bought a copy for my mum as soon as I finished it, in fact!).
Q: The Novel
Q: The Novel
Christina Dalcher | 2020 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Elena, and the book is told from her perspective. Elena is a teacher at a high-level school, she is married to a man, who holds a very high position when it comes to education. She has two daughters, eldest is a little miss perfect, she is smart and her daddy loves her, the younger one was struggling all her life. Elena hates her husband, and she is ready to do anything when her little girl is sent away to the lowest grade school. I really liked all the characters chosen for this book, they all are intriguing, different and they have unique stories to tell. I really loved to see different generations displayed in this book, their stories entwined beautifully.

I loved the narrative of this book. The whole concept of this novel intrigued me. I liked the topics discussed in this novel, such as partner and family relationship issues, WWII, perfectionism, political propaganda and brainwashing, children abuse, people segregation and many more. I really enjoyed the research done for this novel, I like history, and I loved real historical stories incorporated in this novel. I think this novel is quite fast-paced, and the pages just flew by for me, I was really engrossed in this story.

I really enjoy C. Dalcher’s writing style, she creatively uses political situations, to create these amazing dystopian countries and rules, that leaves me gobsmacked every time. The chapters are really short, and it is an absolute pleasure to read this novel. The ending of this book left me a little confused, I liked the way the author decided to conclude this novel, but it didn’t leave me fully satisfied with the outcome.
The Little Mermaid (1989)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
1989 | Animation
There are just some things that probably shouldn't be seen again, and for me the Little Mermaid is one of them. Any Disney movie with singable song in is a win for me, and of course, throw in a singalong version and it's even better. It doesn't really change the fact that... perhaps... *hushed tones* this one isn't a particularly good film. I know. I'm sorry. But apart from the bits with the big three songs in, nothing overly exciting happens. And poor old Ursula's song really isn't that good either, and I love a good villain song.

By far the best bit about this whole event was the audience. There were 17 of us watching, including the Ariel from the lobby, three children, 1 father, with the rest exclusively women over the age of 25. But out of those it was the family of four in front of me that won the evening.

They were wonderful. Mum, dad, daughter of about three and baby. Never judge a book by it's cover, I honestly thought dad was there under duress... but no I'll get to that in a bit. Cue the trailers, and The Incredibles 2. Frozone comes on the screen and daughter goes "daddy he looks like you!" And yes, the similarity was uncanny. Daughter is laughing, mum is laughing, I'm laughing. Dad turns to her completely deadpan and says "it's not funny, we don't laugh about it." But we all did. The movie starts and daughter is humming the Disney tune as the logo comes up. It was one of the cutest things I've witnessed, until the film itself starts up. Dad is singing along with he rest of us, he's even reciting the words of the script to his daughter... with voices. People... that's family goals right there.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Elektra in Books

Feb 20, 2023  
Jennifer Saint | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Greek mythology is my catnip, and Elektra was the only thing I wanted to listen to for the week it took me to finish it (work and families can be really inconvenient sometimes!).

Elektra by Jennifer Saint is told from three female perspectives: Clytemnestra, the sister of Helen, the wife of Agamemnon; Cassandra, a Princess of Troy; and Elektra, Clytemnestra and Agamemnon’s youngest daughter.

The things these women had to put up with! Clytemnestra’s husband Agamemnon, acts like a madman (but it’s ok, it’s all for the Gods!) and she’s supposed to accept it all. Except she doesn’t.

Cassandra is treated like a madwoman after she’s cursed by Apollo. She can tell the future, but no-one believes her. So they only have themselves to blame when Troy is destroyed.

And then there’s Elektra. She seems to have fully bought into the whole “men/ daddy knows best, and anyway, he’s a hero” story. She’s a young woman who adores her father and believes he can do no wrong. She can’t understand her mothers reaction to the sacrifice of her eldest daughter and Elektra’s sister. Can we blame Elektra though? Probably. She certainly knows how to play the long game.

The narrators were well chosen, and really helped to add life and vigour to the characters of the three women. Listening to these Greek myths haas added something extra special to the stories - after all, I’ve read these stories so many times over the years in different forms. And I still can’t see a time where they’ll get old. In every retelling there’s a different angle, and I don’t think I can express enough how much I enjoy the story told from the women’s points of view.

Elektra is just fabulous - a timeless story about strong women.
The Last Place You Look
The Last Place You Look
Kristen Lepionka | 2017 | Crime
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
funny (2 more)
Roxane Weary is good at finding things. She always has been. So when she's hired by Brad Stockton's sister, Danielle, to find Brad's teenage girlfriend, Sarah, she doesn't think it will be a difficult case. Danielle is convinced she spotted Sarah at a gas station--despite the fact she disappeared fifteen years ago. Meanwhile, Brad is in jail--set to soon be executed--for the brutal murder of Sarah's parents the night Sarah disappeared; the prosecution also alleged that Brad killed Sarah as well. Brad did not put up much of a fight in his defense, but Danielle refuses to give up. Roxane quickly becomes caught up in Sarah's story and finds ties between her disappearance and other girls in the seemingly idyllic town of Belmont-- as well as connections to cases worked by her father, a police officer.

This is just a great book. It's easy to read and funny, albeit dark and sad at times. Roxane's dark, sarcastic humor is perfect. She gives off a Kinsey Millhone type vibe, if Kinsey was a functioning alcoholic with major Daddy issues. She's a complicated character (a complicated, real, female character - so refreshing!). She's bisexual (so wonderful to see reflected realistically in a novel). The other characters are well-formed and range from awful to sweet, but they support Roxane and the story perfectly.

As for the plot, it draws you immediately and keeps you constantly guessing, wondering what people know, who is telling the truth, and what's the actual story. I actually didn't figure this one out, so kudos to Lepionka. There are a few amazing "aha" moments that basically made me gasp. The town of Belmont is creepy and dark, and you'll find yourself completely wrapped up in its twisted, sad characters.

It looks like this is the first in a series, and I couldn't be happier; I can't wait to see where Roxane is headed next. Definitely recommend this one to mystery and thriller fans alike.