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Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965)
Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965)
1965 | Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.2 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Peter cushing (2 more)
Roy castle
Watched today I've seen this movie several times over the years and still I love the movie based on the BBC TV show doctor who not many realise back in the 60s they made two movies with the doctor and the daleks in colour and it really is amazing the casting of Peter cushing as the doctor is the best choice in the role plays it so well and then there's Roy Castle who would go on later for a lot of children in the 70s and 80s to make a tv show called record breakers plays the comedy side rather. And then there's the daleks looking glorious in colour for the first time. Recenlty the film had been restored in glorious HD looking better than ever which is the version I watched today. Overall good movie based on a tv but dalek invasion earth 2150 still my favourite of the two
Doctor Who: Revolution Of The Daleks
Doctor Who: Revolution Of The Daleks
2021 | Sci-Fi
5.4 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
This revolution should not have been televised.
I can’t be alone, surely, in wondering where the ‘Revolution’ was in “Revolution Of The Daleks”? In the end, there was very little about this perfunctory seasonal feature-length special that was revolutionary – or, indeed, special.

Doctor Who - Series 11 (New Season 11)
Doctor Who - Series 11 (New Season 11)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Jodie whittaker (3 more)
Rosa Parks
Bradley Walsh
Tim shaw
Some of the scripts (2 more)
No daleks
No new episoes 2020
Not a bad first season for a new doctor the first female doctor at first I wasn't sure it would work but jodie whittaker has made the role her own some of the scripts didn't help but the standout episode for me was the rosa parks one first class aciting from everybody including Bradley Walsh wasn't sure about him either but I like his character grahame alot as he has a lot to go through the ten episodes and no daleks either not till the new year episode shame we have to wait another year for new episodes
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks: 4th Doctor Novelisation
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks: 4th Doctor Novelisation
Terrance Dicks | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The doctor (2 more)
Remember watching as a child so when i came to reading the novelisation it took me right back to my childhood an excellent novel start to finish terrance dicks as managed to flesh out the doctor and his companions and davros comes out the same. the perfect dalek novel
Doctor Who: Engines of War
Doctor Who: Engines of War
George Mann | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The War Doctor.

A previously unknown incarnation of the Time Lord known only as The Doctor, as portrayed by John Hurt in the Dr Who 50th anniversary special 'the Day of the Doctor' in 2013 during Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor (and with David Tennant also reprising his role as the same character).

The War Doctor refers to the fact that *this* incarnation participated in the Time War, a fundamental part of the backstory of Nu-Who, between the Daleks and the Time Lords.

Its also open to interpretation whether the Engines of War of the title here are those Daleks, or the various TARDIS's used by the Time Lords during this story, which itself is largely split into 3 segments: part 1 on the planet Moldox (which the Daleks have conquered, and where the Doctor meets his new companion for this story), part 2 on Gallifrey (the home of the Time Lords), and part 3 in the space above Moldox, in the Tantalus Eye.

The result is something that is generally light-weight enough: solid if not spectacular. But, then again, that could probably apply to just about every extended universe tie in there is!
Colin baker (2 more)
Bonnie langford
Terry malloy
One of those doctors whos audios i love to listern brillant expoles the origns of the mechanoids who appered once on the tv by saying davros created them and u know the daleks are not far behind bonnie langford gets to do more to do than just scream alot on tv as mel bush both colin baker and terry malloy are both good as the doctor and davros thumbs up from me
1972 | Family
7.7 (13 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Zippy (4 more)
Rod Jane and freddy
Takes me. Back to my childhood happy memories I shouldn't admit to liking rainbow but it was part of your childhood thru the 70s and 80s and you're favourite character on the show was zippy still don't what he was meant to be actually. years later I found out the voice of zippy and George the pink hippo also voiced the daleks in doctor who. anyway good for nostalgia
Ambitious, but over reaching. The story can't really make up it's mind tonally what it's going for. One minute there are cute wind up Daleks over running the console room (which felt like it would have been great comedy) the next are horrible implications of preventing the Dalek invasion of Earth from happening (which aren't as serious as the story makes out). The result is a bit of a muddled mess. Enjoyable, but swinging the pendulum either way toward spoof or full blown Dalek mayhem would have helped immensely.

John Lydon recommended Doctor Who in TV (curated)

Doctor Who
Doctor Who
1963 | Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi

"when I was young, Doctor Who was wonderful. The Daleks were the thing. They were so evil, cold, dead, and emotionally devoid that it was a fairly good representation, really, of institutions. The cruelty of them. As a kid you're always just dismissed, viewed negatively, and given no hope or place in their scheme of things. It's still true today. Moreso than ever! And I used to love something the BBC used to do. They'd show Harold Pinter plays. Things that would take you outside of yourself and open yourself to different possibilities."

Doctor who dalek invasion of earth
Doctor who dalek invasion of earth
1964 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
William hartnell (0 more)
Watching as part of the 60th anniversary of doctor who rewatch anyway the show if anyone were to watch this who they think hang on this seems familiar it is it was remade as dalek invasion 2150 with Peter cushing as the doctor the plot is the same except for one thing the movie doesn't do this is the doctors granddaughter Susan's last appearance for 20 years. One of the best parts of the story is seeing daleks moving around London landmarks like Westminster Bridge. Overall good story