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Andy K (10823 KP) created a video about Black Swan (2010) in Movies

Nov 15, 2017 (Updated Nov 15, 2017)  

Dance of the White Swan

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
1976 | Action, Drama, Western

"Clint Eastwood’s The Outlaw Josey Wales — one of my favorite, favorite films. I don’t know what it is about The Outlaw Josey Wales that sticks… Oh, I do know what it is: it’s the relationship with Chief Dan George. The narration, as it were, of Chief Dan George in that movie, you know. He’s so dry, and it’s humorous, but true. [As Josey Wales/Lone Watie] “You’re not supposed to be able to sneak up on an Indian… But white men have been sneaking up on us for years now.” [laughs] He’s just great."


Shonda Rhimes recommended The Kid in Books (curated)

The Kid
The Kid
Dan Savage | 2000 | Biography, LGBTQ+
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The Kid saved my sanity while I waited for my kid. I’m 32, I’ve had a home visit, I’ve filled out the paperwork, and now I’m waiting and waiting to be picked by a birth mother to adopt her baby. Through it all, I keep on my person a tattered copy of this Dan Savage book. How the story of a white gay couple adopting a baby boy feels like exactly the same journey as a single black woman adopting a baby girl is its magic."


Will Young recommended Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini in Music (curated)

Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini
Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini
2008 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's a record she did with Dan Carey. I love this record because I first heard Emilíana when she did 'Easy' and it's a record [Love In The Time Of Science] she did with Eg White, and I adored it. And years later I worked with Eg, and he did a song for me called 'Leave Right Now'. I've always loved her music, and then I worked with Dan Carey. They had worked together before Me And Armini, but he produced the whole thing. I went on X Factor and gave albums to people who I was mentoring. Then I went to Iceland to shoot a video and about five people came up to me and were so sweet and saying thank you so much for mentioning her. I think it's her best record, because it's so punchy in its production, and it's no surprise it's been her most far-reaching record."

The Tomorrow War (2021)
The Tomorrow War (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.3 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amazon Prime’s purchase of The Tomorrow War from Paramount was a bold move as the FX-laden film starring Chris Pratt reportedly cost around $200 million to purchase and follows prior purchases of Paramount films by the streamer.

Pratt stars as an ex-soldier named Dan Forester who has just been turned down for a research job he has been seeking and must remain teaching science to less than enthusiastic students.

While watching a Soccer match with his wife, daughter, and friends, the world is stunned when a group of armed individuals appear in a flash of light and tell the televised audience that they have come from thirty years in the future and are seeking help to save humanity.

It is soon learned that an Alien threat they call the White Spikes suddenly appeared and has humanity on the verge of extinction. The nations of the world send forces into the future to help fight the war but with a very high casualty rate; a worldwide draft is soon instituted to replenish the numbers.

Dan is eventually drafted and told he has 24 hours to get things in order before he is deployed for seven days at which time he will be returned. Dan contemplates running and seeks out his estranged father (J.K. Simmons); who has a deep disdain for governments and conducts himself in a shady fashion to the point where Dan will not let him anywhere near his daughter.

Dan eventually deploys and finds a nightmare version of the future where cities are in ruin and the deadly and very tough enemy is everywhere.

As the tension mounts; Dan must team up with the leader of the resistance to develop a way to fight the aliens and save humanity before it is too late.

The film features some good FX and action and while there were many times I questioned why a different course of action was not attempted; the film eventually attempts to address many questions later in the film.

While the final act may seem overblown and too convenient; the film works as an enjoyable and action-filled escape as long as you are willing to just go along with the ride and not ask too many questions along the way.

While there are elements of prior Science Fiction and Horror films evident; the cast and premise work well and the movie is a step above most offerings that are sold to streaming services and is well worth a watch.
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
C.F. White | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2) by C.F. White
Hard Time is the second book in the Responsible Adult set, and get ready for your socks to be knocked off! Now, you do need to have read book one as this one follows straight after. I said for book one that it is quite dark and gritty, well, that remains true for this one.

Micky has everything going on - a court appearance, his deadbeat dad back in town, still feeling unworthy of Dan, you name it, it's probably here. Dan is determined to stick around, no matter how Micky may push him away. And Flynn is still as adorable as ever.

This book is, quite simply, amazing. It doesn't shy away from the nastier side of life, nor indeed of how people can be drawn into it just through circumstances. Gwen did an amazing job in the circumstances for her boys, but she wasn't wonder woman. The rest of the journey is up to them, and Micky got lost for a while. Luckily for him, Dan is there to show him the right way to go. I said it last time, I'll say it again - these two are perfect for each other. Seeing Micky come out of his shell towards Dan? Perfect.

One thing I will say, is that the courtroom scene was brilliantly written. Part of me wanted to dislike Micky for being able to 'play' it the way he did, whilst the other part of me respected him like hell for knowing how it works, and doing the best he can for Flynn in those circumstances.

Reading this book, without any editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, was anything but a Hard Time. It finished off Micky and Dan's story perfectly, although I still want more! A fantastic story, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
Laugh out loud (4 more)
Gorilla based hijinx
The good Eddie Murphy
The classic bet goes wrong
Drunken, gun toting Santa
Xmas never looked so good
One of my favourite Xmas films and it goes beyond the season with some great performances from a on form Eddie Murphy and a wacky and deranged Dan Aykroyd. The interplay between them and there descent and rise through the class system allows them to show some different character traits that make this film interesting and thoughtful. The classic bet between 2 unscrupulous and Rick characters pits nature against nurture and is the key plot for the film. Murphy is a product of the mean streets and lives a fast changing life to hustle money and Dan Aykroyd is an elite and upper class snob with everything going right in his life. A complete reversal of their fortunes is arranged due to the bet and this is where the comedic journey really begins with drugs, hookers, thefts, dodgy deals and the scene stealing bi curious goriila who I believe is and unshaven James Belushi

In another world it would have been that duo of Wilder and Pryor who were considered to play the lead roles with the working title of Black and White. I think it may have had a different edge if that was the case.

There was a law made called the Eddie Murphy Rule in America that banned insider trading so this film had a lasting effect but I think there are more better uses of the term Eddie Murphy Rule for some of his shenanigans he has been involved in since this film.

Overall this film takes pride of place at Xmas time but I have often enjoyed it outside of this period, one of the 80s funniest and eccentric films and it just gets me on that basic level that makes me love it dearly like only a gorrila based love triangle can

David McK (3505 KP) rated The Tomorrow War (2021) in Movies

Aug 27, 2021 (Updated Nov 23, 2024)  
The Tomorrow War (2021)
The Tomorrow War (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.3 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I was unaware until a spot of research after I had watched this (via Amazon Prime) that this was actually one of those movies that was originally meant to be shown in the cinema.

And then the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Which - aside from the obvious! - is a pity where this was concerned: I do feel that it would have had more of an impact, more of a presence, on the big screen than on the small.

The plot is a take on the usual timey-wimey (to steal a phrase from the BBCs Doctor Who) type of stuff, where visitors from the future (IIRC, about 30 years or so) arrive in the present to recruit their ancestors to fight in an ongoing war against alien 'White Spikes' invaders: a war which humanity is currently losing.

The film then follows Chris Pratt's ex-military (natch) character Dan Forester, who ends up being one of those drafted to fight in the future: I say drafted, as the tour of duty is only meant to be about 7 days long, but most don't make it back or come back horribly (and psychologically) scarred, so - not surprising - most people try to avoid having to go!

Yes, if you think about it too much your head will probably hurt from all the paradoxes involved ...

Yes, it's enjoyable
Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1)
Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1)
C.F. White | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1) by C.F. White
Now, first thing I must say is that if you are looking for something light and fluffy, full of sparkles and rainbows, then you have definitely got the wrong book! Misdemeanor is a dark, gritty piece of work, telling how one man is trying to do the right thing after doing so many wrong things. How he doesn't think he deserves help, or anything good in his life, and the reasons why. You find out just how hard he is trying, and Micky will worm his way into your emotions without you even realising it. As for Flynn, well, I dare you to deny him entrance to your heart!

Dan and Micky appear to be complete opposites, but they are just what the other needs. With funny situations to lighten up the darkness at times, this is a hard-hitting book that will stay with you. Trust me, it's not all good. And at times characters act like first-class jerks, but that just gives it that slice of realism.

With two outstanding main characters, plus a host of brilliant supporting characters, this book is exceptionally written and with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. It does end on one helluva cliffhanger though, so fair warning! An excellent start to the series, and I can't wait to read more. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Nightmare Alley is a sometimes plodding and bloated piece that gets by thanks to a hugely pleasing aesthetic, and a great cast.

Firstly, there is no reason for NA to be 150 minutes long. One could argue that it gives us more time with the many characters introduced, but it feels gratuitous. The first hour and a half has its moments for sure, but it sometimes feels a little direction-less before the last hour hits, and things kick off a bit. It's an issue that certainly impacts proceedings, and I feel it could have lost 30 minutes and been a tighter final product.
Thankfully, the assembled cast is stacked with royalty. Willem Dafoe and Toni Collette are two of my favourite working actors, so having them both involved is a treat. Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, and Rooney Mara are great as the main leads, and the rest of the ensemble is rounded out by some fantastic character actors - Richard Jenkins, Ron Perlman, Mary Steenburgen, David Strathairn - good stuff all round.
The overall visual style is wonderfully Del Toro, from the gloomy and misty carnival sights pierced by neon lights, to the snowy city scape of Buffalo, New York. A lot of the cinematography is gorgeous as well, hats off to Dan Laustsen, and is truly bought to life by a beautifully haunting music score from Nathan Johnson.

All in all, Nightmare Alley ultimately suffers from its pacing, and feels like a slog here and there. However, there are enough positives to carry it over the finish line. I look forward to checking out the black and white version in the near future.