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David McK (3227 KP) rated The World Is Not Enough (1999) in Movies

Aug 21, 2022 (Updated Aug 19, 2023)  
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
1999 | Action, Mystery
Brosnan's best Bond movie?
For me, the Pierce Brosnan era was the last time we had a 'proper' Bond movie - the Daniel Craig movies, for my tastes, are just too dour (even if they are probably closer to Flemings original creation)

Of the four Bond movies that Brosnan starred in - Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day - this is, generally, my pick for the best (although I keep see-sawing between this one and Goldeneye).

I'll freely admit that the fact that we're supposed to believe Denise Richards is a nuclear physicist is ludicrous (to say the least), but Sophie Marceau's Elektra King more than makes up for it, as does the presence of Robert Carlyle, and even Judi Dench's 'M' who seems somewhat softer, more matriarchal - but still with a backbone of steel - than her later appearances in the Daniel Craig era.

This is the one that also sees Desmond Llewelyn's Q finally bow out of the picture, handing over to John Cleese's 'R' and - for my money - is also the last time Bond was allowed to be, well, fun!
James Bond, Vol. 1: VARGR
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Confession time... I've never read an Ian Fleming James Bond novel.

Don't hate me. They're on the list.

But I have seen all the films, so when Dynamite announced they were doing a Bond comic, I figured I'd give it a go. All in all, not to bad. An enjoyable, if pedestrian Bond plot, with all the trappings to make it Bond. Brutal deaths, sly jokes, cool weapons, sexual innuendo, and everything blows up at the end. What more could you want?

I liked the art work, although it was a bit graphic for a Bond film, this is obviously a "dark and gritty" reboot style telling. And that's fine, just expect that when you go in. Bond looks more like Sterling Archer than Daniel Craig, and that's also fine, since Craig isn't at the top of my Bond list anyway. In fact, none of the characters are drawn to represent anyone specific, so separate continuity and all that.

I hoped for more, but wasn't disappointed.

David McK (3227 KP) rated GoldenEye (1995) in Movies

Feb 22, 2021 (Updated Aug 5, 2023)  
GoldenEye (1995)
GoldenEye (1995)
1995 | Action, Mystery
The first of Pierce Brosnan's outing as 'secret' agent (not the air quotes) James Bond aka 007, and also - I believe - Judi Dench's first outing as his boss M.

Back when the Bond films were actually good.

I realise that might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually preferred Brosnan over Craig as Bind, and (much) preferred all the clichés of the genre - guns, gadgets, secret bases and all - over the overly dour and serious Daniel Craig outings.

Anyway, this is also the one with Famke Janssen and her, shall we say, unusual methods of dispatching her foes, and also with Sean Bean (bonus points straight away, there, in my book) as Bond's once friend Alec Trevelyan.

Maybe slightly dated now - look at all those 'top of the range' computers. Complete with CRT screens, modems and all... - but that was always going to be the case for a Bond film.