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Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) rated Machete (2010) in Movies

Jun 17, 2018 (Updated Jun 17, 2018)  
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Danny trejo (1 more)
Bit on the silly side (0 more)
This movie is serously badass danny trejo is suited for this role of machete with buckets of gore and plenty all star acting line up including steven seagal and linsey lohan if u like the sin city movies then u will love this
Machete Kills (2013)
Machete Kills (2013)
2013 | Action
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Danny trejo (0 more)
No sequel (0 more)
Just finished this movie is so crazy violent fun movie from start to finish I likeď the first one but I liked the second one even better shame they never made a third one In space .maybe one day who knows
From Dusk Till Dawn: Texas Blood Money (1999)
From Dusk Till Dawn: Texas Blood Money (1999)
1999 |
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A poor sequel in comparison to the cult success of the first film. Plenty of recognizable faces, like Robert Patrick, in this and a few I didn't realize were in this. The only connection really to the first is the Bar from the first and Danny Trejo, but he plays a different character anyway!?
Alone in the Dark II (2008)
2008 | Horror
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Even worse than the first
Oh dear terrible, people slated the first. That is way better than this! The camera work is dodgy, lighting poor, acting wooden and dialogue is awful. This is really low budget rubbish. Once again Lance Henriksen appears in a straight to DVD horror, with a short cameo from Danny Trejo and why on earth Rick Yune got talked into this I don't know. A shame for fans of the game!
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Dont try and piece together any semblance of a coherent storyline here, just sit back and let it happen is what I told myself whilst taking in this over the top Danny Trejo vehicle.
One thing going for it is that it never tries to be something it isn't and is of the pulp grindhouse nature that means thin plot and lots of blood and incoherent dialogue which you will absolutely love or loath, I was somewhere firmly in the middle.
Once upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Once upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Johnny Depp's CIA agent (0 more)
Willem Dafoe's Mexican accent (0 more)
The third instalment in the Mariachi trilogy (which I still don't quite agree with as El Mariachi and Desperado were basically the same film but with the title character being weak/strong) sees El happily together with Salma Hayek but on the run from banditos who finally tracked him down. Opening silly action sequence where they climb down a building while chained at the wrist and escape on top of a bus. Johnny Depp appears as a very naughty CIA agent, who is constantly building up empires/governments to watch them fall and profiting from the spoils. He becomes embroiled in Willem Defoe's coup of the Mexican Culiacan region, meanwhile tries to even out the balance in Mexico by killing all chefs whose Puerco Pibil is too good or not good enough.
Roles for Mickey Rourke as a fugitive, Enrique Eglesias as a down on his luck mariachi gigolo, Cheech Marin as ... Cheech Marin and Danny Trejo as ... Danny Trejo give this film a strong cast and a familiar Rodriguez film.
Further silly action scenes, exploding / remote controlled guitar cases and double/triple crossing complete an excellent fun ride of a film where belief has to be suspended.
Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo (2020)
Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo (2020)
2020 | Documentary
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I don't think there's anyone who would be able to say "Danny who?" unless they were living in a cave somewhere. Whether it's Machete, Navajas in Desperado or the voice of Jaguar in Rick and Morty, there's something for everyone to click with out there. (3-Headed Shark Attack for the classiest of you out there.)

There's always something amazing around Danny Trejo, I love seeing him pop up in films. It wasn't until watching this that I realised just how many roles he's done and has coming up, it's even gone up a significant amount since they put this together. It also made me realise that I have a lot of things I need to watch. I'm at a measly 5% watched according to Letterboxd.

With several documentaries I've watched recently there are fundamental pieces that they've tweaked to try and change things up, Inmate #1 has kept to quite a traditional setup and it works tremendously well. We have interviews, old video footage of locations and sets and photos from Danny's life, the archival footage gives you a very clear image of what is being narrated and it helps to take you through the timeline.

The only slight drawback to the interview portion is the sheer variety of people that they include. Trejo's children, friends and colleagues have recurring parts and a significant portion is them recounting stories. It's all interesting content, but it's not always personally relevant to them and that seemed a little odd. It was really only a small point on the whole thing but I wouldn't have said no to more Trejo moments.

Seeing Danny Trejo's personality come across is wonderful to behold, he has an addictive humour to him and seeing him laugh at memories will make you smile back. But you also get to see remorse and emotion in such an honest way. The Kermit story broke me.

Overall, the documentary handles change in tone and situations well. All the transitions you see are smooth and there was no jarring change at any point which meant I was engaged for the whole 1hr and 47 minutes. It's compiled wonderfully and the mix between old and new content is balanced, the fact that it brings you full circle and shows you how hard he works on his career and his community is a joy.

Originally posted on:
Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo (2020)
Inmate #1: The Rise of Danny Trejo (2020)
2020 | Documentary
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Danny Trejo is a man with the most terrifying voice I've ever heard, but after watching this, I just really really really want to be his friend.
I remember being completely drawn in by his silent character in Desperado, and then shortly after, recognising him in From Dusk Till Dawn. He's a guy who always manages to cut an intriguing and intimidating figure whatever movie he has been in.
His backstory has become just as famous, his incarceration at San Quentin in particular being pretty common knowledge.
This documentary really dives into his life story, starting with his childhood years, through his time in multie prisons, and then through his acting career and life as a changed man, and a genuinely good person. Watching Trejo speak about his life is just wonderful. The details he recalls are hugely interesting and the way he speaks about everyone he has come across through his life is respectful. He acknowledges that his life these days is a good one, and he can look back on his tougher years and find the humour in some of the shit that he endured.

All of the guests on this documentary, from fellow actors like Donal Logue and Michelle Rodriguez, to director Robert Rodriguez, to fellow inmates, to family members, all speak of him with a lot of warmth.
While Inmate #1 (a reference to some of his early acting credits) does indeed chronicle all of his misdemeanors, his difficult upbringing, his criminal life, it also shines a light on all of the good he has done since leaving prison in 1969. The amount of work he has done for his community is tremendous, and he still gives talks and lectures today, trying to help people who need it. It's an important balance in the way the narrative is told and reveals Trejo to be a pretty down to earth guy.

Its a super interesting story that's worth checking out. Long Live Dany Trejo.
Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Cheesy like a Quesadilla... And just as good.
When I first saw the trailer for Machete I was freaking pumped I adore Danny Trejo and when I found out the movie was going to be a B rated action movie with Hispanic my Latina heart almost bursted out of my damn chest!

And you know what I got everything I wanted from Machete it was cheesy and raunchy and oh so good! Plus Michelle Rodriguez with an eye patch killing people sign me the hell up!

The plot was fun and on the right side of ridiculous, the cast was great, and it had the right amount of action. Over all just a good time if you remember it's supposed to be over the too.
The Burning Dead (2015)
The Burning Dead (2015)
2015 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, If you’re on the east coast you’re no doubt experiencing the unusually harsh ‘arctic waves’. If you’re on the west coast you have to deal with the unseasonably warm weather.

Whether it’s trying to stay warm and keep the fires burning or finding the shade and a cool beverage, either you or someone you know is going to bring up the following idea ‘ … B-Movie Horror Marathon’.


Today we’ve got a prime candidate for just such a marathon. ‘The Burning Dead’ staring the legendary Danny Trejo! Now, When I describe a B-movie of the horror genre, I’m not talking about legendary franchises like ‘Friday The 13th’ or ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’. No no no no no. I’m talking about a movie worthy of getting critiqued by the original crew of ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’. Something like an episode of the ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ T.V. show minus the awesome cast, a smaller budget, questionable computer-generated special effects, and no Joss Whedon at the helm. This movie isn’t without merit though. I mean c’mon. It’s got Danny Trejo in it so it definitely deserves a shot right?!


‘The Burning Dead’ stars Danny Trejo, Thomas Downey, Adam Gregor, Nicole Cummins, Moniqua Plante, Julia Lehman, Robert F. Lyons, Kyle T. Heffner, Kevin Norman, and Jenny Lin.

Our story opens with the Native American warrior Night Wolf (Trejo) and several members

of his family gathered around the campfire as he begins to share the tale the infamous ‘Donner Party’ and the madness that engulfed the early settlers was caused by an evil spirit that resided in the nearby mountain after defeating a ‘good spirit’ many years early. Fast forward to present day, Sheriff Denton is supervising the evacuation of a town in the shadow of the mountain after it begins to show signs of an impending eruption. Little do he and the townspeople know that

there will not only be a volcanic eruption, but the evil spirit residing within will unleash a horde of flesh-eating zombies that spit hot lava and ravage everything in their path!


Yeah yeah. I little too dramatic I know. I gotta give it some credit though. The actors and actresses do give a great performance under the circumstances attempting to be as serious as possible and the ‘lava zombie’ effects are quite well done considering. When the zombies ‘go to work’ there’s a definite ick factor too. Certainly not ‘Walking Dead’ gross but they get the point across. The soundtrack is almost annoying though as its the same track or variations of on a loop over and over again. I think from time to time, the writers may have consulted the ‘scary movie’ handbook because at one point, they do throw in hot chic who randomly shows up at the mountain during the evacuation, sets up a camera in front of the volcano and proceeds to strip while the camera is photographing the mountain in auto. We all know what happens to the ‘hot chic’ in a scary flick that strips down to her underwear or more yes? Predictable but mildly entertaining.


Honestly, I was expecting and hoping to see Trejo show up a lot more in the movie and kick some bad guy ass or in this case, some zombie ass. I think how I described it earlier is the best way to sum it up, ‘ It’s like a really bad episode of ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer ‘ minus the cast and character line up and no Joss Whedon at the helm. I’m giving it 2 out of 5 stars. This one just barely scrapes by. Definitely NOT one for the kids. Don’t waste your money on seeing it in theaters. Take my advice, and add it to the lineup for a B-Movie Horror marathon at home.

Sorry Danny … You just barely saved this one.