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Hercules (1997)
Hercules (1997)
1997 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
8.2 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vibrant colours, character development, good story, fun musical numbers (0 more)
Plot was a little light (0 more)
Zero to Hero
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Disney's take on the Greek mythological Hero.
 Hercules (Tate Donovan), son of Zeus, was kidnapped as a baby by minions of Hades (James Woods) and is found and raised by mortals in a superman-esque kinda way.
Now a teenager, Hercules wants to know about his real parents. Along the way he needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus and dealing with his first true love With help from his plucky satyr sidekick, Philoctetes (Danny DeVito), who's along for the ride, Hercules must learn how to use his strength to become the hero he's needed to be.

This movie is very light hearted and has an array of characters you can appreciate, many vibrant colours manage to draw you in, great dialogue and banter between characters with a meaningful story.

My personal favourite Disney animation.
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Second rate sequel
I'm probably the only person who didn't really rate the first film in this reboot series. Yes it was better than I expected but not great, although having watched this sequel I can definitely now appreciate the first film.

This is by far a second rate sequel. The whole plot and game premise offered is just a little dull and predictable, and the bad guy is this is even less threatening in the first film (which is a shame seen as he's Rory McCann). They've tried to go even more extravagant with the set pieces and action scenes, but it doesn't quite hide the fact that the plot is fairly weak. Which is a shame as seeing the gang all back together again is actually quite fun. The way they've done the avatars this time round started off ridiculously funny, but there are a couple of characters who soon get very irritating very quickly. Thankfully we've got Jack Black who really shines in this no matter who he is, and he at least makes up for some of the more irritating characters. The inclusion of Danny DeVito and Danny Glover seemed entirely unnecessary.

Overall this was a vaguely enjoyable film but despite it's runtime being less than 2 hours, really seemed to drag. And I hate how they've set it up for yet another sequel.
Smallfoot (2018)
Smallfoot (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Surprisingly Awesome
A yeti freaks out his entire community when he sees a mythical “smallfoot” (human) for the first time. Since no one believes him, he decides to go on a journey to prove that they are real.

Acting: 10
Solid cast all around. Channing Tatum is the lead yeti Migo and his voice matches the over-the-top innocence of his character. His father Dorgle is voiced by Danny DeVito who I thought delivered the best performance. You can feel that he loves his son and wants to protect him because he wants the best for him. DeVito is heartfelt and feels like a true dad.

Beginning: 3
The beginning had me wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into. It starts off extremely slow and I can’t help but think there might have been a better way to introduce the yeti and their community. There is much to love once the film progresses, however.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 8

Genre: 7

Memorability: 10
Smallfoot is pretty hilarious at times. The visuals are strong (watch this baby in 4K), especially when you’re looking at the lighting inside the caves and the beautiful sunrises. Perhaps the most memorable aspect of this movie, though, is its strong message. It revolves around finding truth and seeking peace. I love it when animated films give you something to think about.

Pace: 5

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 8
1A great family film that does more than just entertain; it teaches us something. With beautiful visuals and a powerful message, Smallfoot was definitely a pleasant surprise in 2018.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
1975 | Comedy, Drama

"I’ll continue the Jack Nicholson theme and go to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Of its era, the great American novel. R.P. McMurphy is probably the defining Jack Nicholson character, if you had to pick one. It’s actually the first film I ever saw. I don’t remember it, but I was a little baby and my mom took me. It’s one of those movies I’ll watch whenever I’m feeling lost or alone in the universe. Something about McMurphy and the Chief throwing the sink through the window makes life worth living. [Director] Milos Forman was a really incredible storyteller. He knew how to tell a big story where the characters feel… Part of it has to do with the level of supporting acting. He creates a full world. Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito and Louise Fletcher and Brad Dourif — it’s just such an incredible cast. The world feels so real. That’s what so many epic movies get wrong. They feel important in the way that it’s in italics. They just feel like they’re about the director, and not about the characters."

Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
This remake of the spinoff of Jumanji is definitely worse than the spinoff of Jumanji.

Yet, the original Jumanji is better than the spinoff of Jumanji and the remake of the spinoff of Jumanji.

I honestly cant believe this film is real. Not an original or authentic bone in its body. The only thing I can give it is that it is shot better than its predecessor, but I cant even remotely see the hype behind this garbage can. The, hey we are other characters but in other bodies, bit can only go so far, and not even that far at that. This is about as shillesque that a blockbuster can possibly get. The high point was Dwayne Johnson as Danny Devito and even that got old halfway through.

I'd love some discourse in the comments. Let me know, if you even liked the film, why you liked it and what you found good about it. Unless I'm convinced otherwise, however, this is a flaming trash can that isn't even an entertaining flaming trash can.
Jingle All the Way (1997)
Jingle All the Way (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Family
Put The Cookie Down
Jingle All The Way- is a fantastic excellent christmas movie. So much comedy, so much action, so much Arnold. It is such a classic movie. Every time, i watch it, i love it more. Its so hilarious, it has such a great message within the movie.

The Plot: Workaholic Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wants to make things up to his son, Jamie (Jake Lloyd), and wife, Liz (Rita Wilson). He promises to get Jamie the hottest toy of the season, Turbo-Man -- even though it's Christmas Eve and the toy is practically sold out. As Langston hunts down the elusive gift, he runs into mailman Myron (Sinbad), another father on the same quest. With the clock winding down, Langston's moral code is tested as he starts to learn the real meaning of Christmas.

Yes thats right Jake Llyod is in this movie, this movie came out before episode 1 so thats good, i think. Sinbad is hilarious in this movie. Such a odd parring, with Arnold and Sinbad but it works. It was like when Arnold and Danny DeVito worked togther such a odd parring but it worked.

Jingle All The Way- is phenomenal, a classic, and overall a excellent christmas movie for the whole family to watch.
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
A "Game" Cast makes this fun film as good as the last one
Did you enjoy the previous JUMANJI film where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan were video game avatars of 4 teens sucked into a video game? It was alot of fun, an unexpected big hit and, inevitably, spun a sequel.

Well...if you liked the last one, then you'll like this one, for JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVEL pretty much delivers the same type of fun film, but avoids the cliches and lack of energy that a "quickie" sequel inevitably delivers.

Credit for this should go to returning Director Jake Kasdan and a "game" cast that are ALL back from the previous film. While the plot is fairly similar (4 teens are sucked into a real-life video game where they can be trapped forever if they cannot "win" the game), the twist of adding 2 old folks (played in the real world by Danny Glover and Danny DeVito) almost derails the fun, but this winning cast and passably exciting action sequences steers this film into an enjoyable entertainment activity.

I am a big Kevin Hart fan - and he does a great job of channeling Danny Glover in his character. He really brought the charm - and the funny - from the get go. He is ably assisted by Karen Gillan, who doesn't really have anything new to do, but brings the same "kick-butt action with a wink in the eye" characterization and energy as the first film. The surprise for me was Jack Black who I thought was very, very funny and energized. If anything, I thought his characterization was BETTER than the previous film. Only "The Rock" fails to equal his previous efforts - and he is just fine (he is "The Rock" after all). When you are talking about a team of actors playing against each other in an action/comedy and "The Rock" is the weak link, then you are in good shape.

A fine addition to the proceedings is the always watchable Awkwafina as another character in the game while Nick Jonas returns as the avatar Alex and Rory McCann (the Hound in GAME OF THRONES) is very fun as the "big bad" in this film.

The action scenes are fun, the characters are enjoyable to spend 2 hours with and the puzzle that they are trying to solve is clever (enough) that you will be able to pass a few enjoyable hours with your family this Holiday season.

Letter Grade: B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)