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Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy
I honestly can't think of a single thing I don't like about Pan's Labyrinth. From start to finish, it's arguably one of the most captivating pieces of cinema ever put to screen.

Guillermo del Toro once again proves his visionary status, with some superbly well realised creature designs. The dark fantasy element of Pan's Labyrinth is vividly otherworldly, and visually unique. Doug Jones portrays both Fauno and The Pale Man, two creatures that immediately earned a place in iconic movie monsters standing. The Pale Man in particular is utterly terrifying.
Ofelia is the young girl who embarks on this fantasy adventure, and actor Ivana Baquero is a delightful presence throughout the movie.

Of course, a bigger chunk of the runtime is taken up by what's happening in the real world. Set in Spain, in the early years of the Francoist period, it's a gritty narrative that touches upon war and dictatorship.
The dictator in this case is Captain Vidal, Ofelia's new stepfather and soon to be biological father of her unborn brother. His contempt towards Ofelia is unpleasant, and he has little regard for anyone's life but his own and his unborn son (nothing like a case of family lineage and mantle carrying to get the misogynistic juices flowing eh?).
He's played with despicabe glee by Sergi López, an actor who I believe was more known in Spain for his comedic work prior to this, so hats off to him. Vidal is one of the most easy-to-hate characters I've ever seen!
The collision of these two opposing world's and cinema styles is fantastic, and is paced perfectly, the fantasy sequences being a brilliant burst of magic, within a compelling and tense war story, all complimented by a beautiful music score.

Pan's Labyrinth is full of wonder and emotion, both fantastical and harrowing. It's a straight up masterpiece that easily makes my top 20 films of all time, maybe even top 10!
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review of The Hazel Wood
"Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice's life on the road, always a step ahead of the strange bad luck biting at their heels. But when Alice's grandmother, the reclusive author of a book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her estate - the Hazel Wood - Alice learns how bad her luck can really get. Her mother is stolen away - by a figure who claims to come from the cruel supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. Alice's only lead is the message her mother left behind: STAY AWAY FROM THE HAZEL WOOD.

To retrieve her mother, Alice must venture first to the Hazel Wood, then into the world where her grandmother's tales began . . ."

I'm not to sure how to start with this review. I found The Hazel Wood a real book of 2 halves, one half was very contemporary and not what I would have traditionally expected from a fantasy whereas the other was dark, twisted and incredibly chilling to read at times. I found that not only did I feel this way with the story but also with the characters too. I struggled immensely with the main protagonist Alice, I really couldn't warm to her at all and given her character arc perhaps there is good reason for her being written that way. Whilst she has clearly had to build up walls from the nomadic existence she has had with her mother, I just found her very frustrating in her manner. Juxtaposed with Ellery Finch, her partner in crime of sorts, it really brings out her brattish qualities. Ellery is fabulous though and despite his privilege and flaws I just really enjoyed his character. His fanboy status in relation to the book written by Alice's grandmother also gives us an insight into a few of the dark stories themselves, as he re-tells them to Alice in his own words.

For me the contemporary element was a bit too overwhelming, the breadcrumbs had to be laid and followed in true Hansel and Gretel style but I felt that it took a bit too long to get to where it needed to go. However, when it reached that point I really started to enjoy it more, the pace picked up and I got a sense of both excitement and dread as I was reading. The story telling becomes darker and you know you are very much in the Grimm fairy tale camp rather than Disney. Tricks and twists are plenty as Alice tries to fulfil an almost prophetic course to an ending which isn't quite what you may be expecting.

Whilst I enjoyed it immensely in places, at times I found it a bit of a slog - I need more fantasy in my fantasy. I think it would have been lovely as well to actually have more of the "Tales from the Hinterland" stories within the book as I feel that could have really added an extra dimension to the latter part of the story. From me, The Hazel Wood gets 3*
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (173 Ratings)
Book Rating
2015 has only just begun, and already we may have one of the year's best suspense novels on our hands. This book follows Rachel, an alcoholic who has developed a fantasy life in her head for an attractive couple she sees in their home from her commuter train every day. When the wife of said couple goes missing, she can't help but involve herself in the mystery, which rather unsurprisingly winds up further complicating her life. The story moves back and forth in time, and is told from the perspectives of Rachel, her ex-husband's new wife Anna, and the missing woman Megan (who Rachel initially refers to as Jess in her fantasy). No one in the story seems to be trustworthy, as they all hide information and/or outright lie to each other in order to achieve their goals, which makes getting to the bottom of things that much more challenging for everyone, including the reader. Despite all the characters being heavily flawed, most of them come across sympathetically, which helps one actually care about their fates. Rachel in particular is well fleshed out, and comes the closest to being outright likable, which is quite a feat considering how unbalanced she is. The plot moves along at a very brisk pace and builds up to such a suspenseful conclusion that it is a hard book to put down. It may be a little dark for some people's tastes, but I found it to be one of the most entertaining books I've read in a long time.
Excalibur (1981)
Excalibur (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lush, beautiful visuals (1 more)
Stellar performances from all involved
Long movie, but feels like it rushes from highlight to highlight without fleshing out the story. (1 more)
More mythic fantasy of "knights in shining armor" as my younger self would have conceived it than anything grounded in reality.
Long on visuals, short on narrative cohesion and characterization
Excalibur is a classic, and deservedly so. The visuals and performances from the entire cast are outstanding, and you get to see early appearances from the likes of a then-unknown Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson. The film is epic in scope, and that's part of the problem--in trying to tell the entire Arthurian legend, the film only has time (even at nearly two and a half hours) to hit the highlights without adding sufficient connective tissue to make sure that we care about the characters. Then there's the fact that the film caters to more of a child's fantasy version of knights in shining armor than anything else. I don't mind the anachronism of plate armor in the "dark ages," but characters living in their plate day on and day out, in peacetime, in the middle of their fortress? That crap is uncomfortable! Ten year old me would have bought that reality, but this film would have been (and in fact specifically WAS) denied to ten year old me based on the nudity and gore. I'm not asking for gritty realism, but I also wasn't expecting a return to the fantasties of my youth. Worth seeing, to be sure, but not timeless or without it's flaws.
Dark Matter
Dark Matter
Blake Crouch | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
Also read my review here:

<i><b>Are you happy with your life?</i></b>

This book has ripped me up inside. I’m not even that into sci-fi books, but this had me gripped and emotional from the very first page. If you’re looking to be whisked away to somewhere new, then pick up this. <i>Dark Matter</i> is an <i><b>experience.</i></b>

I actually don’t know what else I can say about this novel without spoiling the entire thing because I’m a mess of emotions right now and I know I’ll just spill everything out on the page that I shouldn’t. I don’t want to spoil this for anyone. This is the sort of book where you want to go in not knowing anything about it, because if you do, the fantasy and wonderment of this will be completely lost on you.

I guess this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but considering I don’t really like the sci-fi and romantic genres and I loved this, I would still recommend this to everyone! This is a thriller, sci-fi, romance novel all rolled up into one perfect package. I’m also just going to put this out there and say that this is the greatest love story <i>ever,</i> at least for me. Who needs Romeo and Juliet or Elizabeth and Darcy? <i>Pfft.</i>

Thanks to Netgalley and Crown Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Aspiring novelist Lena London has been given the change of a lifetime, helping her idol, best-selling author Camilla Graham, polish up her newest novel. But Lena has hardly arrived in town when she finds the dead body of a young man near Camilla’s house. What is going on?

There is a strong element of wish fulfillment in this novel, and I must admit I enjoyed that real life fantasy. Camilla writes gothic novels, and there are elements of those here as an homage to the genre. Even though I’m not familiar with that genre, I still spotted a few; I probably missed others, but it wasn’t that big a deal to me. The characters are fun and the plot was strong. I did have some issues with the pacing at the end, but overall, I enjoyed this. It certainly left me anxious for the next one.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in hopes I would review it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Light a Candle for the Beast
Echo Shea | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a short re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. It is only 24 pages long so doesn't take long to read at all. However, during those 24 pages you will be immersed in the story and given a depth of detail usually only found in longer books. This is the story as told by 'Belle's' sister - not someone heard of much at all in the Disney version. In the original version, she did have two older sisters so this is more true to that than the other.

Fairytales used to be dark, usually with at least one warning of what could happen if you weren't careful. Light a Candle for the Beast shows just what can happen if one of your family is mistreated by someone who doesn't care.

Very well written, clear and concise with characters that are detailed even within a short space of time. Definitely recommended for fans of darker fairytales and fantasy.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Feb 19, 2024  
Slippers and Songs (Brodyr Alarch #1)

“Don’t worry, they can’t see us. Who are you? And why are you wearing my friend’s blanket like a cloak? The old man had silver-grey hair swept back off his face, his moustache and beard matching. His robes were of dark blue, brown, and gold, showing off the golden tones of his skin that looked youthful, belying the colour of his hair, with startling blue eyes that shone with intelligence as he watched Brenin carefully.

“Me? Friend?” Brenin gulped as he tried to still his racing heart and make sense of what was happening.

The old man chuckled softly. “Ah, I forget what it’s like to speak to us, especially when you’re not expecting it, eh? Let me introduce myself. I am Taliesin, also called Taliesin Ben Beirdd, known as a god of inspiration, magical transformation, poetic wisdom, and dancing.” He gestured with his arm to the Great Hall, where everyone had moved onto the next dance.

Art from
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
In “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil”; Angelina Jolie returns as the title character to the smash Live-Action film based on the classic Fairy Tale and Animated film.
In the years since the last film ended; Aurora (Elle Fanning) has relished in her role as Princess over the Moors and all of the enchanted creatures that live within it. When she accepts a proposal from Prince Phillip (Harris Dickinson), this sets off a chain of celebratory events as they all prepare for the big day which will unite the two lands.

Phillip’s parents King John (Robert Lindsay) and Queen Ingrith (Michelle Pfeiffer) are eager for the union while Maleficent strongly opposes it and tells Aurora that there will be no wedding. When Aurora persists; Maleficent reluctantly accepts an invitation to dinner at the Castle where things soon go horribly wrong and Maleficent is accused of putting a curse on the King.

Injured while fleeing, Maleficent is wounded and takin in by others of her kind who are preparing for war against the humans as a dark and dangerous plan is underway and the survival of the enchanted creatures is threatened.

The film then becomes a tense adventure with plenty of action, magic, and fantasy which is a nice framework for the great visual effects of the film.
I had been concerned that the film might be too dark for the usual audience for this type of film and there are moments where my concerns are validated. However there is much more charm, fantasy and wonder in the film and if anyone has ever read the original Grimm Fairy Tales; they will know that this is considerably toned down compared to what they offered.

The film has some great visuals to it but they never overshadow the characters in the film as Jolie seems to be taking gleeful delight in playing the title character but allows herself to have some fun with the character at times which helps her emerge as a well-rounded character versus being a staple Fairy Tale Villain.

The film may take a bit of time getting up to the main events but it does so to give more time for the characters to develop which helps them stand out from the usual good/bad monikers given to many fantasy characters.

The supporting cast is solid especially the performances by Pfeiffer and Chiwetel Ejiofor who add much to the complexity of the film and also invoke many themes of discussion that mirrors what is happening in much of society today.

In the end the film delivers a strong performance by Jolie and plenty of magic to make this a modern Fairy Tale Disney classic in the making.
3.5 stars out of 5.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Traitor God in Books

Jun 19, 2019  
The Traitor God
The Traitor God
Cameron Johnston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic gritty dark magical fantasy
The Traitor God is a book set in a world which has seen its fair share of turmoil. The once powerful Escharric empire crumbled centuries ago and their achievements and discoveries are still sought after. Magic plays a large part in this world, with some people born with a Gift (an affinity for a certain strain of magic), able to work their way up through the ranks (assuming they survive their tests) and hope for a place in leadership of Setharis, the most civilised of the remaining cities.
The magic used here feels similar to that in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, with some people able to increase their strength or size, manipulate fire, water or air, or in Edrin Walker's case - control people's minds.
Walker starts off the story in a far flung city on the run from magical bounty hunter beasts and savage invaders. There is a "bad thing" in his past that he has only a vague memory of (like anyone who has woken up fully clothed with a dreadful hangover), and though he knows he cannot return to Setharis, he finds himself compelled to.
The book follows Walker's investigation to identify his friend's killer, and he gradually reveals a plot to destroy the city. As his power would normally see him imprisoned as a tyrant, he has to keep his abilities under wraps as much as possible. I have seen a few fantasy tales recently try to have more of a mystery angle, almost being a crime novel in a fantasy setting. This is the first time I have seen it delivered so well that it manages to cover both genres without compromise.
The story and writing here are truly fantastic. It has been quite some time since I have been able to rattle through a book with an amazing narrative tone, excellent gritty dialogue and a thrilling story. You are never more than a few pages away from a major revelation or exciting conflict.
I have the follow-up book to read and will delve into that with relish very soon.