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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West
2010 | Rhythm And Blues
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love every album by Kanye, and I covered part of "Heartless" from the 808s & Heartbreak album [in]. But if I had to pick just one, I would pick My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. I remember listening to it for the first time, and it was like a proper, physical shock. It still feels really modern. It sums up everything I love about Kanye: excess, the production, memory, the future. It's comic, it's tragic, it's extravagant—and at the centre there's this one voice, and it's an angry man battling his demons. It's very much an album in format, as well—I wouldn't choose just one song. It's an experience. Sometimes I forget about this album, voluntarily, and I go back to it and discover something else. It's like a hydra, with a hundred heads."

Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Story: Thor: The Dark World starts as Thor (Hemsworth) must restore the power in Asgard after Loki’s (Hiddleston) actions, this has made him in the position he should be, waiting to take over his father Odin’s (Hopkins) role. Meanwhile on Earth Jane (Portman) is trying to move with her life, but in London she discovers an unusual series of events which ends up taking her to Elf world.

When Jane becomes cursed, Thor takes her to Asgard to find a cure, which gives Malekith (Eccleston) a chance to lead his army back into combat so he can return the universe back to darkness. Thor must turn to Loki t help him defeat Malekith and save the universe.


Thoughts on Thor: The Dark World


Characters – Thor is once again preparing to take his throne in Asgard, he has restored faith in the nine realms, but he still misses Jane. When she becomes cursed, he returns to Earth to save her, which only brings back an ancient enemy to the Asgardians in the Dark Elves, he must disobey his father once again to end the threat and save the woman he loves. Jane is trying to get on with her life now, her research has taken her to London where she is trying to get over Thor, her investigation sees her cursed and taken to Asgard to learn about Thor’s home world. Loki is locked up for his actions, after his mother is murdered, Thor turns to him for help to get vengeance. Malekith is the leader of the Dark Elves, he has waited for his chance to bring the universe into darkness once again, killing Frigga the mother of Thor.

Performances – Chris Hemsworth continues to make Thor one of the most entertaining character in the universe. Natalie Portman was known to not be interested in being in the film, it does show in her performance which does disappoint. Tom Hiddleston brings another dimension to his character here which is only going to make him a more loved character. Christopher Eccleston does give us a basic villain, one that is only after power and is mostly under make up, making his performance harder to judge.

Story – The story here follows Thor on his latest adventure, one where he must face an ancient enemy who wants to put the universe into darkness, while finally returning to Jane who has become cursed by the Dark Elves magic. This is another sequel that does address the previous films in the franchise by showing the hints the Thor and Loki could still rebuild their bond even after what Loki has done, we address forbidden relationships between Thor and Jane, have a villain that is obsessed with power, though isn’t the most three-dimensional and see Thor needing to learn more about his responsibilities as a potential king. This is everything you would expect a sequel to be in this universe.

Action/Fantasy – The action involved in this film is mostly big CGI chases sequences between spacecrafts, we do get Thor doing the hammer routine which works well enough for the film. the fantasy side of the film continues to build on the idea that the worlds above have been fighting longer than people could imagine with fresh enemies waiting in the shadows.

Settings – The film uses Asgard, the home world of the Dark Elves and London as the main settings, each has its own action sequences which also shows what Thor is fighting for.

Special Effects – The effects are not as strong as previous films, but we do get some very impressive scenes none the less, the certain moments of weakness do hold the marks up though,

Scene of the Movie – London battle.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The villain isn’t as interesting as previous ones.

Final Thoughts – This is still an entertaining sequel, it might not be as strong as some of the previous films, but it entertains throughout.


Overall: Fantasy Filled Sequel.
Perfect Creature (2006)
Perfect Creature (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Horror
3.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Silus is the vampire from the brotherhood, he has a connection with his brother Edgar and will not let him take over once he becomes the blood thirty infected version of himself. Lilly is the nonsense cop that has suffered her own share of heartache with the viruses in the world, she doesn’t take any shit from anyone she believes to be guilty. Edgar is the brother of Silus that has become infected while trying to find the next cure for the human and Brotherhood medical problems which makes him the first member of the brotherhood to kill a human.

Performance – Dougray Scott is fine without being that impactful in the leading role and the same could be said for Saffron Burrows, the highlight of the film would be Leo Gregory as the Edgar the bloody thirsty crazy vampire.

Story – The story does feel like it could be another chapter of the Underworld saga, it has the vampires of the world living in peace with the humans but when one goes rogue it becomes personal. This isn’t the most original and strays too far into the middle of the fantasy world we are trying so desperately to head towards. We don’t find enough time to create the fantasy world that could become a franchise let alone a new story because in the end this could have just been a crime thriller.

Action/Fantasy/Horror – The action is fine, it mostly contains fights that try to offer an extra punch where needed but isn’t the most original, while the fantasy world doesn’t click for the story we are experiencing, the horror is tame too with it only being a couple of vampire like moments.

Settings – We have murky settings which is designed to show us the different in class between the two races.

Special Effects – The effects are all fine and at least the film doesn’t turn into a bad CGI moment film.

Scene of the Movie – The special gun that instant sleeps and enemy.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It just doesn’t seem to feel fresh in any way.

Final Thoughts – Disappointing movie that doesn’t connect with the audience on the levels it could have because it wants to be a fantasy film but plays out only like a dark crime thriller.


Overall: Disappointing film.

David McK (3245 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in Video Games

Feb 13, 2020  
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
2019 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
Like, I'm sure, more than a few others, I've entertained fantasies of owning a lightsabre and mowing down a metric ton of Imperial Stormtroopers.

This is probably about as close to fulfilling that fantasy as I'm ever likely to come. Owing quite a bit to the Tomb Raider games - and, apparently, Metroidvania)(never even heard of that) - with a dollop of Dark Souls thrown in, this combines (re)exploration and combat in a story set roughly 5 years after Revenge of the Sith, with protagonist and former Padawan survivor Cal Kestis rediscovering his connection with the Force on a quest for a lost Holocron that identifies Force sensitives throughout the Galaxy. Its just a pity, I felt, that the map was hard to read and that there was no quick-travel option anywhere in the game...

Anders Holm recommended Graduation by Kanye West in Music (curated)

Graduation by Kanye West
Graduation by Kanye West
2007 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This album was like, ‘Yup, he knows exactly what he’s doing.’ Every album that he does is going to be dope. ‘Good Life’ is a classic to me forever. You put that CD on in any situation and things will start jumping. People will sweat that College Dropout, it was cool. I got a lot of songs on there that I like. Late Registration was real hot. He let people know how good he was with production on that album. He had songs that kind of trailed off and he could do his thing and there was no one rapping. On My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, to me, you can dial it back. People sweated him for doing his thing and sure, do your thing. But I don’t know, three of those songs I could of have gone with ending 60 seconds earlier."

A Blade So Black
A Blade So Black
L.L. McKinney | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've seen the point brought up that so many fantasy protagonists have really neglectful parents. Who lets their kid be gone for an unknown amount of time doing something "important" that their kid refuses to tell them about because it's a "secret"? This book makes a point of how NOT neglectful Alice's mother is. The blurb calls her overprotective, but really it's just normal protective. Alice's mom just wants to know her daughter hasn't been shot by the police when she's gone for 24 hours and not answering her phone, that seems normal to me! I actually enjoyed how that was different than a lot of fantasy YA, even if it's really a small sideplot.

In the main plot, Alice is a Dreamwalker, wielding Figment Blades and her own Muchness to kill the Nightmares that try to cross from Wonderland to our world. Her mentor is Addison Hatta, an exile from Wonderland who's been charged to guard his Gateway and train new Dreamwalkers. Along the way we meet two more Dreamwalkers, more exiled Wonderlanders, and learn a bit about the war in Wonderland and why they're exiled but still charged with such an important mission as guiding the Gateways between our world and theirs.

About the only thing I didn't like about this book was how it left so many questions unanswered at the end. We got a cliffhanger to lead us into the sequel, A Dream So Dark, but it isn't due out until September! I'm also wondering where the Cheshire Cat is - he's too instrumental a character to leave out, I would think - but I have a few possible ideas about where the author is going with that, so I'm anxious for the sequel, to see if I'm right.

A Blade So Black is a very unique take on Wonderland by a POC author, starring a POC heroine. There's also an adorable lesbian couple as side characters. With minority racial representation, a fairy tale base, and a splash of LGBT+ rep, this book checked a lot of the boxes I look for in my fantasy. It wasn't the best YA fantasy that I've read in the last year, but it was definitely fun!

You can read all my reviews at
Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power #1)
Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power #1)
J.J. Sherwood | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book contains the usual staple fantasy races: elves, humans, dwarves, centaurs. There are epic battles and bold heroes, princesses in peril and magic. There is even a map at the front.

But that is where any similarity between this book and most other epic fantasy novels ends. Sherwood tells the tale of an elven country that has become corrupt with a ruling council who make decisions for reasons of profit, driving the rightful kings away and installing a puppet regime. Meanwhile the country is facing a war led by a brilliant defector.

When his father, the king, dies young Prince Hairem is determined to stand up to the council and stop the rot. But the council has ruled for hundreds of years, how can he possibly change things? Meanwhile Jikun, the general of the army must obey the council's wishes, even if the orders will only lead to destruction.

Sherwood starts with a few scenes and set pieces and gradually introduces the key players; Jikun is bold and brilliant but has a lot of inner demons which threaten to destroy him. Hairem is idealistic but naive.

The machinations of the council are real House of Cards type stuff, every way that Hairem tries to exert his authority blunted and diverted by the wily council members, who simultaneously try to make out they are on his side. As a political thriller this works amazingly well despite being set in a fantasy world; the descriptions and characters are perfectly pitched. It seems that pretty much everybody has dark secrets which everybody else is either trying to discover or use to their advantage.

There are scenes of action too, with Jikun and the army and also Sellemar mounting a daring raid into enemy territory plus duels and assasination attempts. This book really does have everything packed into it and the ending is both shocking and perfectly balanced to allow for further books in the series while satisfyingly closing a number of plot threads.

I was expecting a fairly standard fantasy book when I started this; what I got was an absolute gem that just begged to be read. A total masterpiece.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
The witt.. the comedy... the violence the dark side of the marvel world with a twist of Attitude. (0 more)
Didnt really have anything bad to say on it to be totaly honest. (0 more)
Loved it
I loved the film and its good to see some1 picking up the marvel slack an goin totaly darkside with this character and just shoving it in the piblic eye for all to see how good an darkside it can go.

Good cast with all good parts. Absolutely funny as Fu*k in my eyes.

Without goin to much into the movie as im sure you know its hard to dodge movie trailers now days so im sure u knkw what the films based about so id def say if u aint seen this film yet an want nice easy to watch a comedy violence fantasy action movie then this is 1 for you.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
The second Thor movie is a visual representation of the word "meh". It has all the right ingredients, but somehow manages to fall flat.

The general plot is an issue. It's not a terrible narrative, but it's the kind of bloated fantasy stuff you would find in an early 2000s superhero movie, not a franchise that is eight films in and includes The Avengers.
The only purpose it serves in the grand scheme of things is the introduction of another Infinity Stone. Other than that it's just stuffed with exposition and kind of bland.
Another issue is, you guess it, the villain. Malekith isn't necessarily a bad choice for the movies antagonist, but his execution feels inconsequential and boring. Christopher Eccleston does the best with what he has but the stakes never feel high with this guy, although I do enjoy his comic- accurate appearance from the halfway mark.

Visually, The Dark World looks great. The CGI is pretty decent, the locations such as Asgard are just as well realised as the first film. Returning cast members include Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgård, Rene Russo, Kat Dennings, Idris Elba and Natalie Portman, as well as the always awesome Chris Hemsworth. Nothing wrong here, although I do feel that Lady Sif and The Warriors Three are wasted this time around.

The final set piece is pretty damn entertaining to be fair, and borders on suitable comic-book absurdity at points. The attack on Asgard by the Dark Elves is also pretty thrilling, but everything else is a little so so.

I still like Thor: The Dark World for what it's worth, it's just a little by the numbers and uninspired, and is probably my least favourite of the MCU movies to date.