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  • Kat Silver

    Kat Silver


    I’m a simple northern English lass with an addiction to writing, as well as all things romance....
  • Brynn Ford

    Brynn Ford


    Brynn Ford writes dark romance for daring readers. She is a lover of the dark, twisted, and playful,...
  • Leighann Hart

    Leighann Hart


    Leighann Hart has been an avid adorer of fiction since the age of 5, when her father started reading...
  • Jennifer deBie

    Jennifer deBie


    Jennifer deBie is a native Texan living in Ireland where she earned an MA in Creative Writing from...
  • Charlotte Mallory

    Charlotte Mallory


    Charlotte Mallory has joined Amazon and their Kindle programs to share her love for Dark Fantasy...
  • Coda Languez

    Coda Languez


    Coda Languez is a Software Engineer by day and an Artist/Author by night. She is lover of all things...
  • Tiffany Speelman

    Tiffany Speelman


    At a very young age, I discovered that I loved books and have read anything that I can get my hands...
  • Alex Grayson

    Alex Grayson


    Alex Grayson is a USA Today bestselling author of heart pounding, emotionally gripping contemporary...
  • Rowan Helaine

    Rowan Helaine


    Born and raised in New England, Rowan is currently leading a semi-nomadic existence in the company...