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Awix (3310 KP) rated Dark Star (1974) in Movies

May 31, 2018  
Dark Star (1974)
Dark Star (1974)
1974 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Massively influential spoof of overly-solemn and pretentious 60s sci-fi movies looks like what it is - a student movie blown up to feature proportions. John Carpenter was known to comment that the world's greatest student movie would still only be a pretty unimpressive 'real' film and there is an element of truth in this, for Dark Star is often slightly primitive, especially in its visual effects.

But never mind that, just enjoy the way it deconstructs the likes of 2001 and their philosophical concerns - 'never mind all that intelligent life crap, just give me something I can blow up,' snaps the commander early on. Classical music is eschewed for a jaunty country tune, and so on.

Most significant is way the pristine interiors of other films' spacecraft are replaced by the squalid, utilitarian quarters of the Dark Star's crew - this is space bereft of novelty and glamour, it's just a boring and dangerous place to work. You can see the 'used universe' aesthetic of the late 70s SF boom and beyond being invented here. Plus this is the movie that directly led to Alien. Not the biggest or best SF movie of the 70s, but still one of the most significant in the history of the genre.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 31, 2018

Love this film!

Dark Souls: The card game
Dark Souls: The card game
2018 | Card Game
Really captures the atmosphere of Dark Souls (3 more)
Forces players to work together if they want to survive
The deck building allows you to customise your play style
A fun and replayable solo mode
The rulebook is confusing to say the least (3 more)
The setup and take down of the game is time consuming
This is not a game for those with short attention spans
Boss fights feel anticlimactic
Great idea, bad execution
The Dark Souls card game is a deep card game that has good replay value and a customisable deck building system that really feels like it exists in the Souls universe. If you enjoy the video game series and deck building games, then you're going to love the Dark Souls board game.

If you are planning on playing it though, you're going to need a few hours free to clear a full game. Most of the games I've played have been 3 hours from setup to takedown, though I have had games as short as 2 hours and as long as 4, it really depends on the skill and experience of your play group. Fortunately, DS is a mostly skill based game with elements of luck that you'd expect from any card game. Build your deck right and play as a team and you shouldn't have too many problems though.

In short, this is a great way to spend an evening, but it's definitely not a game you'll want to play every week. Pick it up and bring it out when you fancy a challenge, you won't regret having it in your collection.
Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™
Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™
10.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Fantastic story (7 more)
Decent graphics for the time
Comfortable 60 hours worth of game play
A number of well know places from the Star Wars universe
The ability to choose the light or dark side
Intro to an entirely new Star Wars era
Decent supporting characters
Possibly the greatest Star Wars game ever made
Comfortably one of if not the best Star Wars games ever made.

The game has a rich and compelling storyline with interesting quests taking you to various locations recognisable from Star Wars lore. The supporting characters are decent and interesting in their own right and aid to progress the story of your own character whilst also developing themselves.

The combat mechanics works well and are challenging without being frustrating and the graphics, at the time, were great.

There is very little negative to say about this game as it's one of those that you start playing and don't want to put down. With the various progression options for your own character as you choose the light or dark side you are able to open other dialogue options and interact with others in different ways making the game worthy of at least another play through.

A game that stands the test of time and whilst looking a little dated graphically now it's still every bit as enjoyable to play especially if you've note had the pleasure to already!
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
2003 | Role-Playing
Fantastic story (7 more)
Decent graphics for the time
Comfortable 60 hours worth of game play
A number of well known places from the Star Wars universe
The ability to choose the light or dark side
Intro to an entirely new Star Wars era
Decent supporting characters
Possibly the greatest Star Wars game ever made
Comfortably one of if not the best Star Wars games ever made.

The game has a rich and compelling storyline with interesting quests taking you to various locations recognisable from Star Wars lore. The supporting characters are decent and interesting in their own right and aid to progress the story of your own character whilst also developing themselves.

The combat mechanics works well and are challenging without being frustrating and the graphics, at the time, were great.

There is very little negative to say about this game as it's one of those that you start playing and don't want to put down. With the various progression options for your own character as you choose the light or dark side you are able to open other dialogue options and interact with others in different ways making the game worthy of at least another play through.

A game that stands the test of time and whilst looking a little dated graphically now it's still every bit as enjoyable to play especially if you've note had the pleasure to already!

Dean (6921 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2019 (Updated Oct 10, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin Phoenix (2 more)
Great cinematography
A realistic origin story
Send in the Clowns
I've been looking forward to this since seeing the Trailers a while ago. Also the fact that it appears to be a dark, gritty more realistic origin story. Looking and feeling more like a film set in our society, rather than Gotham city. There are enough hints and elements to the film to give it the DC universe setting. It was nice to see these touches in the film.
This film won't be for everyone. It is a slow burner, character driven piece with little action to speak of. It does showcase Joaquin Phoenix talents though in a performance that must make him the favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. It's a dark film, showing his descent into madness, not coping with his mental illness with a bleak look at his past as well. Set against a backdrop of civil unrest in the city. There are obvious comparisons with @Taxi Driver (1976) which had similar themes. It's also quite violent in places but I think compared to many other films it's no worse than you would expect.
Overall I think this could be a modern classic and definitely deserves high praise for the cinematography, which is very artistically shot and the acting. It's Phoenix's portrayal of Joker that this film will be remembered for.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Strong female characters (3 more)
Love Interest without a "damsel in distress"
Not too dark, and not too happy either
The most cohesive DCEU film to date
Not the most fascinating story (0 more)
A Triumph for Women Everywhere (and the DCEU)
Gal Gadot is perfect. She kicks ass and looks great doing it, dominating every frame she inhabits. Thanks to Patty Jenkin's guiding hand, Gadot's iteration of Wonder Woman does so without becoming yet another one-dimensional sex symbol. The movie itself is the most cohesive and fun segment the DCEU has offered yet. Free of the glowering and overbearing lens Zack Snyder has placed over Superman and Batman, Wonder Woman touches on themes of hope and discovered humanity that were yet to be seen in DC's fledgling movie universe. Even if the story is a little basic, and a little reminiscent of Captain America: The First Avenger, it stands on its own two feet and puts up a good fight for two hours and twenty minutes.
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
A sound action adventure and not as bad as all that. (3 more)
Good intro
Action sequences and effects.
Egyptian Princess of Darkness babe.
Unoriginal (0 more)
Or.... Dark Universe the beginning.
It was on so I watched it, as you do. I remember being gripped and impressed by the first 20 mins, it's a good start and does its job well. The rest of the film is totally watchable. I've seen that it gets some stick but the story line is solid, it's funny in parts with a good amount of action. The cast is more that decent. I fancied the Princess Ahmanet but, that just a personal positive for me and to be fair she does a great job. Tom Cruise does his job well as does Annabelle Wallis. Of course there's a big set up for more of the same. Not too much to complain about other than I've seen similar before. Don't be put off by the overly negative and easily influenced.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Latest updating of the much-filmed Wells novel (though, to be honest, it bears almost no resemblance) has struggled from the wreckage of the Dark Universe project, but that doesn't mean it's any good. Young woman escapes from an abusive relationship with a brilliant optical scientist, but finds herself plagued by strange and disturbing events. Suspense builds - or it would, if the film wasn't actually called The Invisible Man.

Seriously, this is an issue: you're ahead of the main character from the word go, so the slow-burn build-up to her actually figuring out what you already know gets tedious quite quickly. There are some quite well-mounted sequences in the second half, and the recasting of the tale as a fable dealing with paranoia is reasonably done, but points knocked off for an irritatingly mishandled ending that only serves to make the film worse and longer. Disappointing in all sorts of ways.

David McK (3201 KP) rated Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4 in TV

Oct 8, 2023 (Updated Oct 8, 2023)  
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4
2022 |
Michael Burnham, saviour of the universe (again)
Season 4 of Star Trek: Discovery, now only available to watch internationally on Paramount+ after they pulled it at the last minute from Netflix.

As a result, it took me roughly 1.5 years after release before I even got a chance to watch it.

Not that, having now done so, I seemed to miss all that much: this time around, the key season-long threat is a mysterious DMA ("Dark Matter Anomoly") that has appeared in the galaxy, causing untold death and destruction, and which requires Burnham and co to travel beyond the confines of their galaxy to deal with (cue a lot of crying and emoting and speechifying and very little actually 'doing'),

I had though, by the last couple of episodes, it would turn into a modern-day Voyager, but nope.

Strange New Worlds is the better modern day Trek show.
No Less The Devil
No Less The Devil
Stuart MacBride | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read and enjoyed a few books by Mr MacBride but this one has me in a quandary as whilst it had me on the edge of my seat at times, there were also times when it didn't.

For the majority of the book it appears to be your 'usual' hunt for a killer story with excellent characters, intriguing plot and twists but then it develops into something else which, I can only say, had me reading with my mouth hanging open and wondering if I had stumbled into an alternative universe. I can't go into detail here as it will give the game away but what I will say is be prepared!!

This is a dark and gritty read that you definitely need to keep your wits about you and your mind open and I must thank Random House UK / Transworld Publishers via NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this in order to share my thoughts.