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The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (173 Ratings)
Book Rating
2015 has only just begun, and already we may have one of the year's best suspense novels on our hands. This book follows Rachel, an alcoholic who has developed a fantasy life in her head for an attractive couple she sees in their home from her commuter train every day. When the wife of said couple goes missing, she can't help but involve herself in the mystery, which rather unsurprisingly winds up further complicating her life. The story moves back and forth in time, and is told from the perspectives of Rachel, her ex-husband's new wife Anna, and the missing woman Megan (who Rachel initially refers to as Jess in her fantasy). No one in the story seems to be trustworthy, as they all hide information and/or outright lie to each other in order to achieve their goals, which makes getting to the bottom of things that much more challenging for everyone, including the reader. Despite all the characters being heavily flawed, most of them come across sympathetically, which helps one actually care about their fates. Rachel in particular is well fleshed out, and comes the closest to being outright likable, which is quite a feat considering how unbalanced she is. The plot moves along at a very brisk pace and builds up to such a suspenseful conclusion that it is a hard book to put down. It may be a little dark for some people's tastes, but I found it to be one of the most entertaining books I've read in a long time.
Excalibur (1981)
Excalibur (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lush, beautiful visuals (1 more)
Stellar performances from all involved
Long movie, but feels like it rushes from highlight to highlight without fleshing out the story. (1 more)
More mythic fantasy of "knights in shining armor" as my younger self would have conceived it than anything grounded in reality.
Long on visuals, short on narrative cohesion and characterization
Excalibur is a classic, and deservedly so. The visuals and performances from the entire cast are outstanding, and you get to see early appearances from the likes of a then-unknown Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson. The film is epic in scope, and that's part of the problem--in trying to tell the entire Arthurian legend, the film only has time (even at nearly two and a half hours) to hit the highlights without adding sufficient connective tissue to make sure that we care about the characters. Then there's the fact that the film caters to more of a child's fantasy version of knights in shining armor than anything else. I don't mind the anachronism of plate armor in the "dark ages," but characters living in their plate day on and day out, in peacetime, in the middle of their fortress? That crap is uncomfortable! Ten year old me would have bought that reality, but this film would have been (and in fact specifically WAS) denied to ten year old me based on the nudity and gore. I'm not asking for gritty realism, but I also wasn't expecting a return to the fantasties of my youth. Worth seeing, to be sure, but not timeless or without it's flaws.
    Rise of the Kings

    Rise of the Kings

    Games and Entertainment

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Dark Matter
Dark Matter
Blake Crouch | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
Also read my review here:

<i><b>Are you happy with your life?</i></b>

This book has ripped me up inside. I’m not even that into sci-fi books, but this had me gripped and emotional from the very first page. If you’re looking to be whisked away to somewhere new, then pick up this. <i>Dark Matter</i> is an <i><b>experience.</i></b>

I actually don’t know what else I can say about this novel without spoiling the entire thing because I’m a mess of emotions right now and I know I’ll just spill everything out on the page that I shouldn’t. I don’t want to spoil this for anyone. This is the sort of book where you want to go in not knowing anything about it, because if you do, the fantasy and wonderment of this will be completely lost on you.

I guess this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but considering I don’t really like the sci-fi and romantic genres and I loved this, I would still recommend this to everyone! This is a thriller, sci-fi, romance novel all rolled up into one perfect package. I’m also just going to put this out there and say that this is the greatest love story <i>ever,</i> at least for me. Who needs Romeo and Juliet or Elizabeth and Darcy? <i>Pfft.</i>

Thanks to Netgalley and Crown Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.


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