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Kristin (149 KP) rated Prepare in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I can't quite decide how to classify this book, although I kept telling people I was reading a crime thriller. But it's a little more than that, as Darren works to prevent crime by thwarting gang efforts in a place called The Orchard. He manages to do this by using a suit specifically designed to enhance his own abilities multiple times over, making him faster, stronger, and ultimately bullet-proof. The resulting encounters with criminals are sometimes hilarious when they see that they're basically fighting Iron Man.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There were aspects that got a little technical and went a little over my head, when Darren and Adam were explaining how they created the suit, what all software/technology went into it, etc., but it was still understandable enough to keep me in the story. Aside from that part, I was deeply engrossed in how Darren could pull of these feats, why he did it (when it got that part), and the little mini-stories from the perspective of the would-be victims, had he not stepped in to help. And I found myself reading the introduction over and over again (I even got my husband to read it), because I was just so fascinated at what can be done with technology now!! It really grabbed my attention, the first chapter sucked me in, and the rest of the book made sure to never let me go.

Finally, while not a major part, there's an exchange between Darren and Corrine about the difference between a justice system and a legal system, as well as one between Darren and a judge that involves such things as the psychology of the courtroom and law. I found both these discussions very interesting, as I majored in Forensic Psychology, and the term "justice system" was used quite often, often interchangeably with "legal system." To hear the two explained in stark contrast to one another and how they differ was something that really added to the story and bolstered Darren's cause, in my opinion. And to hear the judge talk about the theatrics of the courtroom and how it's all ritualistic and intimidating really got me thinking, as well. Kudos to the author for throwing those two bits of dialogue in the story.

5 stars, and I'd recommend this to anyone who likes a good off-the-beaten-path superhero story =)
Jigsaw (2017)
Jigsaw (2017)
2017 | Crime, Horror
Tobin Bell (0 more)
Everything Else (0 more)
The Disappointment
Saw - The Start
Saw II - The Clock
Saw III - The Consquence's
Saw IV - The Games
Saw V - The Detective
Saw VI - The Legacy
Saw VII - The Finale

This one - The Disappointment

Let Me Explain- so it toke seven whole years for the studio to come up with a good enough story, so that it can be released to theaters. I mean thats good, isnt. Not in this case. Seven years for a overall disappointing movie, Seven whole years and what did come up with as the result/outcome, this movie. This movie was weird, it was strange, to me it didnt feel like a saw movie, i mean it had some of the elements of a saw movie, but overall to me it didnt seem like one. More of lets try our best to make a reboot of the saw franchise and see how that works out. It didnt work. Now have to wait until May of all months for the next instellment of the saw franchise.

The Plot: After a series of murders bearing all the markings of the Jigsaw killer, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing the ghost of a man who has been dead for over a decade, and they become embroiled in a new game that's only just begun. Is John Kramer back from the dead to remind the world to be grateful for the gift of life? Or is this a trap set by a killer with designs of his own?

The only good thing about this movie was the return of Tobin Bell as John Kramer/Jigsaw.

Hopefully Chris Rock of all people can save the Saw Franchise and Darren Lynn Bousman returns which is a plus. Well have to wait until May to find out.
The Fall Of The Essex Boys (2013)
The Fall Of The Essex Boys (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Violent (1 more)
Acting is OK
Yet another version of this tale (0 more)
British grit
Loosely based on a true story surrounding the brutal shooting of three infamous drug dealers from Essex in December 1995, it’s a surprise that this is the fourth film to tell the tale.

After films such as Essex Boys, Rise of the Footsoldier and most recently Bonded by Blood you’d wonder why director Paul Tanter chose to helm this version, had this not already been done? Then you sit down to watch it and you realise that it’s a film in its own right, with powerful performances from British actors that need to be seen and heard in their delivery.

If you don’t know the story by now, and it’s one of underworld folk law, it follows three of Essex’s toughest and hardest drug-dealing criminals, who came to a gruesome end when they wanted to go one step too far.

Pat Tate, Tony Tucker and Craig Rolfe want to corner the drug trafficking market, they’re in it for the long haul and to make serious cash. The trio is vicious to the point of no return and will stop at nothing to get what they want and no one will stand in their way.

The film is told by Darren Nicholls (Nick Nevern) who himself narrates for a portion of the film, giving us the story as it unfolds before us. He’s up to his neck in it, and he wants a way out, seemingly with nowhere to turn he has to go into the lion’s den while keeping himself close to a friend on the outside that is looking for a similar end game.

It’s violent but then you have to expect that, the acting is genuinely disturbing and Tanter’s sharp direction keeps the viewer on tenterhooks. It’s a film that is not going to be for everyone, but fans of the director as well as the genre will love it.
Noah (2014)
Noah (2014)
2014 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Biblical epics never seem to translate well from paper to the big screen. Mel Gibson’s 2004 misfire, The Passion of the Christ, showed just how difficult it was to turn promising source material into silver screen gold.

Now, 10 years on from that, Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky breathes new life into the biblical genre with his take on the classic ‘Noah’ tale. But can his sixth attempt behind the camera reverse the ailing genre’s fortunes?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. From lacklustre special effects to dreadful acting, Aronofsky’s biblical epic fails from start to finish, with only a few key scenes lifting it above The Passion of the Christ.

Noah follows the story of the titular hero played by Russell Crowe as he sets out on a mission given to him by the ‘Creator’ to rid the world of its evil and to start afresh. Jennifer Connelly plays Noah’s wife Naameh and Ray Winstone portrays his arch nemesis, Tubal-cain.

The story is like the tale we all know, but on steroids. Gone is the subtlety of the bibleNoah-poster version and in its place is a stark environmental message as Noah tells his family and those around him that humans have destroyed the planet and that we ourselves, must be destroyed. From stone angels sent to watch over the human race, to the addition of numerous characters, Noah rids the story of its depth in favour of poor special effects and anti-climatic battles. It’s a real shame as Aronofsky has proven himself to be utterly talented behind the lens.

The performances are also well-below what we expect from such gifted actors. Emma Watson’s take of Ila, Noah’s daughter-in-law is laughable at best; a world away from the talent we saw towards the end of the Harry Potter series. Jennifer Connelly is outstandingly poor and Russell Crowe seems to be on auto-pilot as he spouts meaningless drivel. Only Anthony Hopkins leaves his fine reputation in tact as Methuselah, though he is in the film for less than 15 minutes.

Moreover, the best and most memorable part from the bible story, the animals, is completely misguided. Not only are they playing second fiddle to the ridiculous rivalry between Noah and Ray Winstone’s idiotic villain, they are rendered in such poor CGI, you never truly believe that they are there. The elephants and snakes in particular are very shoddy.

Thankfully all is not lost. Being a Darren Aronofsky film, Noah is a beautifully shot film. The cinematography is outstanding with stunning vistas of a huge variety of landscapes and the inclusion of an exciting Genesis featurette in the latter half of the picture are real highlights.

At 138 minutes Noah is a true bum-number and there’ll be lots of shuffling about in your seat as you struggle to digest each and every part of information the film shoves down your throat.

Unfortunately, a promising marketing campaign and some good trailers mask a film which never rises above average. The special effects really needed much more work and the acting is very poor. Only a few stand-out scenes stop it from falling below The Passion of the Christ as another biblical turkey.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun Filled Family Event
Shazam! is a 2019 superhero movie based on the DC Comics character. Produced by New Line Cinema and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is the first live-action film version of the character since 1941. The film is also directed by David F. Sandberg from a screenplay by Henry Gayden and story by Henry Hayden and Darren Lemke. Starring Zachary Levi, Asher Angel, Mark Strong, Jack Dylan Grazer, and Djimon Hounsou.

In 1974 Upstate New York, the ancient wizard Shazam magically transports Thaddeus Sivana (Ethan Pugiotto) to the Rock of Eternity, a hidden magical temple. Shazam, the last of the Council of Seven Wizards, explains that he has been searching for centuries for a champion who is "pure of heart". Released upon the ancient world, and now trapped in statues within the Rock, the Seven Deadly Sins tempt Thaddeus with promises of power. Banished back to Earth as unworthy of being a champion for succumbing to the sins, Thaddeus causes an accident while traveling with his family which leaves his father severely injured. Searching for his birth mother in present day Philadelphia, foster kid Billy Batson (Angel Asher) runs a foul of the law and is placed in a group home with 5 other foster kids run by Victor (Cooper Andrews) and Rosa Vasquez (Marta Milans). Freddy Freeman (Jack Dylan Frazer) is one of the five foster kids, an amateur superhero expert, and his new roommate. Now an adult Thaddeus (Mark Strong) discovers how to return to the Rock and acquire the power he was denied as a child.

This movie was a ton of fun. I don't think I've laughed out loud in a comic book movie this much since Ant-Man. This movie was really good. It had its silliness in certain parts but still did well in building tension and having its serious parts. Also it was well done on how the story played on your emotions for a lot of the different characters. I love the way the foster family and siblings came into play throughout the film. The special effects were really good, especially the monsters and even though you know Zachary Levi is in a muscle suit (which i initially disliked) it didn't even matter. The plot was good although some of it seemed recycled which bothered me slightly. The dialogue was good, some of it silly, which seemed appropriate for the character being younger than he looks when he is Shazam. But I didn't have much to complain about. I never saw one of the major twists coming at the end, so that really surprised me. If you're looking for a fun movie to watch, with family or friends or a superhero movie that will also make you laugh, Shazam is the one to choose. I give this movie a 8/10.