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A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Give Bradley Cooper ALL the awards.
Let me start off by saying I've never seen the 1937 or 1954 versions of A Star Is Born, and I only very vaguely remember the 1976 Streisand version. That said, this movie was everything I wanted it to be, and I was enthralled from the very beginning.

While Lady Gaga's performance was amazing, Bradley Cooper's performance was a level above, and the fact that he directed as well just adds to that for me. The supporting cast was wonderful - notably Andrew Dice Clay as Ally's father, and Dave Chappelle as Jack's childhood friend.

The music was great, and I've already downloaded the soundtrack for the express purpose of listening to "Black Eyes" on repeat.

I went through all the emotions while watching this movie, and I'd definitely watch it again. It didn't feel too long, which is the case with so many movies these days, and the pace was steady but not slow.

Plus, as I overheard from one moviegoer: "I've never seen Bradley Cooper so hot." Amen, sister.
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Wow. Just wow.
To be honest, I had been holding off on seeing this one because I had heard all the reviews and didn't want to head into another movie that was loved by critics and be disappointed again. I also wasn't sure about the Cooper/Gaga pairing, Cooper as a singer, or Gaga as an actress. It just all seemed like a combination of things that would never work. And I'm happy to be completely and totally wrong on all counts. Simply, it worked. It all worked. Gaga and Cooper are brilliant in their portrayals and have amazing electric chemistry. All the actors put into their roles, no matter how big or small fit so perfectly. Sam Elliot is amazing in his supporting role, such an underrated actor. Man, even Dave Chappelle is good in his character as well. The music is outstanding. So much imagery and meaning to the story on several levels. All the characters felt real and the story felt true. I guess sometimes it's a perfect storm of miscellaneous square pegs that somehow come together to form a perfect circle. Highly recommend. One of very few films I would gladly watch several times and probably will.
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
I don't want you all to think I'm harsh here. "Only three and a half stars?!? What's wrong with this woman?!" This film is immense and the emotion is so real that I was bawling my eyes out, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't feel the need to rewatch this one. And yes, I do feel slightly terrible about that.

The introduction to both characters at the beginning works incredibly well, you get the chaotic and drunken nature of Jackson and I think Ally really sums up how many women and men feel about men that are in their lives.

When singing was involved with the two of them together their chemistry was undeniable. But the rest of the time I didn't particularly enjoy them. The story was still flowing well and the subject matter was being handled well, but I think the awkwardness of the situations was probably a little too real for me.

Lady Gaga, is just incredible. As a singer. As an actress. She's just marvelous. Her voice gives me goosebumps and I love that feeling.

The supporting cast were really good too. Her father's driver buddies offer some humour during the film, and Greg Grunberg as Jackson's drive is just adorable. By far my favourite was Dave Chappelle, I've loved him ever since Robin Hood: Men In Tights, this was a real step away from everything I've seen him in and it worked so well.

Sound was used incredibly well in this film, and not just for the songs. All the little touches that were used really helped get the message of the scene across.

On that note I will just give a brief mention the events at the end of the film. What transpires is really raw, and you can feel every emotion that's flying around. I always keep a notepad with me to scribble words to remind me of certain things to add to my reviews... all I wrote at the end of of this was "f****** dog"... it really got to me... and yep, there go the waterworks again!

What should you do?

You should see it, plain and simple. This film will stay with you. You will hum and sing the songs. 95% of you are going to cry whether you liked it or not.

As I left the cinema the night I watched this I sat in my car and looked at the clock. It was just 10pm and normally on a "school" night I'd go straight home to bed, but I knew I couldn't. I needed chocolate. I never need anything at this time of night apart from sleep on a normal night. I drove to Tesco to go shopping and then sat in bed eating chocolate buttons. It helped.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would love Lady Gaga's voice, or just a smidgen of her talent.