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The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2011 | Sci-Fi, Romance
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Adjustment Bureau is based on (or it may be more accurate to say, inspired by) the Philip K. Dick short story “Adjustment Team”, and stars Matt Damon as David Norris, a New York politician running for the U.S. Senate and Emily Blunt as Elise Sellas, a professional ballerina.

When David and Elise first meet in the men’s restroom and he doesn’t question her gender I knew this wasn’t going to be the typical boy meets girl story. Just to clarify, I’m not saying she turns out to be a he, I’m just saying it’s good to check out the engine under the hood. But what should have been a once in a restroom… er, lifetime encounter, becomes a second, then a third and… you get the point. Shortly after their second encounter where David finally gets Elise’s name and number written on a business card he walks in on a strange group of well dressed individuals who were what can only be described as “probing” his friends in a conference room. So David does what any sane person would do after witnessing a group probing, he runs (like you wouldn’t? ). After running down a few hallways, he’s captured. Let’s be honest, running down hallways isn’t Oscar material, so I was glad it was short-lived. David learns that these well-dressed individuals work for The Adjustment Bureau.

This secret organization works behind the scenes to ensure the course of destiny, as written by “The Chairman”, goes as planned and they tell him that men’s room ballerinas are not part of the plan for him. At this point I wanted to yell “Screw them, go for the ballerina! They’re bendy!” but before I could, Agent Richardson (played by John Slattery) informs David that if he doesn’t follow the plan they have for him then they will… well, let’s just say they will probe him like nobody’s business. Then before they leave they take the business card with Elise’s name and number on it and before you can say “rooster-block” they throw him to the floor like Chevy Chase impersonating President Ford and disappear.

In time David and Elise are reunited by chance and with some information given to him by his disgruntled Adjustment Bureau ex-caseworker Agent Harry (played by Anthony Mackie), David works hard to overcome the obstacles placed before them by the Adjustment Bureau. But when Agent Thompson (played by Terence Stamp) joins the fray, he tells David what will happen to Elise if he doesn’t leave her.

Does love win in the end, does fate win or are they eaten by the alligators in the New York City sewers? I will tell you, that once again, the alligators did not win. The film does an excellent job of balancing its romance and thriller aspects with just enough humor to compliment the first two aspects, making it a very enjoyable movie for an individual, a couple or a group of friends to see. On a side note, when the film was over I left the movie wanting to buy a suit and I really dislike wearing suits.
Stork Bite
Stork Bite
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stork Bite by L.K. Simonds was one of the most deeply layered books I have ever had the privilege of reading before, and it emphasized how the small choices we make in life can have huge ripple effects that last generations.

This book is divided into two separate, yet connected stories. In the first “book” L.K. Simonds immediately immerses you into deep south life Louisiana. With vivid descriptions of local wildlife, scenery, and murder (really vivid). It was a great hook, and I could not put it down to see what happened next. L.K. Simonds did a great job making me feel like I was right there with David exploring all the options available to me. The people David meets on his journey were interesting and showed a real glimpse of life at that time, and the hardships that many people went through. I LOVED how David emphasized the need for education as being a founding block for a better life, and his selfless actions were remarkable. This “book” was my favorite as it really engaged me, and I enjoyed the ebb and flow of the author’s voice.

The second “book” introduces a completely new cast of characters, and as you will find out when you read the book, all the characters are interconnected in a remarkable way that is not obvious upon first reading the second “book”. While David seems to disappear from the story altogether, we meet Cargie and Mae two women from very different walks of life and who make very different life choices. I was fascinated by L.K. Simonds look into the 1920-1930s era of mobs, bootlegging, and the choices of people. It made for an interesting storyline. What really helped make this story interesting for me was not just the story itself, but the way L.K. Simonds rounded out the seemingly not connected stories into one overarching story.

Overall, I think that L.K. Simonds did a great job layering her characters, giving a good mystery that left you scratching your head for a while, and showing how one man’s choice can affect a multitude of people. One thing I wish was done differently, would have been the first book characters remaining as background characters in the second “book” so that I was not completely at a loss on how the two stories fit together until the last 50 or so pages. But Stork Bite did have a good conclusion that wrapped everything up nicely and gave me the pieces I needed to feel like David’s story ended. I give it 4 out of 5 stars for the accurate historical details, the stretched-out mystery, and for being able to layer so many characters and have the story come out richer because of it.

*I will advise that this story does include some mild swearing
**I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
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So Isy Suttie is the Comedian who plays Dobby in the peep show alongside David Mitchell and Robert Webb, Which is a pretty popular show. Before appearing as Dobby, Isy has been a live stand up, comedy musician and writer.

This book is Isy in her thirties trying to live like a twenty something year old and not grow up and become responsible, whilst her friends around her are settling down into relationships and starting a family. She goes through a list of her partners and why they wasn't the 'actual one'. There is also a lot of Isy reminiscing about the old days, when she started up as a stand up and how difficult it can be.

The book was very easy to read, humorous as expected and a lot of rambling. There were on slight occasions when I did get a bit bored and put this book down and then came back to it. This woman though get's herself into some really crazy situations and I would think that some of it may not be believable until I met someone exactly like this and understand that some people are clumsy and bad shit just happens to them all the time.

The funniest moment for me was when she went skiing with friends and practically rolled down (Laughing as remembering) and when she went down the slopes on a table....drunk obviously. Who on earth would use parcel tape to hold their breasts up in a dress? Crazy but very funny lady.

I found this book to be very nostalgic, as Isy was reminiscing her younger days with, Mix-tapes, New Kids on the Block, Take That, Crystal Maze and more

I recommend to anyone that is a fan of Isy Suttie, comedy or even just Dobby.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.