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Flying Lotus recommended Eraserhead (1977) in Movies (curated)

Eraserhead (1977)
Eraserhead (1977)
1977 | Drama, Horror

"What kind of a–hole would I be without giving David Lynch some love, but I can’t figure out which movie I’d pick of his. I think I’ll have to say Eraserhead in this case, because it was his movie where he put all of himself into it, you know? Every little bit of what he could do on his own, he did it, in terms of designing things and building things and whatever he actually could do and put forth, he put in this movie. He gave it all that energy. I don’t know how many times I’ll be able to do a Kuso, just energetically. If I had to make another movie, I probably would not go as far as I did this time on my own, because it took so much energy and took me away from a lot of things. I’m sure it was like that for him, too. By the time he got to Blue Velvet, he got people who have his style worked out, what things he likes. He didn’t have to try to design every little aspect of it. Then he did, and that, to me, is something that resonates with me. I listened to the making of Eraserhead while making my movie to just kind of keep me inspired."

Dex in Blue (Johnnies, #2)
Dex in Blue (Johnnies, #2)
Amy Lane | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I got this as a freebie from All Romance Ebooks back in December 2012, I had no idea it was the second book in a series or that it was even in a series. It was only later when I joined Goodreads that I realised.
Well the first 40% or so when we were seeing scenes from the first book, Chase in Shadows, I realised how much of a heart-breaking story it was--and that wasn't even reading it first hand. I may have to read it, and have a box of tissues at the ready.
But back to Dex in Blue...can I say how much I liked both Dex and Kane AKA David and Carlos! Both are really great guys who've had tough lives, dealing with family issues and relationships. Both look out for their friends and are a really great couple. They compliment each other nicely.
I liked their relationship progression but I have to admit I wanted to smack Kane a few times. He said some stupid things which pained Dex (and me!) and though he is a really sweet guy, at the beginning, he had no idea! Ugh!
I'm looking forward to reading more books by Amy Lane.