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Gaspar Noe recommended Eraserhead (1977) in Movies (curated)

Eraserhead (1977)
Eraserhead (1977)
1977 | Drama, Horror

"When Eraserhead came out in France, it came out with the weird title, The Head to Erase. It was in French. I remember I was reading my parents’ newspaper — it was a socialist newspaper — and there was a whole page of how much this famous film critic didn’t like the movie. He was really trashing the movie. But the way he was saying it was very awful, disgusting, it made me — I was a 14 or 15 year old kid — want to go to the other side of the city and see it. And then it was like my own secret. And I went there. And I loved the movie so much, that I believe I went to see it four times in one month. Then after two weeks it moved to another city and I went to see it again in a screening with my friend. Then maybe one year later, it was replaying near my house at the midnight screening, so I went again with another friend. And for me that was the confirmation that cinema could also portray your inner world, that cinema could portray dreams and nightmares. And I hadn’t seen, at that time Un Chien Andalou by [Luis] Buñuel but Un Chien Andalou is one of the rare movies that is written in a mental language, a dreamt language. Eraserhead is another one. Kubrick said once that he regrets he didn’t have the idea to do that movie. In any case, it had such a strong impact on me that I would say Eraserhead — it made me get into film school two years later. Maybe it was a mix of 2001 and Eraserhead. I don’t know how many times I saw Eraserhead in the movie theater, but I guess it was maybe 15 times. I had an addiction to this movie, which is the kind of addiction kids can have to their mother telling them a story. You want to listen to the same story over and over, and have a hypnotic feeling and relaxing feeling. It created some kind of relaxing feeling in me. That I would enjoy all these movies — that are nightmarish– as if it were a dream, especially when the girl comes out saying everything is fine in heaven. There’s a fact also that David Lynch made that movie with almost no money over a period of five years. Then when I was doing I Stand Alone, I had a lot of money issues. I had problems completing the movie, then doing the editing, also. All the time I had in mind that David Lynch did that movie in five years. And I said well, “Maybe it will take me 10 years to finish the movie. If it takes ten years I’ll do it and I shouldn’t worry.”"

<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

With 25th December fast approaching, what better book to read than one full of Christmas stories? <i>My True Love Gave To Me </i>is a selection of twelve winter romances (twelve stories, twelve days of Christmas…) by a handful of well-known authors of young adult literature. Stephanie Perkins, author of <i>Anna and the French Kiss</i>, is the editor of this festive volume and also includes her own short story along with Holly Black, Ally Carter, Gayle Forman and Rainbow Rowell, to name a few.

Aimed at teenaged girls or young adults, the stories focus on characters between the ages of 15 and 19, usually in a contemporary setting. Some are written as romances that just so happen to occur at Christmas time, whereas others use Christmas as a main focal point. Naturally there are a couple of tales that are pure fantasy with magic, Santa and elves, but they all involve romance.

What is great about incorporating twelve authors into one book is the various ideas about what Christmas means to different people. For some it is about family whereas other’s it is about the birth of Jesus. Authors also explore the difficulties some people face as well as what people who do not celebrate do. The stories are diverse including characters from all types of background – race, religion and sexuality.

My favourite story from this selection was by David Levithan. Unlike most of the others, it was not a story about falling in love. The main character already had a boyfriend who he (yes, HE) loved. The tale focused on what people do for love as well as keeping the magic of Christmas alive for others.

For those wanting to read something festive, this is the book for you. Its short stories let you dip in and out during this busy period meaning you can enjoy both reading and celebrating at the same time.
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