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Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
David harbour (1 more)
Not Ron pealman (0 more)
Why oh why didn't they bring back Ron pealman who will be hellboy nothing wrong wrong with David harbour in the role and the movies ok but it's not the hellboy movies that I love at least there's plenty of gore
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Elizabeth Banks and David Denman - believable couple (2 more)
Unpredictable storyline and ending
Music, editing and pacing of direction
Level of gore (for those who are squeamish) (0 more)
I thought this was a mini-classic for the genre
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BackToTheMovies (56 KP) Jun 16, 2019

In that case yes that’s quite a strange one to be showing. Not quite sure how they managed a 15 certificate in the first place!


Bob Mann (459 KP) Jun 16, 2019

Completely agree. Sometimes the BBFC ratings are bizarre.... in 2 weeks I've seen Brightburn as a 15 (which should have been an 18) and Late Night which is a 15 for "Strong Language" with only a couple of F-bombs in it. Bonkers.

The Tripper (2007)
The Tripper (2007)
2007 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A strange, stoner slasher produced and directed by David Arquette (Scream). It's quite a decent modern slasher, quite odd but the back story as to why this guy goes off the rails killing hippies is explained. Less so the high regard Ronald Regan is given. It's funny in places, has a fair bit of gore, I found the tripping hallucinations a tad annoying. There is even a brief cameo from Courtney Cox-Arquette. Overall pretty good compared to many recent slasher offerings.

Jewels (684 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Jul 29, 2019  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Sasha Lane (1 more)
Daniel Dae Kim
Just about all of it (0 more)
A fan of the original Hellboy movies, this came as an utter disappointment. They tried to get the cool-shock value with a ridiculous amount of unneeded gore, and by dropping the f-bomb about every other line. Both of these could have been cut by 3/4 and made a better movie. It did have some good one-liners and a few good comedic instances, but not enough to save this disaster.

Sahsa Lane was probably the best part of the movie, followed by Daniel Dae Kim, tho his character was not the best. David Harbour has the potential to be a great Hellboy, but it felt like he either didn't embrace and enjoy the character, or was made to hold back while playing Hellboy.

If they decide to proceed with a second film, I hope they cut back on the unnecessary gore and language, and that Harbour has a chance to really embrace the character and have fun with it. That being said, if you are in the mood for a crappy movie, or you are planning a crappy movie party, this one should be at the top of your list just because it is Hellboy.
Terror Train (1980)
Terror Train (1980)
1980 | International, Horror, Mystery
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Train Setting (0 more)
Ok early Slasher film
One of the early 80's Slasher films featuring Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis just after she did @Prom Night (2008)
It's actually not that bad for a Slasher film of the time. A few years after pulling a prank on a medical student a bunch of students celebrate New Year's Eve with a costume party aboard a steam train. A lot of the time it doesn't feel like much of a Slasher film, the body count is quite low and the with not a lot of gore. The setting of the film is different and the train adds to the film quite well with the confined spaces. Also featuring David Copperfield. The plot is OK as the killer dons different costumes and there is a surprise as well. Overall a decent 80's slasher film worth checking out. Currently on Amazon prime.
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
2000 | Crime, Horror
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 5th entry in the Hellraiser series is certainly a mixed bag. It's has a script and narrative that clearly threw in Hellraiser elements as an afterthought, really scales back on the cenobite stuff, and has some truly dodgy effects work.
With all that being said, everything about Inferno that's surrounds those points is pretty positive. The corrupt cop who cheats on his wife/snorts coke/is a general asshole whilst trying to solve a huge case trope has been done a million times, but it lends itself well to the conditions of the lament configuration. The films whole vibe screams David Lynch, and there's some genuinely creepy imagery delivered with ambition by a feature-debuting Scott Derrickson, clearly showing off some stylistic choices that he would go on to hone in his future successful career.
Throw in some decent gore and a pretty solid cast, and we're left with a Hellraiser film that would 100% be seen in a more favourable light if it had been afforded a bigger budget.
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Ian Mcshane...sort of...some of the gore (0 more)
The acting, the story, lack of imagination, accents (0 more)
I've never laughed so much - in a bad way!
Firstly - I love the first 2 Hellboy films. Ron Perlman was perfect in the role and I'm a massive fan of Guillermo del Toro. I really wanted to see the end of their trilogy showing the Hell-king Amun un Rama story but it wasnt to be. But when I heard they were rebooting with David Harbour, Ian Mcshane and Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers) directing then I held some high hopes. Those lasted about 3 mins into the film!! This film is AWFUL! Everything is wrong. The story is lazy and borrows so much from the 2 del toro films even having certain scenes (hellboys birth and final fight) are pretty much scene for scene copies! The story that it doesnt borrow from the other films is some bollocks about a blood queen, Merlin and Arthur and excalibur and im almost laughing writing this as it's so ridiculous. It takes place in London so obviously everyone has a ridiculous cockney accent. The reason this gets a 2 out of 10 is because theres some really good gore and the Hell-king scenes are pretty awesome. Ian Mcshane is as always awesome but he is completely mis-cast as Prof Broom so even that feels wrong. They tease a sequel in the final shot, a mid credits scene and an end of credits scene. If they had spent that much time and effort on the logistics of making a good film they may have been able to salvage something passable - unfortunately they didnt and this is almost unmatched garbage!!
Blood Sucking Freaks (1976)
Blood Sucking Freaks (1976)
1976 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Excellent kills (2 more)
A dwarf... A torturing foul mouthed hilarious dwarf
Exploitation at its finest
Pretty much the whole thing is horrible... But... I loved it (0 more)
If Le Champion Likes it... What could be wrong with it
When sitting down to watch The Last Drive In with Joe Bob Briggs, you never know what you're going to get.
His weekly double feature show on Shudder can bring some surprises to my tv screen and for that I thank him.
This past week, he double featured Chopping Mall and Joel M Reed's classic torture fest Blood Sucking Freaks.
1976 was a weird time in horror. Classics such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre set the bar pretty high in the early 70's. So directors had to push the bar to try and compete with the instant classic.
Reed decided to make this film in the spirit of Master Gore technician Herschell Gordon Lewis. There is plenty of blood and gore to go around. People have been known to leave during a screening of this slashic. I for one, am not one of them. When I watch a movie, no matter how shitty it is. I have already made a commitment to sit through the bullshit and hope it gets better.
Freaks is just that kind of flick. But it makes you view it, you just have to see what Ralphus(the torturing wonder dwarf excellently played by the late Louis DeJesus) will do next to these women Sardu( Seamus....something or another... Yeah yeah, bad reviewer) has caged up in his basement.
The blood flows, the body parts roll and, yes, there is plenty of boobs and butts if that's your thing too.
I rated it 8/10 for a few reasons that some may not understand. I am a Horror Fanatic. No matter the plot, hole filled and silly... The script, if there is one... And the acting, if you could call it that... I seem to find the good in all films.
The gore, violence and total insanity that stems from the screen to your damaged brain is what should make the movie good/bad. And this movie is full of some of the most disgusting imagery that these eyes have ever fell upon. From playing backgammon for fingers to a woman guillotining herself because she was being spanked...and she had the rope holding the blade in her mouth... Heart removal, stretching, quartering, severed limbs and pulled out teeth... This flick has it all
Shout out to the cop who looks like David Berkowitz... I actually did a double take because at first glance I was like WTF???
Also a shout out to AEW Wrestler and all time wrestling G.O.A.T. Chris Jericho who, like me, is a huge fan of exploitation and gore films. And his own review of this film on his podcast, Talk is Jericho.
I recommend this film if you have a few hours to kill. I highly recommend you get Shudder... Its cheap 5.99 a month in Canada and its full of some great horror films and documentaries. But it's also the only place you can find THE LAST DRIVE-IN with Joe Bob Briggs... Friday nights at 9p.m. EST for the next 6-8 weeks.
Enjoy this film, horror fans. Because you will never see anything else like it....
Cheap Thrills (2014)
Cheap Thrills (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great cast (2 more)
Some extreme moments
How far would you go when your desperate?
This was a fun movie, it reminded me a lot of that movie called Nerve. You do more and more dangerous dates for more money. It does beg the question "How far would you go when your desperate for money?"

This resulted in some extreme moments which I never saw coming. It was written well with an excellent cast. I can never take David Koechner seriously in anyovie he does but he does have a certain creep factor about him.

I like how contained it was. It was mainly set inside 1 house. It didn't go too crazy or extreme with too much money on the line. It went far enough with a believable amount of $250,000 overall. I feel the less money being offered, the more it felt desperate and extreme. It does make me think there may be some rich people out there who get off on this kind of thing.

There are definitely some "look away" moments which is good for this kind of movie and there was a decent amount of gore.

Definitely worth a watch and this was 1 of those movies that I only paid £1 for the blu ray. Can't argue with that.

JT (287 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
What if superheroes didn’t arrive on earth with the soul purpose of saving humanity? What if their main intention was to cause pain and suffering? This is the unique premise used in Brightburn to great effect and turns the superhero genre on its head.

Kansas couple Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle Breyer (David Denman) have been desperately trying to have a child, without success. When a mysterious object lands on their property they discover that all of their prayers have been answered – sound familiar? What begins as the perfect family life starts to unravel in sheer terror as their little bundle of joy turns out to be something far sinister, despite their denial that he might just might be a little misunderstood.

“It’s a boy”
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it unfolded. There was a solid amount of tension packed with good levels of gore. The jump scare is a staple part of the horror genre but it can become tiresome if not delivered in the right way. Thankfully in this instance it works and works well.

Post credits deliver more to the story which has the potential to spawn a sequel, although I prefer the idea that this is a one off.