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Crimes and Covers
Crimes and Covers
Amanda Flower | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas Wedding Complicated by Crime
Bookshop owner Violet Waverly is thrilled to be marrying police chief David Rainwater in just a few days. She’s distracted, however, when a woman comes into Charming Books wanting to sell an autographed mint condition first edition of Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Violet doesn’t feel comfortable with the transaction, so the woman leaves in a huff. A few days later, the woman’s body is found floating in the river. Violet can’t help but wonder what happened to the book. Is that the reason the mystery woman is dead?

I don’t tend to read supernatural tinged cozies, but I’ve made an exception for this. Honestly, what reader can resist a magical bookstore? Between that and Violet’s pets, there is plenty to charm fans once again here. Likewise, the characters are strong, and it is great to spend time with them again. Christmas gets a light touch in this book, but I enjoyed getting to indulge my love of Christmas just a bit longer. It’s the plot where this book really struggles. I was willing to forgive the slow start given everything else happening early in the book. Once it got going, I definitely got caught up in it even though I figured out the big brushstrokes early on. However, the climax left me with a couple of rather big questions that really should have been resolved. Fans of the series will enjoy it, but I do wish this visit had been stronger.
X-23 (2018-) #2
X-23 (2018-) #2
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabby: "Why are you party pooper?"
Laura: "It's arguably in my DNA."

That quote comes only a couple pages or so into Issue 3. It is probably the most fun dialogue in a story arc that is anything light in nature. And honestly, that is one of the aspects that really wowed by Ms. Tamaki's opening arc: she can balance the dark and the light, the humor and the not so humorous. I liked Tom Taylor's initial beginnings on ANW, but that so became imbalanced, as he chose to focus more on humor, rather gritty plot elements.

Through this issue, as well as the first one, it is clear that we will truly be "inside" Laura Kinney's head. Tamaki provides us with Laura's thoughts and reflections, further adding to the character's complex inner workings. It aids in defining a character who is often underutilized and written poorly (*cough* Bendis *cough* Hopeless *cough cough*).

As fantastic as the writing is on Laura's new book, I really want to stress how AWESOME Juann Cabal's art is to the series! Prior to witnessing his art, I found David Lopez's art (re: ANW) to be all aces! And while it is still quite good, Cabal just builds off of that and gives us so much more! I truly, truly hope that Marvel is smart enough to pay him well and keep him on board for the run of the series.

Overall, this was another great issue, and if you are a fan of Ms. Kinney, you will not be disappointed!
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
2000 | Crime, Horror
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 5th entry in the Hellraiser series is certainly a mixed bag. It's has a script and narrative that clearly threw in Hellraiser elements as an afterthought, really scales back on the cenobite stuff, and has some truly dodgy effects work.
With all that being said, everything about Inferno that's surrounds those points is pretty positive. The corrupt cop who cheats on his wife/snorts coke/is a general asshole whilst trying to solve a huge case trope has been done a million times, but it lends itself well to the conditions of the lament configuration. The films whole vibe screams David Lynch, and there's some genuinely creepy imagery delivered with ambition by a feature-debuting Scott Derrickson, clearly showing off some stylistic choices that he would go on to hone in his future successful career.
Throw in some decent gore and a pretty solid cast, and we're left with a Hellraiser film that would 100% be seen in a more favourable light if it had been afforded a bigger budget.
Lights Out (2016)
Lights Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
Growing up, we all had a fear of the dark. Years later, many of us still carry this phobia. It prevents us from going into certain parts of our homes or places we are familiar with unless we have the assistance of light in some form. The darkness symbolizes and encapsulates the unknown. What is it that is hiding in the darkness? Why is it that we cannot trust it? Is there really something lurking in the shadows or is it all in our minds?

In Lights Out audiences bear witness to this fear and are confronted with how this fear becomes a reality for one family. Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) is trying to make a life of her own after becoming estranged from her family. When her brother begins to experience the same problems at home that had plagued her as a child, she is brought back into the center of chaos. All of the fears return and she must save her family from a dark spirit that has attached itself to her mother before it consumes them all.

The film itself offers the ability for audiences to explore some of their earliest fears which had them leaving a light on or plugging in a night light in their rooms in order to feel safe. The film is inventive in its approach and storytelling, but I felt as though there was more to be offered with respect to the villain and relationships between the characters. Greater depth about their backstories would have allowed audiences to feel more invested in the characters and even more interested in the outcome.

For those that are looking forward to a movie that will have them jumping out of their seats, this film delivers. Many of those moments are not as predictable in many other films of the horror genre, nor does it rely on gore in order to shock audiences. Through the direction of David Sandberg, the tension is allowed to build and help carry the story to its culmination. I am looking forward to more adaptations of universal fears and phobias on screen. Lights Out does not disappoint in being a fright-filled popcorn movie.
Doctor Who: Engines of War
Doctor Who: Engines of War
George Mann | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The War Doctor.

A previously unknown incarnation of the Time Lord known only as The Doctor, as portrayed by John Hurt in the Dr Who 50th anniversary special 'the Day of the Doctor' in 2013 during Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor (and with David Tennant also reprising his role as the same character).

The War Doctor refers to the fact that *this* incarnation participated in the Time War, a fundamental part of the backstory of Nu-Who, between the Daleks and the Time Lords.

Its also open to interpretation whether the Engines of War of the title here are those Daleks, or the various TARDIS's used by the Time Lords during this story, which itself is largely split into 3 segments: part 1 on the planet Moldox (which the Daleks have conquered, and where the Doctor meets his new companion for this story), part 2 on Gallifrey (the home of the Time Lords), and part 3 in the space above Moldox, in the Tantalus Eye.

The result is something that is generally light-weight enough: solid if not spectacular. But, then again, that could probably apply to just about every extended universe tie in there is!

Holly Johnson recommended HQ by Roy Harper in Music (curated)

HQ by Roy Harper
HQ by Roy Harper
1975 | Folk, Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Roy was about the same time. The Old Grey Whistle Test was on later than Top Of The Pops, and you had to be a bit older to stay up late and get away with it. I got my first sighting of Jobriath on there. I don't know if I saw a flash of Klaus Nomi on there too, and of course David doing 'Queen Bitch', Roxy doing 'Ladytron', and the New York Dolls was quite a moment for some people. It was via Genesis doing 'I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)' from Selling England By The Pound, that I became interested slightly in that longer haired world. I didn't go for Pink Floyd; I thought there was something not quite right about hippies, and you were either a hippie or not a hippie. Somehow, I heard the track 'Hallucinating Light' by Roy Harper, and was amazed by the quality of his voice. And of course, he had Chris Spedding playing guitar - David Gilmour plays guitar on the album also - but Chris had a sort of slightly Roxy Music edge to him as well. It is just a great album. 'The Game (Parts 1-5)' is a brilliant song sequence and it just appealed to me, as a perfect artistic statement. None of my other friends got into it, it was almost a guilty pleasure, but there was nothing to be guilty about because it was just a great record. The track where he has the colliery band - 'When An Old Cricketer Leaves The Crease' - is beautiful. It's hard not to shed a tear - it's a lovely song. He also had connections with Led Zeppelin, who I wasn't interested in at all, but a lot of people only know him because he sung on one of their tracks, but for me he was something outside of that."


Jonathan Higgs recommended Born To Do It by Craig David in Music (curated)

Born To Do It by Craig David
Born To Do It by Craig David
2000 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was a bit later in my life, around 2000. This signals the end of me having hang-ups really. I remember when 'Re-Rewind' by Artful Dodger came out, and I thought, ""This is fucking cool!"" So much about it confused me. It didn't have chords or a bassline really, it was made of odd sounds like breaking glass that didn't really fit. And then it had this guy on top of it singing this really pleasing, really hooky, catchy little melody. It was the furthest thing away from me at the time. I was into crashing drums and cymbals, but I knew there was something in there that really turned me on musically. When I admitted that I liked that to myself, it really opened up a lot of doors to me, into R&B and Destiny's Child and R. Kelly, lots of stuff that would have been previously out of my usual sphere of influence. I embraced it, and there were things I really liked. With people like R. Kelly, I spend 50 per cent of the time laughing at him and the rest thinking, this is actually good. A huge influence on my music is the singing quickly, and the singing something absurd, and then something serious, hooky, melodic, quick and light. Craig David did that brilliantly. The singles on that album are fucking amazing! He kind of lost his way after that, but I wanted to show that that whole world is very much embraced by me, and to show that we shouldn't be snobby, that it doesn't matter whether the influence is The Cheeky Girls or Pink Floyd, it just doesn't matter where it comes from. If it's good, I embrace it, and I think Craig David is a perfect example of someone who is laughably bad but secretly a pretty good artist."

The Moon Dwellers (The Dwellers #1)
The Moon Dwellers (The Dwellers #1)
David Estes | 2012 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique dystopian world (2 more)
Great character development
Quick read
Amazing first installment of the Dwellers Series!
As an older reader, I somehow find myself being drawn more often than not to the YA Dystopian, Sci-fi, and Fantasy genres thanks to books like The Moon Dwellers.
David Estes has created a unique post-apocalyptic world under the surface of the Earth in which the remaining people live. There are 3 underground realms: Sun, Moon, and Star that fittingly describe the amount of light that each level recieves and thus dictates the class of people that reside on each level.
The story is of 17-year-old Adele who is sentenced to life in the Pen for her parent's treasonous acts, since the abduction of her parents and sister by the Enforcers.
After learning that her family is, in fact, alive, she plots to escape her prison and rescue her family, but not before making a couple of friends in the Pen and developing some very weird feelings for the President of the Sun Realm's son (who apparently has developed the same feelings for her) whom she has never met!
An rollercoaster ride of emotions are what awaits you whilst reading this exciting tale! And I can't wait to read the second installment of The Dwellers Series!

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno in Music

Dec 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 15, 2021)  
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Eno On Peak
In the 80's I got into Brian Eno via Talking Heads (with the excellent Remain in Light alvum) and David Bowie (Low, Heroes and Lodger), rather than through early Roxy Music.
My first introduction to Eno's solo work was the compilation More Blank Than Frank in 1986, which after listening to, was enough to convince me that I really needed to check out more of his work. I found Taking Tiger Mountain on cassette in the bargain bins at Our Price (I think). No inlay card but it was going cheap. Taking a punt I got it home and was instantly blown away. Musically upbeat for most of its duration, the lyrics told dark, humorous and downright weird tales about espionage, Limbourg Asylum and the rape of a woman by a crazed machine. There's also a lot of references to China (as the album title suggests).
So obssessed by this album I once recycled my smashed up electric guitar body in to a 'skinning up' table (with coaster bed legs so you could push it from person to person). The main centrepiece of this 'table' was a big mound of wax which I attempted to mould into my own Tiger Mountain... Damn the drugs were good back then hahaha 😎✌

Album Highlights:
Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
Third Uncle
The True Wheel

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Dec 31, 2019  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
I know the original Hellboy films didn’t do well critically, but they got a fairly decent fan following and I personally loved them, so I really didn’t see why they wanted to remake it. And after watching this disaster, I definitely cannot understand why they bothered to remake it!

I’ll start with the good bits, which won’t take long as David Harbour and Ian McShane are pretty much the only decent things about this film. Ian McShane seems to be playing his usual charismatic, crazy old man character (very reminiscent of Mr Wednesday) and I’m not complaining, as this is exactly what I love about him and he’s a rather good less nice version of Professor Broom. And David Harbour is a good Hellboy and gets the very few laughs there is in this, although I think he’s very let down and not able to shine properly because of the dodgy script and just general terribleness of this film. There’s also a decent rock soundtrack accompanying the fight scenes and a fairly fun amount of gore.

And now the bad. There’s far too much cgi in this and it isn’t always good, and they should’ve toned this down a lot. The plot and progression of the entire story is just bizarre, it was just downright ridiculous. They seem to have decided to try and fit in a strange assortment of folk tales and historic legends, like the Pendle Hill witches and King Arthur, and this is alongside the already crazy (but just about believable) origin of Hellboy himself and the Nazis. Even the bad guys in this are cheesy and not particularly threatening - Milla Jovovich with a horrendous English accent and a pig creature with a Scouse accent?! I know Stephen Graham is from Liverpool but that accent on that particular character was possible the most bizarre and frustrating thing I’ve ever seen. And also despite the main lead up being slightly different, the end result to Hellboy personally is exactly the same as the original. Why not try and come up with something completely different to avoid yet more negative comparisons to the original?

This is one film that should never have seen the light of day.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Jan 1, 2020

I was so so disappointed with this. I was hoping it would one of those films that everyone hates, but I still find something to love, but sadly not. Apart from DH of course