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Dragonheart (1996)
Dragonheart (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.7 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've just spotted the release year of this film (1996).

I feel old.

I actually remember going to see this in the cinema when it first came out, and remember the buzz over the Special Effects created for the dragon (voiced by Sean Connery) in the wake of Jurassic Park: if I remember right, I think it may even have got an Academy nomination for the same.

Anyway, this is light family fantasy fare, with Connery (as previously mentioned) voicing the last Dragon alive, and with Dennis Quaid portraying a disillusioned knight who has vowed to wipe out all dragons, blaming the same for corrupting (or so he initially thinks) the son of a tyrant who grew up to be a tyrant himself (as portrayed by David Thewlis).

Also starring a - very young, pre Starship Troopers - Dina Meyers and Pete Postlethwaite, this is an enjoyable enough romp if nothing special!

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated 2084 in Books

Nov 8, 2019  
Darla Hogan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in an a future that in many ways is all too plausible, David Churchill is about to take the test that determines his future life like everyone else his age. Everybody's present and future is controlled by the all powerful Ministries to the betterment of all mankind. Or so everyone is told.

Following his selection for work in one of the Ministries David very soon finds out the truth. The wider populace are controlled by fear, propaganda and lies. The workers in the Ministry are controlled by greed, power and lust. He soon learns that the whole system is corrupt, rotten to the core, despite the all-powerful and dispassionate AIs that are supposed to only benefit mankind. But as one man there is little he can do, and certainly nobody he can trust. But there are plenty who want to use him as a weapon is their political infighting and power battles.

Clearly a more technological update on 1984, Hogan tackles this grim subject matter from the human perspectives of David and his childhood friend Juli, who is also pulled into the dark world of the power and corruption. Like peeling a rotten onion, layer after layer is removed, finally revealing the rotten heart. Along the way there are some huge plot twists, shocking events and reveals that completely change how the reader understands this future vision. The ending, which it comes, is certainly cataclysmic.

As with the best science fiction, this casts a light on the world we live in with certain current events clearly used as a basis for how Hogan constructed his dystopia. Sometimes the subtext isn't as subtle as it could be, but there is no denying the chilling warning it delivers.

Note: This book contains multiple scenes and themes of a sexual nature
A Poison Tree
A Poison Tree
John Dolan | 2014 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
David Braddock has a happy home life and a successful business he enjoys running. When he runs into occasional acquaintance Jim Fosse in a bar, things begin to change. Jim makes him a surprising offer: kill my wife and I'll kill yours. David has no reason to kill his wife and is appalled at the offer. But then his life begins to slowly fall apart both at home and at work. Perhaps Jim Fosse's suggestion wasn't as outlandish as it first appeared?

As his life spirals out of any of his control, David struggles to come to terms with the reality of his situation. But what is real and what is just a figment of his imagination, grown from a malicious poisonous seed?

This is a fantastic read, if at times pretty bleak. It shows how what appears on the surface to be a stable lifestyle is only held up by the slimmest of supports and these can easily be removed. Throughout all of the main plot following David's fall, some of it from external factors, some of it very much of his own making, there are several twists which take the story in a new directions, some of which are like emotional hammer blows, others are reveals that are obvious in hindsight.

Despite the dark tone of the story Dolan's light touch keeps things moving along preventing the flow from getting anywhere near being described as 'harrowing'. Characters and dialogue are very well handled and there is a natural pace that draws the reader on, even if they are unsure if they want to find out what happens next.

An interesting read and a recommended one for anyone who appreciates realistic characters and plotting.
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by David Byrne / Brian Eno
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by David Byrne / Brian Eno
2005 | Experimental
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I had an English teacher in high school. You know how every high school has a super hip teacher? Mine was this guy named Leonard Krill. I had been a big fan of David Bowie, and I think Talking Heads had just put out Remain In Light, and of course I knew Brian Eno because he he worked with Bowie and produced Talking Heads and Roxy Music. My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts came out and I couldn't afford to buy it, but Leonard Krill loaned it to me so I could tape it. It was again one of those records that I didn't fully understand, because all the vocals come from these weird, disparate sources. I kind of thought because I was listening to a David Byrne and Brian Eno record I would hear David Byrne and Brian Eno's vocals, that it'd sound like one of the records they'd made. On the first listen I didn't quite get it, but after that it became one of my favourite records. In 1999 when I put out the album Play, I was doing some interviews and people were asking where did I get the idea of putting other people's old vocals onto rhythmic music, and I said 'it all started with My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts. Without that album I would never ever have had the idea to sample old vocals and put them on my tracks'. It was a direct inspiration - in a really simple way I was copying my heroes. I can't think of any person who has affected modern music more than Brian Eno. If you invented a fictional character like Brian Eno it'd be almost unbelievable."
