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Ghost - Single by TriOrca
Ghost - Single by TriOrca
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
TriOrca is a cross Atlantic band based in Los Angeles, California. Not too long ago, they released a music video for their “Ghost” single.

“Fallen leaves, it was me that I couldn’t see through the trees. But I been loving someone though and every time when someone goes. Every time I can’t give up the ghost ‘cause the cracks in the floor keep bleeding out.” – lyrics

‘Ghost’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who waits around for the telephone to ring. Apparently, she wants to receive a call from someone who she desires to be with romantically.

Later, she reveals that the above-mentioned individual might not be thinking about her, and that’s why the phone isn’t ringing. If that’s the case, then in return, she decides to give up his ghost.
‘Ghost’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and groovy instrumentation flavored with neo-soul and contemporary R&B elements.

TriOrca comprises of Phil Simmonds (multi-instrumentalist, producer), David Diaz (drummer, producer) and Whitney Meyer (writer, vocalist).

The bubbly trio is a unique ensemble of creatives who meet at the nexus of artistic intent and musicianship.

Simmonds has toured the world with Jessie J. Not too long ago, Meyer performed a duet with Sam Henshaw at an LA nightclub.

Diaz laid down live drums for Eryn Allen Kane’s forthcoming project while Simmonds played the bass, keys, and worked the boards. Also, while that was happening, Meyer was in another studio, laying down vocals for Empire of the Sun.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Unspeakable in Books

Oct 22, 2017 (Updated Oct 22, 2017)  
David Talbot, Chris Hedges | 2016 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A biting outlook on American politics by a veteran journalist
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and Salon founder David Talbot have a frank conversation about political taboos in this new series of books on 'forbidden' topics.

Hedges writes about politics with a principled fury and an eye to pointing out injustice, even at the cost of his own career as an acclaimed war correspondent. The book is a long-running commentary on the many issues Hedges confronts in his writing, including war, Occupy Wall Street, and the New York Times's relationship to organs of state power.

At times, he sounds like a bitter preacher, at other times, he is focused and forms excellent arguments against the establishment. His views on the pornification of society are liberating, finally addressing the underlying issues of economics invading the private space.

His observation that the today's ruling elites are out of touch with the country they govern and has borne out in the 2016 election cycle, shows that even the most stridently expressed views aren't necessarily wrong.
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Great cast (6 more)
Michael Fassbender
Genuinely scary in some parts
Visuals are amazing
Great twist
Too many characters/ not enough development (0 more)
A solid Alien Sequel that's more Alien than Prometheus
I love the alien movies and I really liked Prometheus despite mixed reviews so it's fair to say I was excited for this movie, and rightly so. From the start this is clearly going to be a great horror/thriller and a true alien movie and it doesn't disappoint. Michael Fassbender in this movie is amazing as he plays android Walter and David from Prometheus. The action is outstanding and horrific despite not occurring frequently, and there are a couple of great twists in the story. The final twist completely shocked me and I loved it and couldn't stop thinking about it for a long time it's so genius but that's for you to find out and hopefully love as well. Some may have predicted it but I don't care because I try not to predict where a film will go, I just enjoy the ride and this ride is fantastic!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Starcrash (1979) in Movies

Apr 25, 2019  
Starcrash (1979)
Starcrash (1979)
1979 | Sci-Fi
6.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Frankly astounding Star Wars rip-off featuring the likes of Christopher Plummer, Caroline Munro, and David Hasselhoff; none of them talk about it much these days, funnily enough. The plot concerns an oddly familiar mixture of inter-galactic royalty, space smugglers, evil space stations, vaguely-explained mysticism and laser-sword fights; none of it makes a great deal of sense, naturally.

Much to enjoy here, obviously: my favourite bit is possibly Elle the robot sheriff, who is basically a hillbilly with a bucket on his head, although Zarth Arn and his Doom Planet are also highly entertaining. Impossible to take remotely seriously, of course, but in a sensible world you would say the same thing about many film and TV series which people take very seriously indeed. When asked why he made this film, Christopher Plummer explained it was because the studio was in Rome - 'I'll do porno, as long as it's in Rome,' he said. I suppose making Starcrash was a reasonable silver medal if there was no porno available.
Show all 4 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Apr 25, 2019

i know what you mean. I have a few films on my watch list like this.


Andy Walker (4878 KP) Apr 26, 2019

I saw this on Amazon Prime a few days ago. It is awful.


Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated They Live (1988) in Movies

Aug 17, 2020 (Updated Aug 17, 2020)  
They Live (1988)
They Live (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
John Carpenter's brilliance shines through in this adaptation that demonstrates (be it, in an over the top, Carpenter-esque manner) what happens when the world blindly follows what is being fed to them.

Roddy Piper (in arguably the role of his career) and Keith David both work tirelessly to do their part in creating an in film world where, through complete happenstance, they are gifted the ability to see the world for what it really is beyond the "truth" that is being shown to them. Both characters work feverishly to expose the wickedness of the world around them while being beat back around every bend.

All in all a very good action flick, especially given the tools available at the time to the film makers.

While John Carpenter is very widely known and revered in the industry, it is my opinion that They Live might be the most important work of his long and illustrious career. A scathing criticism of corporate and political greed and misdeeds the world over, displayed in a way that is oddly relatable over thirty years later.
The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious #2)
The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious #2)
Maureen Johnson | 2019 | Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oh I just love Maureen Johnson, and I think this series is becoming my favorite of hers, although it's in stiff competition with the Shades of London books. STAIR picks up shortly after the lovely first book TRULY DEVIOUS, which is wonderful, as that one ended on a dramatic cliffhanger. Oh, but don't worry, this one will leave you gasping for more Stevie and more DETAILS, too.

This book was so compulsively readable that I read it in two sittings, on two flights. I ignored everyone around me and frantically flipped the last couple of pages as my plane landed in Charlotte (if I had known I was going to be stuck in Charlotte thanks to a canceled flight, maybe I would have made it last... oh who am I kidding, no I wouldn't have). Johnson is just so good at getting into her characters' heads--I love Stevie. I loved her in the last book, and I loved her here. She's smart, she's relatable, and she's always getting into trouble. There's plenty of exploring, detective work, and yes, tunnels, in this one to keep you more than interested.

Stevie's cast of friends is also superb, from the prickly David to the wonderful Janelle, and Nate, the writer who can no longer write. Oh and Larry, Stevie's protective security guard. I love them all, even if there are plenty of times I wanted to shake David in this one. We're also introduced to some new characters here, as Stevie takes on a new research project. (I don't want to spoil anything or ruin your enjoyment of reading about them all yourself.)

Stevie is busy unraveling the Ellingham Academy mystery in this one, and I'm happy to say she goes a long way in book #2. What I love about this series is that you get a great underlying mystery (what happened to Ellingham Academy founder Albert Ellingham's long-missing wife and daughter, if you for some unknown reason haven't read the first book), but there are always little side mysteries, plus just the general business of Stevie trying to live her life. She's struggling with being back at Ellingham--dealing with what it means to have struck a deal with Edward King, negotiating her boundaries with David, and much more. Johnson deals with Stevie's anxiety, her intelligence, and just her general no-nonsense approach to life in such realistic ways: I love it all.

So, yeah, I can't think of anything I didn't like here, except that the book ended, and now I have to wait *forever* again to find out what happens! I love this series, I love the character of Stevie, and I highly recommend this book (but start at #1, please). It's a funny, mysterious, sweet, and compelling read. 4.5 stars.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Rope (1948) in Movies

Sep 18, 2019  
Rope (1948)
Rope (1948)
1948 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
80 minutes of magic!
Two men, the charismatic and charming Phillip, and the cowardly and sheepish Brandon have just strangled their mutual friend, David, and are holding him in their arms. To dispose of the body, they decide on the bold move a placing it in a large trunk in the middle of the living room of their high rise apartment building. They don't have much time to discuss their situation before guests start arriving for their dinner party which had been planned beforehand.

After the guests arrive, the usual small talk and chit chat commences with those attending including David fiance and a former college professor of the men. After the idle conversation starts to bore, it is mentioned how interesting it would be to murder someone and the consequences of doing so. It's no dig deal to dispose of people you don't like is it? Some party-goers are not keen on this conversation and lead it in a new direction eventually focusing on the missing David who has not yet arrived.

Eventually, the unresolved issue of David's absence is brushed aside for the moment and the guests leave to go about their lives. The college professor returns after having been given verbal clues in the former conversations about the nefarious activity of Phillip and David as well as some physical ones. He confronts the duo and David is unable to hold back.

The mystery has been revealed and the men have to deal with the fallout and consequences.

The physical limitation of the amount of film cameras of the day were able to hold was the only drawback for the way Hitchcock managed to shoot this film. There are only 10 total shots within the film ranging from 4 to 10 minutes. The cuts were achieved through normal editing, but also the actors and camera intersecting for brief moments where a momentary black frame would occur continuing the action right after this moment.

I can't even imagine the amount of rehearsal and takes would have been necessary for both the actors and production crew to orchestrate visual and vocal cues and not making mistakes for such a long time for each shot to be completed successfully. The film feels much like a stage production having all the scenes occur mainly in the living room and foyer areas, but that had to be by design.

With no elaborate staging, the audience is left to enjoy the masterful screenplay nonstop and trying to figure out if the two murderers will actually be able to dissuade blame or be confronted with the guilt.

One of many Jimmy Stewart's many Hitchcock collaborations, his performance mostly gets overlooked here in comparison to Vertigo and Rear Window; however, once he arrives at the party it is kind to see him and he delivers another captivating and motivated performance.

In the current days of digital filmmaking and continuous camera shots which can now be processed with computers, it is monumental Hitchcock was able to achieve this feat back in the day with only relentless dedication, but also precise and genius execution.

Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"A little like David Bowie and his influence, with me being a teenager during the 70s meant I never stopped being affected by Brian's music. If you were a big Brian fan, you would get into a cast of characters - be it T. Rex or Roxy Music or Bowie - and you followed the connections of those artists. Eno managed to stay really intriguing. When Eno's first album - Here Come The Warm Jets - came out, it was a record you only had if you were in the know. It was obscure and underground but I had never gotten into it. I had a couple of friends who were Roxy freaks and bought everything and anything to do with the band and I had a best mate who was obsessed with Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) and was playing it all the time. I got to know it really well and it has connected to a lot of records that I like. Arguably, Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) was the blueprint for Wire. It was the blueprint for David Bowie's later records and you can hear the proto-Talking Heads on that record. People forget that Eno was omnipresent in the late 70s on collaborations with Bowie, Talking Heads and Devo. If you listen to Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) that makes complete sense. It sounds like all of those bands four or five years before they made similar stuff. 'The True Wheel' sounds like something off Scary Monsters and it is four or five years before. 'Third Uncle' sounds like Talking Heads many years before - so make of that what you will. The idea of using the studio as an instrument, which has become commonplace now with people in their rooms on GarageBand, was a real innovation when Eno was doing it. There was no one else like him at the time. But, it is all about the listening experience and, like the Wire album, when I heard Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) and listened to it a lot, it was everything rock music hadn't been up until then. I was making note of that - it was anti-blues, it was anti-rock and it was anti-faux authenticity. It was a long, long way away from Laurel Canyon."

In the Shadow of David
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

In the Shadow of David</i> is Martin Baggen’s attempt at reimagining “the greatest story ever told,” i.e. the life of Jesus Christ. Beginning on the banks of the river Jordan where John the Baptist is washing away the sins of his followers, the story continues before concluding with the resurrection. Told through the eyes of supporting characters, the details of Jesus’ life, or in this instance Yeshua’s, are reinvented in fairly accurate historical settings.

Unfortunately, Braggen’s attempt at originality is going to upset 2.2 billion people. Instead of telling the story of Jesus in the manner he is portrayed in the Bible, the author pens the character Yeshua and claims that there was no “Son of God.” The names, settings and historical facts all remain the same or similar in this version of events, however the miracles: Lazarus’ death, water into wine, the resurrection of Christ/Yeshua, were all shown to be a charade. According to<i> In the Shadow of David</i>, the “Son of God” was a charlatan attempting to reunite the Jews and overthrow the ruling Romans.

By mocking Christianity, Martin Braggen has wasted his writing talent with this blasphemous novel. Granted there are many people who try to prove the inexistence of a god, however in these instances there are always counter arguments. By containing this controversial opinion in a story, it prevents any other theories or beliefs from contributing.

Many may purchase this book with the mistaken idea that it will convey an in-depth narrative of the life of Jesus. What they will find instead is a disappointing atheist version instead. It is doubtful that readers will get to the end of the book, despite it not being overly long, after slamming it shut in anger and frustration.
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1978 | Horror
Zombies Run The Mall
Contains spoilers, click to show
Dawn of the Dead- is the second movie in the living dead franchise directed by horror icon George A. Ramero.

The plot: As hordes of zombies swarm over the U.S., the terrified populace tries everything in their power to escape the attack of the undead, but neither cities nor the countryside prove safe. In Pennsylvania, radio-station employee Stephen (David Emge) and his girlfriend, Francine (Gaylen Ross), escape in the station helicopter, accompanied by two renegade SWAT members, Roger and Pete. The group retreats to the haven of an enclosed shopping center to make what could be humanity's last stand.

On the way these surviors to encourter a bike gang that raids the mall and some how the survivor have to survivor the bike gang without getting killed.

You really get to care about these charaters, because you are with them, you are one of them, you fell like your apart of them and trying to survivor the zombies.

This movie is 2h and 30mins long but that is the perfect amont of time, for this zombie epic.

A must see horror movie, a must see zombie survival movie and george a ramero director it.