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Leanne Shapton recommended Naked (1993) in Movies (curated)

Naked (1993)
Naked (1993)
1993 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A bizarre love triangle of shot nerves, heavy sympathy, and bleak regrets. Katrin Cartlidge as Sophie is fearless; David Thewlis as Johnny is repulsively mesmerizing. It’s difficult to forget Mike Leigh’s characters."


Greg Mottola recommended Naked (1993) in Movies (curated)

Naked (1993)
Naked (1993)
1993 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I love Mike Leigh, and this is one of his best. A brutal character study, it’s a journey into the psyche of a man at war with himself and the world. Bleak, hilarious, and uncompromising. Also, the DVD includes Mike Leigh’s wonderful, demented short film The Short and Curlies (featuring another great performance by David Thewlis)."


Paul Feig recommended Naked (1993) in Movies (curated)

Naked (1993)
Naked (1993)
1993 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Two words: David Thewlis. He gives one of those performances that you can’t believe actually exist. He is an absolute force of nature in this film, playing what is essentially an extremely unlikable character that you can’t help but be completely compelled by. It’s the most verbal movie since His Girl Friday, and experiencing the nonstop dialogue that comes out of Thewlis’s mouth is like witnessing all of the world’s greatest jazz artists playing a euphoric two-hour concert at once."


KarynKusama recommended Bad Timing (1980) in Movies (curated)

Bad Timing (1980)
Bad Timing (1980)
1980 | Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Nic Roeg’s disturbing portrait of a creep (played almost too well by Art Garfunkel) investigates the desire that some men have for their women to just shut up and be their playthings. Mike Leigh’s Naked is one of the darkest, saddest, most hopeless depictions of corrupted masculinity in movies. David Thewlis manages to allow for slivers of humanity in his enraged wreck of a character, but Leigh seems to suggest that the world can only make room for these men at our own peril. The ultimate in Rainy Day Bummers, which are the movies I sometimes need to watch to find my center again."


KarynKusama recommended Naked (1993) in Movies (curated)

Naked (1993)
Naked (1993)
1993 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Nic Roeg’s disturbing portrait of a creep (played almost too well by Art Garfunkel) investigates the desire that some men have for their women to just shut up and be their playthings. Mike Leigh’s Naked is one of the darkest, saddest, most hopeless depictions of corrupted masculinity in movies. David Thewlis manages to allow for slivers of humanity in his enraged wreck of a character, but Leigh seems to suggest that the world can only make room for these men at our own peril. The ultimate in Rainy Day Bummers, which are the movies I sometimes need to watch to find my center again."


Melanie Lynskey recommended Naked (1993) in Movies (curated)

Naked (1993)
Naked (1993)
1993 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I guess the first one would be the Mike Leigh movie, Naked. The performances in the movie are so great. David Thewlis — it’s just one of the greatest performances I’ve ever seen. And the movie — they improvised to find a script. They improvised for months and months, and then Mike Leigh writes a script based on the improv, and you can tell that it’s come from such a pure place, because it’s natural for all the actors, but it’s also just the — walking around London, and it’s just incredible. And also, my favorite actress of all time is Katrin Cartlidge, and she’s in that movie. She’s ridiculous in it, she’s so good."

The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste) (2001)
The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste) (2001)
2001 | Drama, Musical
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"If David Thewlis in Naked is my favorite male performance, then Isabelle Huppert in The Piano Teacher must be my favorite female performance. I saw this with my mom at the theater when I was about fourteen or fifteen and we both loved it so much. I remember thinking, I want to make movies like that. I’ve always felt that the first films he made in Austria, especially the trilogy (The Seventh Continent, Benny’s Video, and 71 Fragments), were a little too academic. He really avoided performances. But when he moved over to France with Code Unknown and then The Piano Teacher, something happened where he started making very passionate filmmaking. The actors are giving great performances while still being very clinical and brutal in their rejection of sentimentality."

Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
A glimmer of hope
Contains spoilers, click to show
After a fleeting visit in Batman vs Superman (bleugh), my hopes weren't high for Wonder Woman.
But as everyone knows, it's actually pretty good.

One of the main problems with BvS is that it felt rushed, like Warner Bros were trying to pack in as much as they could in a short amount of time to establish a far reaching movie universe. Wonder Woman is a perfect example of why they should be concentrating on standalone movies first.

Given a full film to shine, Gal Gadot is a great fit as DCs First Lady. The time devoted to her backstory makes you care for her, and her surrounding team mates.
Gadot, and Chris Pine make a duo worth rooting for.

The story being set in wartime is used to great effect. The scene where Diana steps out into No Man's Land is nothing short of breathtaking. The visuals used throughout are great, and the script is a vast improvement on what we've had so far. There are no silly gimmicks like with Suicide Squad, just a good solid superhero adventure, with a good solid lead.

Wonder Woman falls apart at the final hurdle however. After Danny Huston (who is just sort of there) is set up to be Ares, it is revealed that David Thewlis' character is in fact Ares, and what follows is a climatic battle that is a dodgy CGI overload.
I have no problem with David Thewlis playing Ares, but his little mustache peeking out from underneath his Ares war helmet looks absolutely ridiculous.

But honestly, with the exception of the last 15 minutes, director Patty Jenkins has done a pretty decent job of bringing Wonder Woman to life. It's stands alongside Shazam! in terms of quality, and I'm actually looking forward to the upcoming sequel!
Dragonheart (1996)
Dragonheart (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.7 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've just spotted the release year of this film (1996).

I feel old.

I actually remember going to see this in the cinema when it first came out, and remember the buzz over the Special Effects created for the dragon (voiced by Sean Connery) in the wake of Jurassic Park: if I remember right, I think it may even have got an Academy nomination for the same.

Anyway, this is light family fantasy fare, with Connery (as previously mentioned) voicing the last Dragon alive, and with Dennis Quaid portraying a disillusioned knight who has vowed to wipe out all dragons, blaming the same for corrupting (or so he initially thinks) the son of a tyrant who grew up to be a tyrant himself (as portrayed by David Thewlis).

Also starring a - very young, pre Starship Troopers - Dina Meyers and Pete Postlethwaite, this is an enjoyable enough romp if nothing special!
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Contains spoilers, click to show
I am in no way a comic book reader, and maybe that doesn't give me any entitlement to judge. But my god was this film boring.
We decided to watch it tonight. I happened to enjoy the first quarter of the movie, I love Greek mythology so it appealed to me. However why they felt to make the movie so long and drawn out I don't know. In the first half I liked wonder woman, women's solidarity and all that haha, but by the second half I wanted her gone. She annoyed the crap out of me. Everyone raved about the scene in no mans land, I found it ridiculous.
And who on earth thought of casting David Thewlis as Ares god of war. I mean really? REALLY?! I love the guy but come on, marvel have Chris Hemsworth as Thor, he's literally a god in day to day life. DC decide on the nerdy dark arts teacher.
Think I'll stick with marvel in the future.