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Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Funny and heartwarming
So went and saw Shazam! last night and you know what I FREAKING LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT! Seriously it was funny, heartwarming and an all around amazing movie! I went in not knowing what to expect since Shazam! is the first superhero movie I've ever seen that I knew nothing about the character ahead of time. Definitely my favorite recent DC movie❤⚡? and that is saying something because I adored Wonder Woman and really enjoyed Aquaman. I'm really glad that DC movies finally seem to be finding their stride because it has been a long time coming.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
A lighter more hopeful tone than Batman Vs. Superman (0 more)
Would have preferred character development/introductions to be in their own solo movies (0 more)
A light begins to shine on the darkness of the DC Extended Universe
After the dark brooding mess that was Batman Vs. Superman and the hot mess that was Suicide Squad, I was quite pleasantly surprised with Justice League.

With no offense intended towards Zack Snyder, who is good at what he does, I found his gritty take on the DC universe to be too dark. Whether the original intent had always been to start off dark and depressing and lead into a more light and hopeful tone with Justice League, or if it was Joss Whedon's influence once he stepped in when Snyder had to leave, or just WB/DC trying to keep up with Marvel, the shift in tone was the right choice.

While they are clearly still trying to play catch up with the MCU in setting up their cinematic universe, the build up in this movie did not feel quite as rushed as Dawn of Justice. Personally, I would have liked to see the other characters getting their own movies in order to set this up, but they're introductions in this movie seemed to have been done well. Also, while DC is certainly trying to match Marvel by using their big baddie Darkseid (the Thanos of the DC Universe), they didn't throw him into this movie in an attempt to jump into their own Infinity War type movie; rather, they used another character, tied to Darkseid, to build up to the massive enemy that Darkseid will be.

It is my hope that after the amazing film that Wonder Woman was and the great change in tone of Justice League, the DCEU will continue with this current trend of hopefulness and quippy Super Heroes.
DC Comics: Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted
DC Comics: Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted
Marguerite Bennett | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love that DC decided to publish a line of comics based on the Bombshell statue collection. The retro-styling of the art is my favorite. Also, Constantine as a rabbit is hilarious. The first volume focuses on getting the 'team' together, which I thought was done well.