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When Egbert "Egg" Masterson leaves the family island unexpectedly, he never expects to find himself on his own and fighting to stay alive. Can he evade those who are after him long enough to find out why they want him dead?

This is an inventive middle grade series. It's not our world but not fantasy either, and I had no problem jumping into that world. There's lots of action for guys with Egg always on the run from killers and pirates. Definitely planning on reading the next one myself soon.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
When ten nuns arrive on South Bass Island, Bea agrees to help with their meals during their week long retreat. However, when one of the Sisters doesn’t show up for dinner, Bea finds her dead body. Is one of the other Sisters hiding a deadly grudge? Or is someone out to put a killer end to this retreat?

I was thrilled to return to South Bass Island and Bea and her friends. They are a delightful group, and I enjoyed spending time with them as always. While borrowing nicely from the setup of the Christie classic, this mystery takes off in some fun new directions. One aspect of the setup is never fully explained, although I can guess what happened as why. That’s a small quibble and my only complaint with this wonderful book.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Cat About Town (Cat Cafe Mystery, #1)
Cate Conte | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie James has returned to Daybreak Island as a result of her grandmother’s death. While there, she learns that Frank O’Malley, head of the local chamber of commerce, wants to buy her grandfather’s house, a house that has been in the family for generations. Frank is used to getting his way and is trying to scare Maddie’s grandfather into selling. So when Frank turns up dead, Maddie and her grandfather find themselves as suspects. Can Maddie clear their name?

I’ve been looking forward to this debut ever since I heard about it, and I wasn’t disappointed. The tension starts early, and once Frank’s body is found, we are off and running. I didn’t have things figured out until Maddie then, but then everything fell into place. The characters, including Maddie’s new cat, are completely charming. And the setting, a resort island off the coast of Massachusetts, is absolutely wonderful. I can’t wait for the next in the series.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

lurkykitty (3 KP) rated Saint X in Books

Mar 26, 2020  
Saint X
Saint X
Alexis Schaitkin | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A compelling and intelligent mystery
When Claire is only seven years old, her eighteen year-old sister Alison disappears and is found dead when their family takes a vacation on a Caribbean island. This book takes place mostly in NYC where Claire, now called Emily, is a young adult working at her first job. By happenstance, she runs into one of the men from the island who was accused of killing her sister, but was not convicted due to lack of evidence. She befriends this man to learn more about what happened to her sister, to the detriment of her own mental health. The initial impression of this book was that it would be a fast paced thriller with a stunning conclusion. However, it is more a commentary on unresolved grief, the assumptions that are made based on race and class, and how one event can shatter the lives of so many. It could still be categorized as a mystery. I found the multiple points of view valuable in understanding the characters and events. Even though, at times, Saint X did not move quickly, it was still a compelling and interesting read.
Forever Fudge
Forever Fudge
Nancy CoCo | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forever Fudge by Nancy Coco is a sweet cozy mystery. Readers will salivate with the fudge recipes, be charmed on the Mackinac Island, and attempt to crack the murder mystery along with the main character Allie McMurphy.

Coco is a great pseudonym for the Fudge series. “I really enjoy writing these cozy mysteries with the humor and solving the puzzle. While writing my first series, I would put recipes on my blog. Then a friend of mine suggested I should write in this genre with a gluten free bakery. My last name was specifically chosen for this series. I love fudge, actually anything chocolate. The person in the apartment next to us said it always smells like chocolate in my house. Not only does it smell good but tastes good as well.”

Allie is an amateur sleuth. She and her dog Mal have an uncanny ability to find dead bodies. In the past, she has helped the police solve cases. As the owner of a delightful hotel and fudge shop on Mackinac Island, Allie’s excitement has grown after a television crew arrives on the island to film a television pilot for a mystery series. Throwing a wrench into the enthusiasm is the dead body found by Allie’s adorable Bichon-Poo puppy, Mal. Shot in the head, the body discovered has a letter with clues from chess moves. As the killings mount up, the murderer continues to taunt Allie, trying to get her to play his game.

The island plays a role in the story. “I have a huge family living in Michigan, which is where the island is located. If you ever saw the movie, “Somewhere in Time” starring Christopher Reeve, you can picture the setting. The island does not allow cars so people travel by foot, horse and carriage, or bicycle. It is a cool touristy place.”

There is also a love triangle. Allie is being wooed by two courters. She broke up with Trent Jessup because a long-distance relationship is not working, with him spending a lot of time in Chicago. The other beau is police chief Rex Manning who is being persistent in pursuing her, yet, willing to give her time and space.

“I thought it is interesting to compare ‘in love versus loving someone.’ I love my male friends but being ‘in love’ has excitement, a commitment, and intimacy. Allie is starting to build connections but some old timers see her as an outsider. One of those who accept her as part of the community is Rex who sees it as his responsibility to protect her and the community.”

Actual recipes are dispersed throughout the story. “I purposely did it this way to show what Allie is working on. I sprinkle it throughout to give the feel and flavor to what she is actually making. I try to relate it to the story when possible. I remember my first contract with Kensington Books required me to write ten recipes per book. Luckily, they downsized that amount. Since they had to be originals it was a relief.”

This story has an intriguing mystery, some romance, and humor. It is a fun who done it plot that has no shortage of suspects. Readers will be looking forward to the next installment, Fudge Bits, out next fall, a Halloween plot. It will highlight her cat instead of her dog that finds a Zombie body.

Awix (3310 KP) rated King Kong (2005) in Movies

Feb 26, 2018 (Updated Feb 26, 2018)  
King Kong (2005)
King Kong (2005)
2005 | Action
Peter Jackson's labour of love takes itself awfully seriously for a film about a giant gorilla living on an island full of dinosaurs. Proof that even hugely successful, talented people occasionally need someone to tap them on the shoulder and say 'You need to think again about this.'

I mean, I love monster movies as much as the next person, but not when they last three hours and are stuffed with dead-wood character subplots like this one (what exactly is going on with Jamie Bell's character?). Attempting to make Kong wholly sympathetic throughout is also arguably a mistake. Movie looks great and has brilliant creature designs, but overall loses the sense of pulpy fun and excitement which the best Kong movies have; ends up feeling just a bit pompous.
Sabrina Salter has escaped a past in Boston, hoping to enjoy her new life in St. John. However, trouble finds her in the US Virgin Islands when she arrives to clean one of the villas she maintains only to find the tenant dead in the outside hammock. Will the police see her as the prime suspect? Can she live through something like this again?

While the setting may be a paradise, the tone is more somber given Sabrina’s past. I enjoyed the juxtaposition and getting to know the strong characters. The plot unfolds differently than I am used to in a mystery, but everything we need to solve the crime is there, and we get two very dramatic and satisfying climaxes.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Claws for Alarm
Claws for Alarm
Karen MacInerney | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don’t Be Alarmed. You’ll Enjoy This Mystery
Natalie’s current guests at her bed and breakfast are on a yoga retreat, but any thoughts she’d had of peace and quiet have vanished. They are demanding different food and squabbling amongst themselves. However, the real drama is happening elsewhere on this island off the coast of Maine where newcomer Francine is making everyone’s life miserable in her efforts to remake the island into what she thinks is should be. After a particularly memorable fight with Claudette, Francine winds up dead. Natalie knows her friend couldn’t have done it. But who did?

I do need to get one issue out of the way first. There is a timing issue in the plot that keeps me from giving the version I read five stars. Once it is edited (and the author is working on the revisions), that won’t be an issue at all. And that’s great because this book is wonderful. I love the setting of the series, and always feel like I’ve gotten to relax when I am reading about it. Natalie and the usual cast are old friends, and I was glad to get updates on them. The new characters are just as strong and memorable. I thought I had the killer pegged early, but it turned out I was wrong, yet all the twists made sense at the end.
Far Cry (2008)
Far Cry (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama
2.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
On a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, a scientist named Dr. Krieger (Udo Kier) is conducting horrific genetic experiments in his secret facility.

Krieger is attempting to create the ultimate soldier for his financial backers and is not above using his own men as test subjects and fodder for his experiments as the morally lacking Krieger only cares about his work and his funding.

In the film “Far Cry”, Director Uwe Boll has taken the classic 3D shooter from Ubisoft and given it his own unique interpretation.

The film stars Til Schweiger as Jack Carver, a former special forces operative who spends his days as a boat captain chartering tourists on whale watching expeditions when he is not enjoying a beer and sleeping the day away.

Jack is hired by a determined investigative reporter named Valerie Cardinal (Emmanuelle Vaugier), to take her to the island so she can get further proof for her story about the bizarre experiments taking place on the island. Valerie has a personal interest in the story as her uncle Max (Ralf Moeller), is one of those stationed at the island facility.

While Jack is reluctant to go near the island he does agree to anchor of the coast and pick up Valerie in a few hours. Of course things do not go as planned as Valerie is captured and Jack’s boat is destroyed leaving him believed to be dead by the Doctor and his forces.

Jack is not one to let this go, and rescues Valerie and looks to find a way off the island while avoiding the ever present troops. The stubborn Valerie is unwilling to leave until she has the information she needs for her story and ignores the dangers.

As if the Doctor and his soldiers were not trouble enough, the super soldiers have escaped and have caused various factions within the Dr’s forces to turn against one another which results in a pitched battle between the factions and the super soldiers.

What follows is a lot of action that is hampered by a weak plot and bad dialogue, and sadly very disappointing monsters.

The leads in the film have very little chemistry with one another and the characters are wafer thin, even by action movie standards. There are attempts at romance and playful banter that fizzle badly leaving only the action sequences to carry the film. Sadly while they are decent enough, especially a good car chase, they cannot overcome the plot issues and the creatures that do not live up to the hype.

Boll has taken a step back here as his recent films have shown progress especially the solid
“Seed” and “1968 Tunnel Rats”. When I visited the set I learned that the production was not allowed to use large aspects of the game and that aside from names, title, and settings, they had to create a new story that was inspired by the game. While the effort is there, the results come up lacking and do not do justice to the game, premise, or talent assembled.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Dreamland in Books

Feb 5, 2020  
Nancy Bilyeau | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dreamland is set in 1911, the year of a heatwave in New York. Peggy Batternberg, a wealthy heiress, is forced to spend the summer at the exclusive Oriental Hotel on Coney Island. She would rather work at the Moonrise Bookstore and keep her distance from her controlling family. Even though she’s not allowed to go to the fairgrounds on Coney Island on her own, she does go there with her brother and male cousins. After an argument, they become separated, and Peggy is able to explore Dreamland (the fairground) alone. She meets a poor artist, Stefan, and falls in love with him and his art.

But when dead women start turning up and Stefan is under suspicion, Peggy realises that the culprit may be closer than she realises (and not Stefan!). She decides that she has to be the one to find out who has murdered these women. In doing so, she discovers the dark side of her family.

I really enjoyed this - the descriptions were so good, and really illustrated the vast difference between the exclusive, luxurious hotels and the fairgrounds, the wealth of Peggy’s family and the poverty of the fairground workers.
Henry Taul, Peggy’s sisters fiancé and her ex-boyfriend, really is an unpleasant piece of work, and his mother is awful - a great example of ‘new money’ and how they clearly don’t know how to conduct themselves (ok, I’m saying this with a little ‘tongue in cheek’). Unlike the more staid (on the surface) Batternbergs!

The descriptions of Coney Island so evocative, that I could have been there, and the photos that the author had taken and posted on The Pigeonhole really added to this.

I must have changed my mind about the identity of the murderer at least half a dozen times , and it really did take me until the end and the big reveal to be sure!

A thoroughly enjoyable serialisation by The Pigeonhole, made even better by the authors participation.