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A Likely Story
A Likely Story
Jenn McKinlay | 2015 | Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
No Man Dies on an Island Alone
One of the things that librarian Lindsey Norris does as part of her job is take requests to the residents who live in the islands off the coast of Briar Creek, Connecticut. And that’s what she is doing this cold February day with the help of her ex-boyfriend, Sully. Their first stop is Star Island, the home of brothers Stewart and Peter Rosen. The brothers are recluses, and Lindsey knows to never leave the dock – Stewart will meet her there. This particular afternoon, Stewart doesn’t come to meet her. After waiting a few minutes, Lindsey and Sully can’t help but feel that something is wrong, so they venture up to the house to investigate. Inside, they find one brother dead with no sign of the other. Did one brother kill the other? Or is something even more sinister involved?

Since this is book six in the series, we’ve gotten to know the series regulars pretty well, and it is fun to check in with them again here. A couple of the supporting characters even get their own sub-plots, and they added some great humor to the book. The love triangle is still going strong here, although it takes a backseat to some of the other storylines of the book. Yes, the mystery is the more prominent story of the book. Once again for this series, it doesn’t unfold in typical fashion, but I was no less hooked, and I had to know what Lindsey would uncover next as she worked to piece everything together. I did feel the ending was rushed, which left a couple of things dangling, but the big questions were all answered. We get the typical extras for this series – literature discussion questions, a craft project, recipes – as well as a bonus short story that is a lot of fun. Fans new and old will enjoy catching up with Lindsey here.
The Ice Twins
S.K. Tremayne | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Angus and Sarah Moorcraft are struggling to keep their marriage in tact after the tragic death of one of their twin daughters. To escape from the memories of the incident and to hopefully push past other issues including alcoholism and infidelity, they move to an isolated lighthouse on an island just off the coast of Scotland, which Angus inherited from his grandmother. It starts promisingly enough for the family, until it becomes apparent that their surviving twin, Kirstie, is very likely Lydia, whom they thought had died. Things begin to spiral further out of control as their daughter appears to be being haunted by her dead sister (whichever one that may be) and both parents begin to go a bit crazy, Sarah especially. Secrets get revealed that threaten to shatter the already fragile balance they're maintaining until finally the truth about the accident comes out. The concept is pretty creepy and the setting is perfect for it. The characters aren't exactly likable, but no one is really as contemptuous as some recent "protagonists" in other novels, which makes it easier to root for them. Once things really get rolling, the twists come out pretty fast and furious and the suspense builds to a somewhat shocking conclusion. Unlikely to be the thriller of the year, but a very entertaining read that is perfect for the Halloween season.
Iced in Paradise
Iced in Paradise
Naomi Hirahara | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tracking an Ice-Cold Killer
Leilani Santiago has returned from Seattle to the island of Kauai to help run her family’s shave ice shack. Unfortunately, that means dealing with family dynamics, including her estranged father. He’s returned now with Luke, his newest surfing protégé, for a local competition. The morning of the competition, Leilani finds Luke dead on the floor of the shave ice shack. With her father as the prime suspect, Leilani begins to investigate. Can she find the truth?

This book is written in first person present tense, which took a couple of chapters to get used to, but once I did, I had no trouble getting lost in the story. The mystery with strong with plenty of suspects, yet things make sense when Leilani finds the truth. Like other books Naomi Hirahara has written, family dynamics are also a strong storyline, and they weave in and out without taking over from the mystery. This helps us get to know the characters, and I grew to love them as I read. I did struggle with the Pigeon English the characters speak; at times it really slowed me down as I worked to translate what they were saying. But that was my only complaint. The book left me feeling like I’d visited Kauai but craving shave ice.
Grounds for Murder
Grounds for Murder
Tara Lush | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Buzz Worthy Debut
Lana Lewis has moved back home to Devil’s Beach, an island off the Florida coast, and taken over running her late mother’s coffee shop. One of the best and worst things about her new life is her employee, Fabrizio "Fab" Bellucci. Fab is a great barista, but his shameless flirting gets on Lana’s nerves, especially since Fab has a reputation as a lady’s man to go along with it. When Fab quits without any warning, Lana has a public confrontation with him. The next morning, she discovers his dead body. The police are saying it was a tragic accident, but Lana thinks something else happened to him. Can she prove it?

After a bit of a slow start, this book picks up and presents some interesting twists along the way to a logical conclusion. There are plenty of suspects, and they are well-drawn enough to keep us guessing. I did wish that we learned a little less about Fab’s love life and that Lana’s attraction to the police chief were turned down a notch, but both are minor issues overall. I feel like we have a small core of regulars here, but I really like them. As a non-coffee drinker, I didn’t find the talk of coffee went too far, and I’m sure that coffee lovers will find this book makes them reach for their favorite mug. This is a fun debut, and I hope to visit Lana again soon.
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

Andrew didn't know how long he'd been on the island, but it was a long time. When a ship wrecks on his beach, a scent pulls him to find Edmund, half dead from the wreck. But there are others who want Edmund, and they don't mean to save him. Andrew has to keep HIS monster at bay, along with those on the island, if he wants to keep Edmund safe.

So! I'm in a bit of a quandary about this book!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I'm not a fan of books written in the present tense and first person. I don't know why I don't like them, I just don't. You'll also know, I will ALMOST always say I wanted to hear from the other main character, if a book is written from a single point of view.

And thus: my quandary. This book is written present tense AND first person. Had this book been written from both Andrew AND Edmund's point of view, in resent tense/first person, I have no doubt, NONE at all, I would have dumped this book as soon as that became clear. But it's ONLY Andrew who has a voice here. And of course, at this point I'm gonna say I needed to hear from Edmund, because I really did! But HAD Edmund had a say, I might not have finished it! You see my problem?!?!?!

Putting that fact aside, I really did enjoy these 80 pages of a vampire falling in love with his rescue, who in turn rescues him from his banishment. Andrew has been banished for killing one to many humans and keeping this human alive might just be his salvation. Edmund, curious mind that he has, wants to study Andrew's kind. And as they grow closer, Andrew's beast pushes hard for Andrew to bite Edmund, which Andrew doesn't want to do. But Edmund takes the choice away from him.

Andrew's voice is strong and clear, and he tells his story well. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It's just my bloody quandary!

So, since I really am surprised I enjoyed this first person/present tense...

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Jaguar (Painter Place Saga, #3)
Jaguar (Painter Place Saga, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can the man who once left Caroline behind now be trusted to rescue her? Caroline and Chad Gregory are happy on their island home at Painter Place. But an old vendetta against them puts Caroline in terrible danger. Her enemies are closing in, and the future of Painter Place is at stake. Her only hope of escape is a man known as the jaguar, a legendary international operative-and the ex-boyfriend who once leftCaroline behind. Even if he and a miracle can save her, Caroline will never be the same sheltered woman who has been groomed from childhood to inherit the island. Social Media post idea starters (see attached photos to share): Can the man who once left Caroline Painter behind now be trusted to rescue her? If Caroline's prayers to return to Painter Place are answered, can she adjust to the ordinary after a week of the extraordinary? (For reviewers who want to play up a missionary-minded point of view in the novel)In desperation, a wandering tribe in the Amazon tested the God of the Shining Woman who left her drawings as gifts for them in the darkness. The Jaguar lived his life as if it began only five years ago, with his first memories. He did not expect to live five more. But a dangerous mission stirs resurfacing memories and compromises his ability to rescue the only woman he ever loved-and left behind.

My Thoughts: This is the continuing saga of Painter Place, where there is no shortage of drama. In this episode we find Caroline abducted and taken into the jungle to escape the cartel. The thing is, it is her former boyfriend whom Caroline thought to be dead that is her rescuer. How will this affect her marriage? Will she ever get home to her family and children?

This is a fast-paced novel that will keep the reader on the edge until the very end. Pamela Poole writes her books that will make the reader think. Always full of valuable lessons for all of us to consider. I enjoyed meeting new characters and of course meeting up with some old ones. I do believe that the author was trying to convey how powerful our prayers can be; and enjoyed reading about the jaguar. I certainly look forward to her next book in the series.

The Girl Who Stayed
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe returns to her hometown of Sullivan's Island with one goal in mind: repair her childhood home and sell it, so she never has to come back. Her parents are dead, her brother doesn't want it, and her little sister, Hannah, disappeared from the Island when Hannah was eight and Zoe was ten. At the time, Hannah's friend, Gabi, insinuated that Zoe was responsible for Hannah's disappearance and while she knows it isn't true, Zoe has always felt confused and remorseful about her behavior during the time period when Hannah vanished. Even worse, she grew up under the doubt of her parents, especially her angry father, who seemed to believe Gabi, and with whom Zoe had a rough and rocky relationship as she aged.

This was an interesting book and I confess it had the misfortune of being read during a crazy time for me of illness and work: not its fault. Zoe is a tough character to crack at first, but she's also a victim of abuse, and her slowness to reveal herself--in the book and to others--makes sense. Crosby does a good job of displaying (versus telling) how Zoe's relationship with her parents has formed her into the adult she is today. What I enjoyed is that Zoe is a complicated individual with many layers. I've read too many books lately where a character had a bad childhood or suffered some form of abuse and that seems to be a reason to make them have only one character trait, which they must act upon, with no sign of reason. Zoe is nuanced, even if she takes some time to warm up to.

There are several scenes in the book that are nearly heartbreaking as you read. For instance, when Zoe finds a projector and a bunch of film belonging to her grandfather and manages to splice together enough film to capture a few moments of her late sister as a kid. As she describes the moment, it's powerful, and you can completely picture it. In another scene, she reminisces about how her mother "helped" her fix up Zoe's bathing suit before a first date--an event that ended poorly. This moment is not only formed so clearly, but says so much about how Zoe continued to relate to her Mom. It's very well-done.

The book spends most of its time focusing on Zoe's late second coming of age story (at nearly 40), with a few characters from Sullivan's Island thrown in, but there is a subplot to Hannah's disappearance that picks up pace near the end. The very end of the story felt a little rushed (though exciting). I'm still a bit torn about the actual ending--it sort of pissed me off--but I understand Crosby's choices.

In writing this review, I'd probably push my rating up to a 3.75 stars. It's a different book, and I enjoyed Zoe. I almost wish I could encounter her again.

I received an ARC of this book from Edelweiss - thank you! It is available for publication on 4/19/16. You can find a review this novel and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
Island of Thieves
Island of Thieves
Glen Erik Hamilton | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“A Thrilling Adventures of Thieves and Mysterious Islands and Magic Potions”
Van Shaw has been hired by an eccentric businessman to assess the security of the art gallery on his private island during a several day business meeting being hosted there. Van isn’t sure he believes the story he’s been given, but the money is good, so he agrees to the job. When he arrives, he finds the man’s normal security forces more hostile than expected. Then he finds a dead body on the beach. What has Van stumbled into this time?

I picked up this book expecting another thrilling adventure, and I wasn’t disappointed. The plot was a little slow in the set up, but once it got going, there were plenty of twists and action to keep us engaged. I was surprised to see the book switch to third person point of view, which made it a little harder than I expected to connect with Van again, but the multiple points of view we had for the climax made it clear why this book needed that switch. And the changes from one point of view to another were always easy to follow. I did have a little trouble connecting the characters to which side they were on, but that might be me. We do see some of the other series regulars, and I love how they bring out other sides in Van. Overall, this is another great entry in the series. If you are a fan of thrillers and you haven’t started these books yet, do so today.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Salt Water Wounds in Books

Aug 19, 2022 (Updated Aug 19, 2022)  
Salt Water Wounds
Salt Water Wounds
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Facing Wounds from the Past and Danger in the Present
It’s been two months since Hurricane Irma devastated the island of St. John, and in that time, Sabrina Salter and her friends have been trying to figure out how they are going to rebuild. Sabrina’s grandmother has some contacts back in the Boston area that will be able to help them get supplies, and she has asked Sabrina to join her so they can begin to search for Sabrina’s mother, who abandoned her as a toddler. Meanwhile, two explosions on St. John leave behind a dead body and danger for the friends Sabrina is leaving behind. Will they figure out what happened in the past and what is happening in the present?

If you are new to the series, know that this book will mean much more if you read it in order. We are seeing developments in several storylines we’ve followed since the beginning. While the two stories do start and end together, in many ways, we are seeing two parallel plots in this book. Both were compelling for different reasons, and I had a hard time putting the book down, reading the last third when I really intended to be doing something else. Elements of the climax are rushed, although that is a minor thing. Sabrina gets some wonderful character development here, and it’s great to see the rest of the cast again. This is a step away from the cozies I typically read, so keep that in mind before you pick up the book. If you are a fan, you’ll be happy with Sabrina’s latest adventure.
Mary Rose
Mary Rose
Geoffrey Girard | 2018 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I wasn’t sure what to think about this book when I first saw the synopsis, I couldn’t tell whether it was going to be a horror or something else. It turned out to be something else.

Going into this book I was impressed with the writing and the building of characters. Both elements really helped set the mysterious, brooding tone that this book portrays.

I began the book enjoying Simon’s character but eventually, like a lot of over-bearing husband characters, he got on my nerves. I understand the books whole thing was about protecting Mary Rose but the way he crawled around on all fours for her got really irritating. I understand this was done to add a layer to the story, however, I didn’t enjoy that aspect of it. I much prefer books that aren’t all loved up and mushy. I think my annoyance with the characters in this ruined a certain aspect of the book and made it less enjoyable for me overall.

I really liked the story for this one, however. A twenty year old mystery of how a young girl when missing on a mysterious and creepy Scottish island is definitely the sort of book I like. The tension and paranoia built throughout the story is superb and you’re really stuck wondering is Mary Rose dead? Is Mary Rose a portal to some sort of dark magic? Is the island really filled with paranormal things? It’s a great book that keeps you guessing all the way through.

This book does give all it secrets up at once, which normally isn’t my kind of mystery book, but it worked in this one. I know many people are disappointed by the ending but I thought it was equally shocking as it was poignant. Reading the afterthought bit about the original story of Mary Rose and Hitchcock’s ideas for a movie of it really helped me understand and appreciate how the novel ended.

I would recommend this novel for readers who have a slightly different taste in mysteries than me. If you like themes such as love and loss, then you will really get on with this one. I personally thought it was going to be more spooky and less emotional, but I still enjoyed the bulk of it.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley, Adaptive Books and Sunshine Sachs for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>