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The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales
The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales
Kate Mosse | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not going to ramble on and on giving you a synopsis for all the stories but I will let you know some of the ones that I enjoyed the most out of this collection. I really wanted to start reading some more short stories so I have continuously made an effort in reading a collection per month. With each book there are obviously going to be some better than others. I think the hardest thing for the authors is to create a really good and atmospheric story that will truly grip you and Kate Mosse has certainly done that in some of these stories. Others were a bit weak and easily forgettable.

The stories included are:

The Mistletoe Bride – 4/5 stars

Duet – 3.5/5 stars

Red Letter day – 2.5/5 stars

The drowned village – 3/5 stars

The house on the hill – 3/5 stars

Why the yew tree lives so long -1.5/5stars

Sainte-Therese – 3/5 stars

The ship of the dead -4/5 stars

La Fille de Melisande -2/5 stars

The revenant -5/5 star – FAVOURITE

On Harting hill -3.5/5 stars

The princess Alice -3/5 stars

In the Theatre at night 2.5/5 stars

The yellow scarf -3.5/5 stars

Syrinx 1/5 stars

Each of these stories comes with an authors note as what inspired her to write them. There are also some black and white gothic illustrations before each of the stories drawn by Rohan Daniel Eason which sets the tone. The stories are set in Sussex, Brittany and Languedoc that are based on Folk tales ranging from the 1800’s to the present day.

I will admit as writing this review I had to check the stories again to see which ones were which as they are somewhat forgettable. The ones that have clearly stuck with me is ‘The Mistletoe Bride’, ‘Duet’ and ‘The Revenant’.

The revenant was the best story by far in the book, it was eerie and creepy and had me on the edge of my seat with my pulse racing as I was actually scared but couldn’t stop reading. It is probably one of the scariest short stories that I have read! Mosse manages to create an intense atmosphere and completely grips the reader. The writing style is very easy to read and flows beautifully.

I would recommend this to people who are looking to read some short-stories that have historical fiction with supernatural elements and a bit of horror.

Overall I rated this 3.5/5 stars
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I've always found the premise of The Invisible Man damn scary. Someone watching you, stood next to you, whilst you carry on obliviously. It's the kind of scariness that gets under the skin, honestly, just like this movie does. For the first time in a while, I felt truly uncomfortable and genuinely scared throughout a fair chunk of the run time.

The movie starts with leading lady Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) quietly and frantically leaving her house in the dead of night, to get away from her abusive relationship with partner Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen).
This opening scene sets the tone nicely. It's dimly lit, it's mostly silent, it's tense, and climaxes frantically with a swelling of orchestral score (the original score by Benjamin Wallfisch is fantastic throughout).
Finally free and living with friends, Cecilia is somewhat comforted by the news that Adrian has subsequently committed suicide, and is no longer a threat to her.
Before long though, she is being stalked by an unseen presence, and she quickly becomes convinced that Adrian as alive and well, and has perfected his work in the optics field to turn himself invisible, and systematically ruin her life.

Once it becomes apparent that Cecilia is not alone is where the movie really shines. We're subjected to wide shot after wide shot of her going about her daily routines, with plenty of empty camera space, where we as the audience are prompted to search the shot for clues, to see if we can see where The Invisible Man is in the moment. It's a simple and hugely effective tactic that had me squirming. The constant under current of dread is really quite horrible.

Elisabeth Moss is great from start to finish. The torment that she is out through is portrayed really well, and it doesn't take a lot to sympathise with her, and the yearning for everyone else to see she isn't crazy is strong.

Towards the final act, the tension predictably takes a bit of a backseat for a more fast faced finale, which mostly works, but it's hard to ignore a few glaring plot holes, and a late twist that feels like it was thrown in just for the sake of it. It's not enough to ruin what is undoubtedly a pretty solid edge-of-your-seat thriller though.
If Universal had perhaps approached The Mummy with a similar style, then we could be in the midst of a great Dark Universe franchise, but if all the seperate entries end up being as strong as The Invisible Man, then it's no loss.

Louise (64 KP) rated The Breakdown in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

Sometimes it’s hard to find a really good Thriller novel, what with there being absolutely thousands upon thousands of them, you will read some mediocre and some pretty bad ones, ‘The Breakdown’ was neither of these, it was fantastic.

Cass has just been to a house-warming and deciding to call it a night, gets into her car and makes her way home. The weather is horrendous, it’s raining heavily, wild wind and it’s pitch black. Before she leaves she rings her husband to let him know she is on her way home and he makes her promise to take the longer route home due to the weather and that it’s 1am in the morning. However, Cass decides to take the shortcut through the woods despite promising her husband she wouldn’t. Through the woods/forest is 20 minutes off her journey and she really just wants to get to bed, however halfway through she sees a car parked up and a glimpses and woman inside. Cass pulls up and waits to see if the woman will jump out of her car for help, after 5 minutes with no sight of the woman Cass decides to carry on home. In the local papers the next morning a woman has been found dead exactly where Cass had stopped, the guilt builds up and she wants to tell the police but what if they think it was her? and what would her husband say if he knew she was in the woods?

I am not going to lie, I flipping loved this book a lot. I loved the characters, I loved the plot and the twist too. It just has everything you want in a good thriller. What made it great for me was the unreliable narrator and that it was so realistic and believable.

I adored Cass,I felt that I could relate to her in so many ways. She drove off after no-one jumped out of the car but I would have done the exact same thing. A young woman on their own in the woods is a no-go but I might have done somethings differently, who knows until you are put in that situation. She has a great husband who adores her and is very understanding. She seems to be having memory issues and becoming rather forgetful which is causing her to get stressed, the guilt of not doing anything in the woods is eating away at her and everything starts to become too much. Also she is getting silent phone calls,I mean how much more can one woman take.

All the side characters were good, such as her friends and colleagues and felt they were all integral to the story.

This is the first B A Paris book that I have read and I absolutely adored it, it was fast paced and had you on the edge of your seat. I felt so much sympathy for Cass but also a lot of respect. I cannot wait to read ‘Behind Closed Doors’.

The only thing that let this book down for me that it was a little bit predictable but the joy I got reading this book out weighed that con.

I rated this 4.5 out of 5 stars
Swiss Army Man (2016)
Swiss Army Man (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold
Contains spoilers, click to show
OK so this is something that I thought looked absolutely stupid when I first saw the previews for it in the movies. I must say how horribly wrong I was. Swiss Army Man is unique and inspired. Daniel Radcliffe is amazing as Manny "the multipurpose tool man".

The movie opens with Hank (Dando) waking up on a deserted beach, unaware of where he is or what has transpired for him to be there. As he takes in his surroundings he gives way to despair and preps to commit suicide, when he notices a body on the beach. He races over to the body which begins to expel gas on which Hank rides Manny like a jet ski to get off an island. Shortly after,

Manny begins showing signs of semipermeable intelligence. At which point he slowly comes "alive" in a have animated have dead state, almost like a paraplegic zombie. The story centers around the two learning how to live again and a story of finding oneself and making it in the world.

Through out the movie Dano and Radcliffe are stuck in the middle of the woods, where Manny's many talents come to save Hank from the brink of death time and time again. While in the woods Hank tries to teach Manny how to live again, the two undergo a spiritual journey that eventually leads Hank and Manny back to civilization.

The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold, you are left wondering what the hell is going on. It is a very funny, tongue in cheek, and almost campy movie at times, but I found it to be surprisingly delightful.

Due to some of the language and brief nudity of Daniel's butt, I would suggest that this not be watched with young children as it is Rated R.
Fashionably Late
Fashionably Late
Lisa Q. Mathews | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Late Reading This Book, But I Enjoyed It
It all starts with a fashion show. It’s fashion week in Milano – Milano, Florida, that is, and Summer Smythe has snagged tickets for herself and her friend Dorothy Westin to the luncheon and fashion show that are kicking things off. However, things take a strange turn when Angelica Downs, one of the models, asks them for help before the show starts. When they try to track her down, they find her dead body. Angelica’s mother, Frankie, is living in the part of their senior center for those with memory issues, and Dorothy and Summer are worried that Frankie might be next. However, when they go to talk to Frankie, that only leaves them with more questions. Is a killer after Frankie? Who killed Angelica? Can Dorothy and Summer figure out what is really going on?

Having read the previous two books in this series, I knew what to expect, and I wasn’t disappointed. The plot starts off strongly. We don’t seem to be gathering any clues right off the bat, but there is still plenty happening to keep our interest. Naturally, much of that comes back into play as the book leads us to the logical conclusion. The climax was a tad rushed, but it was also fun and answered all of our questions. The characters range from fairly realistic, like Dorothy, to less so, like Summer, to outright wacky. The mix works for this book. We care enough to want to see justice done, but we also are having fun laughing and smiling as things go along. The book is set in December, but the holidays only color events a little. Instead, this is more about the fashion shows and the events happening in connection with them. If you are looking for a delightful book, this is definitely one to pick up.

Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated the PC version of Evolve in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Following up a game as popular and successful as Left 4 Dead is not an easy task. Then add into the mix having your studio closed by your new owners, reopened as a casual studio, having the publisher of your next big game go Bankrupt and then dealing with the huge expectations for your latest project; and you see the task facing Turtle Rock Studios.

Turtle Rock Studios and 2K have combined to give gamers EVOLVE, a game that takes the co-op gameplay aspects of Left 4 Dead and throws in some new wrinkles and features thanks in large part to the increased power of the next generation of gaming consoles and the versatility and power of gaming PCs.

The game is set on a distant planet named Shear where giant and deadly creatures are threatening the established colonies to the point where an evacuation is being planned. As such a team of expert hunters is assigned to locate and eliminate the creatures posing the threat and as such players play as one of four classes, Assault, Trapper, Medic, and Support. Each class has weapons and abilities specific to their role and as player’s progress; they will unlock other characters in the various classes each with their own weapons and abilities which gives players far more options than simply having to play the same class in a new characters but with the same weapons and abilities.

The game also allows players to play as the monster and they will gain size and abilities as they consume the abundant local wildlife and “evolve” into a larger and more dangerous threat. Naturally as players gain experience, they will gain new abilities and even more weapons to use against the hunters.

Players have the option to play with friends, bots, or be randomly matched and there are various gameplay modes such as hunting, rescuing survivors, and defending an installation. There is also an Evacuation mode which tasks players to survive and complete various missions in a connected campaign where what they do or do not do over the missions will change options that are available to them. For example, players who are able to defend a power station will have gun emplacements available to them in the next mission. Failure to save the power plant will result I a toxic cloud being released which will harm the others. Other failures in this mode can result in the local wildlife becoming even more dangerous and aggressive which is not something you want to deal with when tracking the monster.

Playing on the PC version of the game I was impressed by the smooth frame rate and the lush and detailed environment in which I played. It was very easy finding others to play with and the system did a good job of matching players according to their level for the most part.

Shear is a very lush and dangerous world filled with all sorts of animals and plants who have no problem taking a bit out of you and party.

It is vital to work as a team, as lone wolf players rarely survive long, and as such the key is getting good players around you. I have had the misfortune to be teamed with players who do not come to your aid, who wander off and do their own thing, and ignore your suggestions for strategies. This usually results in a frustrating defeat.

I have also worked with a random team that was very helping of one another and while we endured some losses in early missions we rebounded well to complete the last two missions of the Evacuation mode and see a successful conclusion.

The players are fairly easy to control and anyone who has played Titanfall or Call of Duty: Advanced warfare will have a leg up in using the jet packs to jump and glide in combat and when navigating up and across terrain and obstacles.

Playing as the monster can be rewarding and also a challenge as knowing when the best time to stop running and attack the hunters is a key and also if you should stop evolving at level 3 and try to destroy various objects to win or try to evolve to the max levels.

As with the players, the success or failure of a mission can depend on how well the person playing the monster is. A novice with little skill tends to make for an unsatisfactory hunt while a seasoned player with good abilities can often present a frustrating challenge as many times the monster can appear to be overpowering. I can remember a recent mission where my team unloaded on the creature on three different exchanges and had their armor and health depleted. Pressing on the attack a few minutes later, the creature was able to take down the entire team in a matter of seconds despite being able to handle us in the early and much longer exchanges.

The weapons are painstakingly slow on the big guy as dart guns, fusion cutters, and lightning guns work well on the local wildlife but tend to not do much unless part of a joined and sustained attack. I remember one battle where I was unloading on the creature over and over, swapping weapons when one needed to recharge and the other needed to reload. Despite scoring hit after hit the creature was not taking any devastating damage and continued to ignore me while taking out other members of the team before giving me his full attention.

This is where running away can be a good thing as when hunters fall and you are unable to revive them, they can return to the battle when a drop ship returns which is indicated by a countdown on the screen.

The characters are diverse and interesting and have some great lines but after playing the Big Alpha, Beta, and some early access, I found that I was ready for some new lines and characters by the time the final release came out.

Evolve is a game that will be different things to different people. Some will bemoan the lack of a traditional campaign while others will want more powerful weapons and balance.

If you’re happy playing a game that is at its core an online co-op game then Evolve is a game you will want to play. If you’re someone who needs a structured and lengthy campaign with multiple locales, then Evolve may not be to your liking.

Some gamers have complained about the amount of DLC that was available at launch stating that some of it should have been included in the final game. My take on DLC is pretty straight forward and you can see it here. That being said, taking Evolve for what it is rather that what it is not, it is a very beautiful and action filled game that will present plenty of fun and challenges along the way for gamers. What you ultimately do with the game is largely up to the players as they will find the gameplay style, customizations, and characters that work best for them.

I am curious what the future will bring for the series as I would not mind seeing new characters, weapons and scenarios but for now, what is available is highly enjoyable and challenging.
Try Not to Breathe
Try Not to Breathe
Holly Seddon | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Try Not to Breathe is a terrific thriller from a first time novelist, and I'm already looking forward to her next book. Touted as being "for fans of Paula Hawkins", I was expecting another unreliable narrator thriller, but this story is different. As it says in the description, it is told from both Amy and Alex's points of view, but also from Amy's childhood boyfriend's point of view. Two of the narrators are not unreliable. Alex and Jake / Jacob just don't have all of the answers yet, and we learn any new information right along with them. Amy is another story. In her dream-like state, sometimes she remembers things, and sometimes not. When she does have useful information she is unable to communicate it to anyone.

This book is a great mystery, but it is also a heartbreaking story of a girl left to live inside her own mind after a terrible attack left her in a near vegetative state, and the effect that her attack has on her family and those who love her. However much liberty the author may have taken in creating Amy's world, she did a great job of bringing life to a character who was seen as already dead by so many.

I would recommend this one to all mystery / thriller fans. Whether you are a fan of the unreliable narrator trope or not, this is an enjoyable read.

NOTE: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Moonlight and the Pearler’s Daughter
Moonlight and the Pearler’s Daughter
Lizzie Pook | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moonlight and the Pearler’s daughter ticked a lot of the boxes on my ‘favourite books’ list:
Historical fiction ✅
Set somewhere completely out of my previous knowledge ✅
A strong female character, operating in a difficult situation ✅
A bit of a mystery ✅ (I don’t really want to try and solve it, I just like the big reveal!)

As is often the case, the expectation of women in historical fiction is to stay at home, look after the house, wait to get married and have babies. But Eliza won’t stay at home when her father goes missing - she doesn’t assume he’s dead like the rest of the townsfolk.

There’s a real feeling of danger in a town where there appears to be no law keepers - not honest one’s, anyway. And if the corrupt, prejudiced townsfolk don’t get you, the climate and the wildlife (jellyfish, crocodiles!!) will.

This is a gripping, descriptive novel, that puts the reader firmly in Eliza’s world. I certainly had more of an idea of the hardships of living in NW Australia at this time. What will stay with me however, is Eliza’s determination to save her father and her family. She’s single-minded in her quest to find him, and determined not to let anyone else take the blame for his supposed death. It’s unnerving at times, when the attitudes of the white settlers towards the Aboriginals and other people of colour are starkly described.

A dark time in history, indeed.
And I’d highly recommend this. It’s wonderfully told.
Heartbreak Bay ( Stillhouse Lake 5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
162 of 235
Heartbreak Bay ( Stillhouse Lake 5)
By Rachel Caine

They’re hunting a killer so silent, so invisible, that his unspeakable crimes are the only proof he exists.

A car submerged in a remote pond. The bodies of two girls strapped into their seats. The mystery of their mother, vanished without a trace, leads Gwen Proctor and Kezia Claremont into dangerous territory.

On the surface, Gwen’s life is good—two children approaching adulthood, a committed partner, and a harrowing past dead and gone. But that past is attracting the attention of someone invisible…and unstoppable. Trouble’s just beginning. So is the body count in this backwoods Tennessee town.

As threats mount and Gwen’s hunted by an enemy who pulls all the strings, Kezia has her back. But working to solve these vicious and unreasonable crimes will expose them both to a killer they can’t for the life of them see coming.

Loved this kinda had to take a breath after Keiza finds those poor babies I even put it down for a few to just breathe. It was full of tension and I really liked that it was the two kick ass females taking the lead. I did want to shake Sam and say well that was a bit obvious mate!!! Really good ending! This is such a sad place to be knowing this was the last book Rachel Caine sent to be published and I can’t thank her enough for getting me through some hard times. Thank you..
The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
2018 | Horror
Characters – Megan Reed is a former cop that has been through rehab after struggling after her own experience in the field, cleaned up, she looks to get back into work on a graveyard shift at the morgue. Megan does start to have strange visits while on duty and becomes convinced strange things are going on, she is left to wonder whether she is having a bad experience from her drugs or is something supernatural going on. Andrew is the ex-boyfriend and fellow cop of Megan, he was left no choice, but to leave her, but will support her through her struggles. Hannah Grace is the young woman that went through the exorcism, she hasn’t remained dead though, searching for more victims in her afterlife. Randy is the friendly paramedic that offers support for Megan because of his own past.

Performances – Shay Mitchell does everything she can with her leading role without being terrible, just not getting much to do from it. Grey Damon doesn’t have much to do, neither does Nick Thune, though he does make the most of his limited time. Kirby Johnson does get extra praise for her ability to try and make her character creepy throughout.

Story – The story here follows a cop fresh out of rehab that takes a graveyard shift in a morgue only to find her night become a nightmare when a corpse comes back to life to haunt them. The story is a true disappointment because we have one side of Megan’s story being that she might be falling off the wagon again, which would make everything going on great, only we get plenty of disposable characters that offer the corpse a chance to kill instead of building the tension of Megan losing her mind. This story does feel like a complete rip off The Autopsy of Jane Doe.

Horror/Mystery – The horror in this film comes from how the haunting figure is searching for the latest victim, only it never reaches the true level it could do. The mystery is meant to be around why the corpse isn’t remaining dead, only for it to end up feeling like it is the back burner.

Settings – The film is set inside the city morgue, we do have the lights that only come on when you are in their sensors go off, though it does feel too large to get the most out of the environment.

Special Effects – The effects are a mixed bag because the physical movement is great, but the CGI covers up too much in this film and it is weak.

Scene of the Movie – The first discovery.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We just doesn’t seem to get the smart enough decisions in writing here.

Final Thoughts – This is a poor horror that just copies The Autopsy of Jane Doe, only to lose all the atmosphere in the film.

Overall: Disappointing throughout.