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Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Chris Roberson, Mike Allred | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard about this book from Elena reads books and was instantly intrigued!This book sounded fun, I haven’t read much about zombies and also just wanted to read more comics/graphic novels. It was totally fascinating from the start and definitely different.

Gwen appears to be you average everyday person at the start, other than working as a gravedigger she is normal, except she’s not! She is a zombie! but not your stereotypical zombie – she doesn’t walk around groaning, her face and body are not decaying. As long as she eats one brain per month she will not turn full zombie. However eating brains comes at a cost, first of all the brain has to be pretty fresh (hence being a gravedigger), she obviously can’t get caught, they taste bad….oh and she gets stuck with the deceased’s memories for a period of time. The last brain she ate was from a young family man who was killed by a serial killer. Gwen takes it upon herself to investigate why the man was murdered. Also there are a group of female vampires who don’t kill their victims they just feed little and often from men that attend paint balling in the woods. However there is always one that can’t play by the rules and is starting to attract attention from these ancient monster hunters.

There were so many different types of character/monsters in this book, we had zombies (obvs)Ghosts, Vampires and even a WereTerrier which I thought was kind of cute. This is a more of a fluffy zombie book and totally different from the walking dead. I liked all the individual characters but there wasn’t a lot of development and I think this was because there was too much trying to happen in one volume. We had the story of Gwen, it would then jump to the Vampires and then to the hunters, which made the plot line a bit disjointed. Some of the characters….Mainly Dixie was portrayed as being self-centred, all she thinks about is herself and Gwen is unable to rely on her even though she is her best friend. All the females in the book all seemed to have perfect bodies… I wish they just made some females different shapes and sizes. I really liked the art style and colours that were used to set the tone of the book. This was a great introduction to the story and I will be continuing on with the second volume.

Also there is a series on Netflix adaptation that is loosely based on the comic, I might start watching it as my partner has watched it and said it’s alright. Have you watched izombie? whats your thoughts on it?

Overall I rated this 3.75 out of 5 stars

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Black Hawks in Books

Nov 11, 2019  
The Black Hawks
The Black Hawks
David Wragg | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gritty story that emerges gradually and organically
The Black Hawks follows Vedren Chel, a young knight-in-training whose training is floundering and he is disengaged. His place in the corrupt country, and its class system, is dubious, and suddenly thrown into doubt when his home city is invaded. He sees the chance to escort young cowardly Prince Tarfel across country as his way out of his dead-end role. Sadly for him, they are kidnapped by the Black Hawk company, a crew of mercenaries as likely to call you an inventive swear-word as to instantly gut you.
The story is one that emerges over time, as Chel and the Black Hawks' journey changes and develops into more of a righteous quest. While I tend to prefer books where I can visualise the overall plot early on, I really enjoyed this and the way everyone was on the back foot the whole time. It gave me, as the reader, the feeling of being unaware and at the mercy of this harsh world, as it did for the characters in the story.
The characters themselves are largely well-developed. Chel is an interesting main character, being morally strong but largely useless in a fight. I was oddly glad that his battle skills barely improved throughout the book, I was at one point dreading chapters of sword forms and stances. He contrasts well with the Black Hawks, who are a grim company of morally corrupt selfish head-cases who are somewhat loyal to each other, but at the same time out for themselves. Within the crew each has their own place, their own skills and their own defined personality. It was a little hard initially to remember each of them, but I quickly got to know them well. Their different skills were well used in the action scenes as the company fought against other crews of mercenaries and corrupt government/church officials.
The plot is strong here. As said earlier, it develops over time with twists and turns and treachery and moral corruption throughout.
While the ending was a little bit of a surprise and a let-down, it felt overall the right way to end this first book in the series.
I had some issues with the pacing, but on the whole really enjoyed this book.
Show all 3 comments.

Ross (3284 KP) Nov 12, 2019

If you have read Kyngs of the Wyld (which I haven't yet) apparently it has a very similar feel. A really good story with just enough humour.


AT (1676 KP) Nov 12, 2019

No, I haven't. I'll look at that, too.


LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006) in Movies

Dec 5, 2020 (Updated Dec 6, 2020)  
Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006)
Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006)
2006 | Comedy
DANEgerous Edition

Less a stand-up show and more an event where you get to watch a manic cokehead scream at the top of his lungs and convulse around a small circular stage in front of a packed, sports-arena-esque crowd for nearly 2 hours and 15 minutes - one of the most breathless and impossible-to-look-away-from things I've ever seen. Say what you will about him, but he'll die before he loses your attention - it felt like *I* burned calories after watching him writhe, sweat, and shriek about for this long. Before Chappelle's similarly hit-or-miss 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 & 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴, this was arguably the most divisive stand-up special out there - most people either swore by it as one of the greats, or lambasted it as a stain on the legacy of comedy itself. It's hard to remember, but there was a time Cook was a megastar - the same year this special aired he was listed in TIME Magazine's "Top 100 Most Influential People In the World" alongside industry titans Meryl Streep and George Clooney. Outside of maybe Bam Margera I don't think any other sole entertainer represented the crass ode to reckless debauchery that was the mid-2000s quite like this guy; it's beguilingly bizarre almost solely as a piece of a pop culture time capsule alone. Though on its own merits this shockingly holds up a lot more than expected, not always funny (does some cringe 2006 shit like having two women make out on stage while Dane watches for no reason and a rather uncomfortable segment where he seemingly makes a young lady flash her breasts onstage) but home to a satiable amount of hearty chuckles and an exuberant energy that can't be denied even well past the two hour mark. Laden with dead-on observations, colossal vulgarity, intense (and super idiosyncratic) physicality, oddly cerebral camerawork + editing, and guttural cries unlike any other set I've seen... then after all that he comes back on the stage with an acoustic guitar to fucking *sing* - this is the human body being put to its endurance test as a comedic performer. A great time even if some of the jokes get drawn out way past the point of repair - what I can only describe as unforgettable, often really fucking funny, spastically aroused hyperspecificity. Nearly top-to-bottom infectious in spite of its whiffs.
The Dead Lands
The Dead Lands
Benjamin Percy | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

The Dead Lands is at its core a story of survival in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles - survival not just of a few individuals, but of humanity itself.

The story starts out in Sanctuary, and then hops back and forth between there and the group of escapees who have set off in the hopes of discovering something better. Each member of the scouting party has his or her own personal reason for fleeing Sanctuary. For some, the struggle with their decision to leave causes them almost as much grief as the monsters, inhospitable climates, and other people they meet along the way.

This book had both the horror-road-trip feel of The Talisman, by Stephen King and Peter Straub, and the find-other-survivors-and-keep-the-human-race-going vibe of The Passage, by Justin Cronin. (Both of which I highly recommend if you have not already read them!) It was a suspenseful, thought-provoking tale and I really enjoyed it.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated The Hunt in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
The Hunt
Tim Lebbon | 2015
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | The Hunt by T. J. Lebbon
Rose is the one that got away. She was the prey in a human trophy hunt run by an elite organisation known only as The Trail. She paid the worst possible price. Every moment since she has been planning her revenge. And now her time has come ...

Chris returns from his morning run to find his wife and children missing and a stranger in his kitchen.

He's told to run.

If he's caught and killed, his family go free. If he escapes, they die.

Rose is the only one who can help him, for her, Chris is bait. And The Trail have not forgotten the woman who tried to outwit them.
The Trail want Rose. The hunters want Chris's corpse. Rose wants revenge, and Chris just wants his family back.


I was given this book by my friend she told me it was a great book. I don't usually read thriller books but this year I am starting to go out my comfort zone of romance. I have enjoy reading these thrillers and how they make my heart beat faster.
When I first saw the front cover it intrigued me and I wanted to get straight into the book and see what it like.

The book is about Rose she was the one who got away from a game where rich people pay to hunt people down its a sick game to play. While this is happening her family was taken hostage. She was told if she escape them her family will die. Rose outwitted them and escaped them as she thought they wont kill my family. But sadly they was killed and she went back to her house to find them dead and she is framed for their murder. So she goes on the run to find out more about what The Trail is and how she can hunt them down and seek revenge for what did to her family.

While she was searching on the internet to see if The Trail as took another family hostage she found out that there was another and this time it was a man called Chris he returned from a morning run to find hes family as gone missing and a stranger in hes kitchen. He was told if he escapes and they can't find him hes family will be killed. He feels all alone as he can't get in contact with hes family and friends.

But all a sudden this women comes to the rescue called Rose shes the only one who can help him and she knows more about The Trail. So she uses Chris as bait while she hunts each of the hunters down and kills them. Chris doesn't trust Rose he feels that she is in with the The Trail but he soons realise that she aint there to kill him but safe him from The Trail and save hes family too.

Wow this book is a page turner, I was intrigued what was happening through the book and I was thinking all the way through the book "Will they survive?" "Will they find Chris's family in time?" Also I wanted it to have a happy ending and The Trail need to be stopped!

I won't say anymore as I want you to decide what you think to the book and ending.

Thanks for reading x
Sol (Learning to Love #2)
Sol (Learning to Love #2)
Con Riley | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
There is a LOT of love in this book, and it shines from the very first page.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Learning To Love series, but I am reading it out of order. I already read book 3, Luke. I loved book 1, Charles, and I loved Luke. They can be read as stand alones, though.

But I didn't love this one and it pains me so!

Because I got a taste of Sol and Jace in book 3, I think I spoiled this one for myself and I'm sorry about that!

I mean, it's good, it's a great second chance romance, that really isn't. Cos while Sol and Jace have history, that history is nowhere near as in depth as I thought. Waiting 15 years for a second kiss, is a long time.

Sol struggles with his nephew, and now their safe place is threatened with closure. Jace could help save it, but reconnecting with Jace brings out all sorts of feelings in Sol, feelings he thought long dead.

I liked this; I really did. I just think it doesn't carry the emotional punch to the gut that Charles and Luke do, you know? it's all here, don't get me wrong, it just doesn't whoop you up-side the head quite so much!

But then again, maybe that's a GOOD thing! Because the love that Jace clearly still has for Sol, right from their reconnection, is powerful. Sol's takes time to become apparent, but it is there, it just needs Sol to see it! There is a LOT of love in this book, and it shines from the very first page.

Cameron, Sol's nephew, has a sort of lightbulb moment, and it was a joy to see him reconnecting with his mum.

Again, only the title character has a say. I knew that going in, so it wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise to ME and for ME was that I didn't miss Jace not being given a voice.

What this book DOES give me, though, is an insight into Austin. Austin plays a huge part in book 3, and this gave me a better idea of him and what happened between him and Sol that was referenced in Luke but not fully explained.

I enjoyed Sol, I'm glad I read it, but if you come across this review, please try to read the series in order!

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Lovely Bones
The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (66 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely and heartwarming. Even if it does tear out your heart and soul a little (0 more)
The ending! (0 more)
It was a while ago when I read this book, but I remember enough to write a review, I think.

Firstly, the book is not for the faint-hearted. The beginning is difficult to read for those who are a little sensitive to subjects such as child abuse, rape, and murder. That all happens near the beginning of the book.

The middle of the book it so much better. The reader and the protagonist, Susie Salmon, watch as her family grieve for the loss of their daughter. They do not know what happened to her. To them, she is just missing, most likely murdered. It is only us and Susie who knows what happened. We see Susie as she tries to interact with her family and help them to move on from what has happened to them. It is such a lovely section of the story it makes me want to rate it higher.

However, the ending ruined what the author had spent so much time building. The ending does the rest of the book no justice what so ever. Although to some, the story would feel unrealistic anyway, considering we are watching from the focalisation of a dead person. But it is still believable because of the purpose of the book. The ending completely pulls you from this beautifully written piece. When I was reading it I was like what? Really? This is happening? It was so unrealistic that it ruined the ending. It was like lazy writing. The author could not think of a better ending so she just threw one together and hoped no one would notice. I noticed. And if that isn't what she did, then she ruined a great piece of work.

The family also seemed a little too perfect for me. But I will leave that as it stands.

I'm going to stop ranting now. I have given this book a 6 because I loved the rest of the book up until the ending. If the ending was better, it would have gotten a higher rating. But alas, the book was an alright read. Something I would not really read again unless I had to. And I don't.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm going to try very hard to keep my feelings about the novel out of this review about the movie, often when reading reviews I feel that the feelings of one medium influences the feelings of the other.

Ready Player One is a entertaining ride that follows the main character Wade through the virtual world of the Oasis. The creator of this virtual world is dead but he left a puzzle when he died that if the players figured out it would lead them to a series of keys that would grant them ownership of the world.
But of course nothing can just be simple, so while the players are trying to figure out the puzzle in the Oasis there are people who are trying to take them out of the real world.

The movie goes through many different phases cutting between live action and cgi to demonstrate the difference between the Oasis and the real world. So if you're a fan of CGI this probably won't annoy you too much.
One of my major complaints about the movie is that visually there is too much going on, it is a huge distraction with so much going on in the background to really pay attention to what is going on in the foreground. This could be because they were trying to give the illusion of it being a real world but in a movie setting it was just too much.
The movie is also too long, some of the challenges and scenes just take too much time and drag down the pace of the movie. But one of the Challenges, where the players go into a recreating of The Shining is actually the best part of the whole movie, it is fun, familiar, and entertaining. Moments like that really help to save the movie from the slower moments that seem to drag.

Overall the movie isn't bad but it also isn't good. I doubt it will become a classic like the novel had when it was released. But I can totally see people putting it on when hanging out with a group of friends and want some background noise. It was a really interesting and good concept but they tried to do too much with it and it really hurt the movie in the long run.