
The Silent Dead (Detective Jackie Cooke #2)
She was lying as if asleep on the wooden kitchen floor, beneath the fridge covered with a child’s...

The Hoxton Street Monster Supplies Cookbook: Everyday Recipes for the Living, Dead and und
Hoxton Street Monster Supplies Limited
For hundreds of years, the Hoxton Street Monster Supplies shop has been supplying quality goods for...

The Feckin' Book of Everything Irish: That'll Have Ye Effin' An' Blindin' Wojus Slang - Blatherin' Deadly Quotations - Beltin' Out Ballads While Scuttered - Cookin' an Irish Mammy's Recipe
A deadly compendium of all your favourite feckin' books Do you know the difference between a bowsie...

Jack's Wife Freda
“Walking into Jack’s Wife Freda feels like a big, warm hug. Maya and Dean serve food you want to...