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In the Midst of Life
Jennifer Worth | 2017 | Biography
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I picked up this book to read, it was because I wanted something far removed from what I would normally turn to. Usually I'm very much a 'chick-lit' reader. But I've been finding these magazine/tabloid style novels all follow the same formula and are so predictable. Time for something new.

I hadn't previously heard of Jennifer Worth but was aware of Call the Midwife, although I hadn't read it or seen the series.
These memoirs show what a full and rewarding life Jennifer has lived. A simple and loving life, but she made quite an impact. The way Jennifer can recall so many interesting characters, people and tales from over the years during her nursing career just goes to show how much she cared. Plus the fact that she obviously inspired her nieces to follow her footsteps in the career path.

She talks about her experiences with life and death and how procedures, and perhaps opinions, have changed in her lifetime.
It often gave a very detail and graphic insight to health problems and what occurs in the lead up to end of life as we know it. I have had health issues myself, so to me this didn't come across as too out of the ordinary or gruesome but I can understand that it might be quite horrific to others.

In reading this book I feel more of a sense of calm of what I will one day face. We all will die. This is a fact. Whether it comes about from some unfortunate accident or illness or simply 'growing old' we will all one day breathe our last breath.
It gives new incentive to make the most of life and those we share it with.
I had always seen death as something terrifying. I felt that dying was a personal event and that the individual should be allowed privacy. I felt this gave the most dignity. But I now believe I was wrong. You repeatedly hear how having a loved one there can bring on a sense of calm and peace. It is a very spiritual, and almost intimate time, that helps both the one who is passing and the people left behind.

I would recommend this book to everyone who works in the medical field. I have seen time and time again the heartless doctors Jennifer talks about but the caring nurses and assistants who brighten your day.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has had medical issues. It gives a sense of calm about death when you know your life expectancy isn't quite as long as you had hoped.
I would recommend this book to those with depression or suicidal feelings. I have been suffering myself for the past year but reading this helped me see that others are suffering more than myself.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has a heart and soul. It is a very touching read.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated The Hunger Games in Books

Jun 17, 2020 (Updated Jun 17, 2020)  
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
My favourite series.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I've read this book probably about 7 times.... I adore this series. The world that Collins has created is fantastically unique. As horrible as it seems, I would have loved to experience it in real life. It's such a rollercoaster of emotions and I really didn't want it to end. I'm so glad this is a trilogy. And I'm only writing this now because I reread the series in preparation for the newly released Prequel book, A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.

In a dystopian future, the city of Panem is split into 12 Districts and a beautiful Capitol. Ran by the horror that is President Snow. Katniss Everdeen is our heroine from the mining District 12. In a tournament known as the Hunger Games, 2 contestants from each district, one male and one female, are chosen at random to compete to the death in an arena. This book is set during the 74th annual Hunger Games. It is also the first year Katniss' younger sister Primrose, can be entered. Unlucky as she is, her name is drawn. Katniss heroically (or stupidly) volunteers asks tribute. The first tribute for District 12. She is to train with neighbour Peeta, the bakers son. Their trainer is District 12s only past winner, Haymitch. A rude, drunk, cynical man who isn't much good for anything. They are brought to the Capitol, which is home to the wealthiest of Panem, and are literally paraded through the city dressed in garments that represent their District. Thank you Cinna, their personal stylist, for the fabulous flaming costumes!
After an extensive training sessions, they begin the games. Watched by every citizen in Panem, bet on and laughed at. The wealthy citizens can become sponsors and send the tributes things to help, but only if you are worth it.
As you imagine, blood, gore and death. In the final moments, we find Peeta and Katniss still alive, along with District 1 (the favourite) Cato. Eventually, they leave the arena, despite only one person having supposed to win. Brought out to be celebrated for not dying. To move into the Victor's Village in District 12 with their families.
The Husband's Secret
The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Husband's Secret focuses on three main characters. Cecelia Fitzpatrick, married to John-Paul with three beautiful daughters. Tess O'Leary who owns a business with her husband, Will and cousin, Felicity and has a son, Liam. And Rachel Crowley, who is still mourning the death of her daughter nearly 30 years after the fact. How do these women's lives intersect, well....Cecelia finds a letter from her husband, not to be opened until his death...she opens it anyway. Tess finds out that her husband and cousin(yes her business partners) have fallen in love with each other. So she takes her son and heads to Sydney and enrolls him in the school which, Rachel Crowley is the secretary and Cecelia is the mother all other mothers love and hate.

The news Cecelia finds in the letter, the thoughts Rachel has about her daughters killer, and the actions Tess take after leaving her husband would make for one exciting story.

I'm afraid this story feel short of the exciting mark. When I first picked it up and started reading, I was dying to find out what was in the letter, but I would have to wait for that. Once the secret was out, I wanted to know what was going to happen next, with everyone's story. But the excitement wasn't there. This wasn't a book, that I had to hurry to get back to, which was very disappointing. I couldn't abandon the book, though because I had to know.

Would Rachel find her daughter's killer? Would Cecelia be able to live with her husband's secret? Would Tess and Will be able to work through their marriage? But getting those answers was not page turning and gripping.

I gave the book three stars because the whole premise behind the book was good, I enjoyed the story as a whole, but there was too much in between the good parts. Don't tell me about a secret letter at the beginning of the story and take three days to tell me what was in's not fair. And what was happening in those three days was not exciting enough to make me wait. The moments just before the opening were the most thrilling.

Don't know if I will read more from Ms. Moriarty or not.
Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
Rosamund Hodge | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic Shakespeare retelling (3 more)
Excellent characters
Interesting worldbuilding
Romeo & Juliet + Zombies!
Cliffhanger ending (0 more)
I read the description of this book somewhere and immediately requested it from the library - a re-imagining of Romeo and Juliet in a dying world with necromancers? SIGN ME UP. And it did not disappoint!

Hodge has written a few other books - Cruel Beauty, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and Crimson Bound, a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. (She also has a novella that spins Cinderella.) You all know how much I like my redone Fairy Tales! Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, is a little different in that it's a Shakespeare play, instead of a fairy tale. I recently read and reviewed Miranda and Caliban, another Shakespeare reskin, but this, I think, is much better.

The Capulets have become the Catresou, and the Montagues the Mahyanai in this dark fantasy. The Ruining has killed every human outside the city of Viyara/Verona - only stopped by the mystical walls put up by a long-dead priestess and maintained by a mysterious cult of nuns.

My favorite characters in this book - and arguably the main characters - are Runajo (Rosaline) and Paris, rather than Romeo and the Juliet. (It's a title, not a name - her name was stripped from her as an infant when the magic was worked to make her "the Juliet.") The original play doesn't give either of them much time, and they are both fascinating characters in this novel - Runajo a little more than Paris, in my opinion. Runajo is a member of the Sisters of Thorns - the cult of nuns keeping the walls of Viyara up against The Ruining. When she accidentally brings the Juliet back from death, she becomes - or at least thinks she becomes - that which she and the city fear the most. A necromancer. Runajo and the Juliet both believe they will (and should) die for this crime, but still use the time they have left to try and save the city from the necromancers operating within.

Meanwhile, Paris and Romeo have found themselves bound by the magic that should have bound Romeo and Juliet, had it not gone terribly wrong. They can feel each other's emotions, see each other's memories, hear each other's thoughts. This is understandably awkward for Paris as he feels Romeo's grief for the Juliet's supposed death, and occasionally catches flashes of more intimate moments between the two. They decide to take on the city's necromancers in memory of the Juliet.

I liked how, similar to the play, Romeo and Juliet both operate for the entirety of the book under the assumption that the other one is dead. They both take risks and agree to things they would not have done if they didn't each welcome death in their own way.

I also very much enjoyed a side, non-binary character who I really want to see more of!

The book ended on an upsetting cliffhanger, which is really my only problem with it. The sequel is due out this summer (Endless Water, Starless Sky) and I will definitely be picking it up.

Great book, but you may want to wait a few months so you can immediately follow it with the sequel!

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