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Kodachrome (2017)
Kodachrome (2017)
2017 | Drama
In dying there was death, in more ways than one. And to fully develop that statement you'll need to watch what is one of my favorite movies of 2017, Kodachrome. It's as moving as it is funny, and Ed Harris, Jason Sudeikis, and Elizabeth Olsen all deliver amazing performances in what I feel for each is one of their best 'film roles'. If the movie looks out of focus by the end, it's not. That'll just be the tears in your eyes. Don't let this movie flash by, like life has a tendency to, without seeing it.
Life After Life
Life After Life
Kate Atkinson | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mind-blowing account about different choices
This is really quite a unique novel about the roads taken if a person was given a choice. The story surrounds a woman named Ursula, who dies in various different ways until she makes the right choices. At some points she is aware that she is sensing deja vu, at others, she thinks she's becoming unstable. All throughout however, only snow is a consistent factor in gauging her bearings.

It almost feels like Jacob's Ladder has been amalgamated with Groundhog Day, but in a much more epic fashion, exploring death, conflict, and fate. From dying at birth, to dying during the Second World War, some of the paths are deeply depressing, but bravo to Kate Atkinson for writing a complex yet clear book.
Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7)
Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7)
Sarah J. Maas | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was looking forward to this book as I had waited a while to wait for the conclusion of the series. I love mainly everything about this book but I feel like Aelin gave up far to much and them forging the lock was a bit anti climatic. I also feel like the ending was a bit rushed and could maybe of been better if it was split into two. I did expect a death but feel like Graviel dying was a bit unnecessary, there was so many opportunities to kill someone else off!
However overall I did enjoy the book and really hope she doesn't end the series here as I would love to see what happens with the court and how Aelin rebuilt everything.
The Counselors
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am really into YA books where teens are dying. Her previous thriller They Will Never Catch Us had be reading and not stopping because I had to know who the killer was and this read was just the same for me. The cover on this one caught my attention very Baywatch aka #pamcore then I saw it is a Jessica Goodman read and went straight to audible to make my pre-order and it did not disappoint.

The setting of the book is a bougie elite summer camp with a focus on three teens girls. I wouldn't so much call their situation Glamping since a dark secret is looming over a counselor who is waiting to share with her friends. Goldie might be ruining summer with her dark secret and not only that she is risking friendships. She isn't the only one that has been lying and keeping secrets. This becomes apparent when Ava has seen something and there is a death involved. yikes!
They Both Die At The End
They Both Die At The End
Adam Silvera | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartwrenchingly good
It's truly a sign of a good book when you get to the end feeling emotionally battered and drained, yet ultimately satisfied and this is exactly what this book manages.

The idea behind this is fantastic and such a unique one. The notion of a an entity called Death-Cast notifying people that they'll die today is a frightening yet thought provoking idea. I spent the entire wondering what I'd do. Whilst this is obviously a book about dying, it focuses really on the two main characters attempts at living within their last hours and it's a truly wonderful read. Rufus and Mateo are likeable and well rounded characters and you get so invested in their lives, but with the added foresight that you know they will die at the end. And there's also intrigue in trying to figure out how they're going to die - I'll admit I didnt predict it and the ending in general is just so sad and bittersweet. This is the first book I've read of Adam Silvera's but I'll definitely be reading more, his writing style is so easy to read and simple yet effective. No overcomplicated prose here.

Yes this is about death but it's also about life and love and really does get you thinking about everything you take for granted. I dont see how anyone could read this book and not shed a tear by the end.
The Green Mile (1999)
The Green Mile (1999)
1999 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
A wonderful film about selflessness. This is what it really seems to come down to. It is a story about doing what is right no matter the cost.

Tom Hanks is Paul Edgecomb, a guard for the death row inmates. Michael Clarke Duncan is John Coffey, the newest inmate on death row for the rape and murder of two young girls. But Paul soon discovers that John can heal illnesses and injuries

After both Paul and a pet mouse are healed by John, the guards risk their jobs, their lively hoods, to sneak John out so he is able to heal the warden's dying wife.

Each time Coffey heals someone it takes something out of him. Taking the darkness of disease and injury costs Coffey a piece of himself. The jail break could have cost the guards their lives in a manner of speaking.

The execution of Coffey remains one of the most tragic deaths on screen. It effectively drives home the darkness of the world we live in and the need for goodness in it.

The whole film is brilliantly acted by a stellar cast. The script has a good flow and a few touches of humor. It never loses its impact.
Superman: The Final Days of Superman
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Superman is dying"

There's just something about those words, isn't there? Maybe it'sthe fact that he's the most famous Superheor of them all, or the fact that he is oftne portrayed as (effectively) a benign God-among-men, but those 3 words immediately hook you in.

Of course, we all know that it's not going to be permanent: perhaps it would be fairer to say "This incarnation of Superman is dying"!

Also, unlike [book:The Death of Superman|154795], this time his death is not caused by (essentially) being-hit-really-hard (Doomsday), but is instead an equivalent of cancer caused by a combination of events he has been through (none of which I had read): this Superman has the time to say his goodbyes over the course of this story arc: an arc that sees him slowly succumbing at the same time as another (Super)man appears, a man who claims to be Clark Kent and has all the same abilities.

It's hard, I think, to write a good Superman story: after all, the Man of Steel is virtually indestructible, so any approach that humanizes him is a good thing. Of course, that's not to say there's not lots of fighty-punchy within this (a Superman story without such? Nah!), but it's still interesting (morbid?) to see how he finally succumbs, even if it does leave several plot thread hanging!
The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman
The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman
Julietta Henderson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The thing that really attracted me to this little gem of a book was it’s title and wondering whether there was actually a character named Norman Foreman in it or not. Then when I read the blurb I knew that I just had to read it.

We follow a mother and son, Sadie and Norman Foreman, through a challenging time in their life - Norman’s best friend Jax dying from an asthma attack. Norman and Jax did everything together, and loved watching comedy sketches and comedians and had big dreams of becoming a comedy duo and performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival when they were 15.

However, that plan drastically changes when Jax dies aged 12 and leaves Norman not really knowing what to do and not particularly coping very well. Norman then comes up with the idea to get himself to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival that year as a tribute to Jax and also along the way decides he wants to finally find out who his dad is.

Sadie is also struggling with Jax’s death and struggling to help Norman grieve as she never truly grieved her own dad’s death. She has to come to relive her past where she spent a month after her dad’s death completely off the rails and now has four potential fathers for Norman. Along the way she confides in a work colleague, a little old man called Leonard, who decides that he wants in on this adventure and helps Sadie organise her thoughts and helps them both get to the Edinburgh Fringe and to find the four potential fathers.

Some of it may be a little far fetched at points, but that doesn’t stop it from being a really heartwarming story of a child trying to come to terms with the grief of losing his best friend and how you don’t have to be sad all the time in order to grieve.

I loved the whole book from start to finish, and I’m so glad that I got to read it courtesy of Pigeonhole and Julietta Henderson!

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Memorial in Books

Jan 19, 2021  
Bryan Washington | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Memorial is the story of Mike and Benson’s relationship and about their separate lives. They have lived together and loved one another for a few years, but when Mike gets word that his estranged father is dying back in Japan, it seems to come at the right time for their relationship. They clearly need the space to think. Except “frying pan” and “fire” comes to mind. Benson is left to live with Mike’s mother who has come to visit her son, and Mike is propelled in to caring for a dying man, a stranger to him, and running his bar.
It was so interesting to read about their lives and motivations. What starts out to be a purely selfish move by Mike (I felt that he was running away at first), actually becomes a selfless act. Of course, there is the advantage that he gets to know his father before his death, but he is there for him until the end.
Even though Mike’s childhood was much harder, it’s Benson who, to me, seemed to have been more affected by his parents break up. His father’s alcoholism, his mother leaving them and starting a new family, and his HIV+ diagnosis, all added up to a difficult mental space for him. But I didn’t feel that any of this became sentimental. It’s a joint decision when Benson and Mike realise that their relationship is coming to an end.

I really enjoyed this book. Its gentle pace where small acts and occurrences form the bigger picture really appealed to me. It’s an original and engrossing story from an author that I’ll be looking out for in the future.

Many thanks to Atlantic books for providing me with a copy of this book through NetGalley.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Final Destination 3 (2006) in Movies

Oct 18, 2020 (Updated Nov 26, 2020)  
Final Destination 3 (2006)
Final Destination 3 (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Horror
Rather chintzy and objectively garbo but a complete and utter blast almost from start to finish. Just plain cruel, reeks with the stench of death - whereas in the others the characters pretty much all reacted to impending demise with paranoia and/or denial, here we see them react with sardonicism, competitiveness, and even boredom. The deaths nor the effects aren't as good but this is infinitely better than the second one because the melodrama filler is actually back to being semi-entertaining (if never 'real movie' status) and has some pretty interesting musings about death's presence in these films. The whole product seems rushed out the door but has a good talking + dying ratio and it's also super funny with as enjoyable characters as can be expected for a mid-2000s horror sequel with none of the original cast. Plus the acting's decent again! Feels like Wong is winging it but even most half-assed Wong products look better than Ellis at his best. The tanning beds are one of the elite deaths in the entire franchise - and then the smash cut to the coffins right after? Lmfao, dug it.