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The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
Location Scouting (0 more)
Not enough suspense (2 more)
poor twist
Plot that just didn't fit or make sense
The Movie that Melted Away
The Snowman was not put together very well. Just like the snowmen that were built in the movie They were missing a lot. No carrot for the noise, no coal for the eyes and not enough suspense to keep me gripped to my seat. I walked in to this movie thinking this would be a thriller, with twists and turns. Right out of the box at the little boys house with the mom was so down played. They could have add a little bit more of a score to show how dramatic the situation was. This was kind of the theme the whole movie.

The acting was actually strong, but the story was not written very well, there were no twists and turns. The flipping from present to past and back was done very poorly and hard to follow sometimes. The characters were not built up to understand their whole story.

The deaths in the movie were not presented very well, I thought there was going to be more bodies stuck in snowmen, but it seemed that the snowmen were more to show that bad things are going to happen. The way the women were murder was so boring. I get what the killer was going for and his MO was very standard, but the presentation could have been so much better.

The one thing that I actually liked was the location that they shot the movie in. It looked very classic with the snow. The landscape and the way they used it in the story was very good.

I had such high hopes for this movie, but by the end of the movie my hope melted away like a snowman at the end of winter.
Spooky Little Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor Lucy Fisher. Just when she thinks she can go home and relax from a crummy vacation, she finds all her belongings tossed out onto the lawn of the house she shares with her fiance, and to top that off, she then loses her job. The last thing she needs is to be hit by a bus and left to be scraped up by an over-sized spatula (I don't envy whoever has to do that!).

After a slow build-up, the book finally came alive (so to speak) for me at the half-way point, along with the help of her grandmother, Naunie. Told in third-person, Lucy is a slightly flaky, but completely sympathetic character who goes through many moods as she deals with her death and how to become a proper ghost. Along with other clever touches, the idea of having untimely deaths go to a ghost school before arriving in "The State" is utterly fantastic. I wouldn't mind seeing that more fleshed out for another book, although I don't know how that would work. Lucy is helped in her haunting assignment by Naunie, whose exploits in "The State" are hilarious and she really livens up the book and provides many laughs. All the other characters add to the book without either being unnecessary or overused. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Tulip, Lucy's dog before her death, who is the most adorable and sweetest thing ever. No, there aren't really any surprises plot-wise, but it's the journey that matters, and I enjoyed it.

So, even though it started slow, SPOOKY LITTLE GIRL picked up pace and ended up being a cute, funny, charming, thoughtful, and heartwarming little book. I'm glad I got a chance to read this and learn about how this book came to be in the author's note at the end.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Pow right in the kisser
#shazam is DC's answer to #deadpool its witty, dark & stylish but also feels a tad 'weve seen all this before'. Shazam always looked to me like a film nobody asked for or a straight to #netflix film so when it started I was actually very surprised with what I was watching. Its an extremely well shot film with seemingly high production values, stylish cinematography & a pretty neat soundtrack too. I was also pleasantly surprised at the dark tone/atmosphere the film decided to go for & considering the trailers suggest this was to be a comedy for a younger audience there are some quite horrific deaths, adult #humour, nasty enemies & also some very dark subject matter. All this darkness however is balanced out quite nicely with goofy humour & some genuinely #funny gags & some brilliant references to films like #tomhanks #Big & the #terminator. Theres a running theme throughout about #family/sticking together & another about there being #heroes inside all of us be it from security guards that keep our schools safe, #mums raising #kids, people who adopt & even people who dress up as #santa can help #inspire our kids to do good. Shazam does alot right & at times its a spellbinding film full of #charm but sadly I found it to fall apart in the final act where it loses its #freakazoid mixed with #hancock & #batman the #animated series vibe in favour for a more generic & forgettable conclusion with a main #villain who came across more pedestrian than menacing which is a shame. Shazam is generally a really great #popcorn flick & crowed pleaser, its got #heart & #laughs but I can see it being forgotten about in a few years but for now its well worth your time. #odeon #odronlimitles #dc #dcuniverse #superhero #geek #comic

Awix (3310 KP) rated Geostorm (2017) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 7, 2018)  
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Gerard Butles With The Elements
It's a movie directed by the producer of The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, in which Gerard Butler is shot into space to have a fight with bad weather. If the description alone does not make you engage in fairly serious expectation-management, you must be new to this whole going-to-the-movies business.

Um, yeah: Gerard Butler plays a brilliant but maverick meteorologist (stay with me) who invents a global weather control system codenamed 'Dutch Boy' (possibly because the satellites are really high all the time), then gets sacked for being a pain in the neck. Years later, the system starts to go wrong (unimportant people like Afghans and Chinese meet spectacular weather-related deaths) and Butler is recruited by his brother (don't ask) to figure out the problem.

There is a lot of chasing about and a conspiracy and the world's most oddly designed self-destruct system, and the villain turns out to be the person you thought it was all the time. Butler spends most of the movie in space, which at least means Abbie Cornish can do more as a member of the Secret Service who ends up kidnapping the President (it's that kind of movie). Geostorm hasn't quite figured out how to handle having the President as a character in a movie in the current situation: Andy Garcia plays him in a very sensible, nondescript manner, quite divorced from reality.

I have to say a friend of mine said Geostorm was so bad it made London Has Fallen look like a Christopher Nolan movie, but it's not so much flat-out awful as simply very silly, obvious, and predictable, not to mention very much like all the other movies Dean Devlin produced for Roland Emmerich. I suppose the moral should be 'stick to what you're (reasonably) good at'.
Someone Is Watching
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bailey Carpenter is a successful private investigator for a large law firm in Miami. While still reeling from the deaths of both of her parents, her life is fairly benign, until she is attacked one night while investigating a client.

Suddenly, Bailey's life is turned upside down. She's unable to sleep, eat, or work. She spends her days (and nights) trapped inside her condo, suffering from crippling anxiety and nightmares, and wracked with guilt from the attack. She starts watching her neighbor in the building across the street using binoculars, but things get even more out of control when she realizes he may be watching her, too.

First of all, a definite trigger warning that this book depicts a pretty brutal rape. It's tough to read about, and I would hate for anyone to pick up this novel without realizing its subject. I do applaud Fielding for trying to cover such a hard subject, though I'm not sure it's always accurately portrayed.

The book gets off to a slow start - I almost put it down. It's a hard subject to read about, and Bailey is a little hard to like and understand at first. The storyline gets a bit incredulous, but it certainly picked up, and I tore through the second half of the book. It ties up a little easily - and I'm not sure I buy Bailey going from completely devastated to seemingly okay, but I appreciate Fielding trying to show how much rape can hurt and leave its victims feeling powerless.

Overall, it's an interesting read and Bailey's niece, Jade, is a fun character. It would be great to see the two of them appear together again.

<i>Note: I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.</i>
The sixth installment in Castillo's Kate Burkholder series finds Burkholder, Chief of Police of Painters Mill, investigating the apparent suicide of one of her town's citizens. Of course, not everything is at it seems, and Kate quickly realizes she's at a murder scene. Soon after, Kate finds herself investigating another death. Is it related to the first? And how are these deaths linked to a horrible tragedy that happened at a local Amish farm back in the 1970s? Meanwhile, as she juggles these cases, Kate finds herself in a difficult place with her boyfriend, John Tomasetti. The two have finally moved in together, but Tomasetti is struggling with his own demons, which threaten to destroy the life the couple has finally built.

Honestly, all of the Kate Burkholder novels are pretty similar. I'm a bit astounded why anyone would continue to live in Painters Mill at this point, as people die at an alarming rate in this town. Still, Castillo always offers an interesting mystery in her books, and this one is no exception. This particular novel offers an interesting intersection of the Amish in Painters Mill and the "English" community. I figured out the plot fairly early, but it didn't make the book any less readable or compelling. The book would stand-alone if you haven't read the previous novels, though the backstory between Tomasetti and Kate makes more sense if you're up to date. It seemed like some of Tomasetti's issues were a bit awkwardly inserted into the plot, but I'm glad to see the two of them progressing forward. Kate's not the most deep character, but she's likable and easy to root for, with a love for her job and her police "family" that comes across as strong and admirable.

Overall, an easy read with an enjoyable, if not exactly surprising, mystery plot. 3.5 stars.
Surrogates (2009)
Surrogates (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Imagine if “IRobot”, “Die Hard”, and Joss Whedon’s television show “Dollhouse” had a child, the result would be akin to “Surrogates”. In the not to distant future technology is developed which gives us the ability to control customizable robots, called surrogates, with our minds. As a result, people rarely leave the house and interact directly with each other as surrogates. This robot filled thriller tells the story of FBI agent, Tom Greer (Bruce Willis), sent to investigate sudden deaths occurring when people are operating their surrogates.

In addition to Willis’s captivating acting, the film shines in part due to well-executed details, from the surrogate’s not quite human enough demeanor, to the underlying bias against people who don’t use the technology. “Surrogates” is a film that will make you reconsider the issue of advancing technology from both sides.

The least impressive aspect of this scifi/thriller based on a popular graphic novel is the fundamentally preposterous premise. One of the film’s main assumptions is that the use of surrogates has eliminated violence and racism. Believing that people, who are in essence operating a real world version of Second Life, would spend no time committing crimes, seems more than a little irrational.

Still, the film is engaging and much more thought provoking than I had expected. “Surrogates” fulfills both sci-fi and Bruce Willis fan requirements and is a visually enticing film. You will see a variety of locations common to a robot filled world, from a surrogate beauty salon complete with drills to the inner sanctum of the robot production line.

Touching on human, technological, and futuristic themes “Surrogates” is a fun film filled with visual effects and a truly engaging plot that is if you can overcome the plot holes that fracture the initial premise.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Midsommar (2019) in Movies

Dec 16, 2019 (Updated Mar 31, 2020)  
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Beautiful, disturbing, utterly bizarre
Whether you like Midsommar or not, you have to admit, it's quite a trip.
It's so far removed from conventional horror, it's hard to pin to a genre.
It's every bit of a break up drama as a horror, and even quite amusing in places, but one things for sure, there nothing quite like it.

Midsommar starts in bleak fashion, grounded in concrete realism, as Dani (played by a fantastic Florence Pugh) deals with the sudden deaths of her parents and sister. Affected by this understandable trauma, she joins her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) and his friends as they head to Sweden to attend a rural 9-day festival.

As soon as the story shifts to the Swedish setting, the tone changes from bleak and grey, to vibrant and colourful. The rest of the film is set in broad daylight, and it carries an extremely unsettling undertone, and as the characters dabble in drugs, a sense of reality quickly becomes disorientating for both them and us as an audience.
As the narrative draws on, director Ari Aster serves up plot hints and hidden messages in almost every frame. The violence is seldom, but when it happens it's visceral and shocking. All of this combined makes for an almost dream like experience, as we watch the two leads toxic relationship collide with the unnervingly joyful people of Hårga.

Ari Aster uses jarring and emotionally charged sound cues to stir up tension (the last few minutes!) and these are complimented by the beautiful score by The Haxan Cloak.
Aster also spoils us with continuously striking shots, providing a really unique approach to horror.

Midsommar is not for everyone, but as far as I'm concerned, it's disturbing, heart breaking, and absolutely captivating - the whole package.
Definitely one of the best films this year.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 16, 2019

Love this film!