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    'Yes, we did many things, then - all Beautiful...' Lyrical, powerful poems about love, sexuality,...

Skin Deep (Laura Blackstone, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an intriguing beginning to a series. I've played a character with similar abilities in a long-running roleplaying game, so I was particularly interested in this book. I think the author did an excellent job of exploring just how much could be done with "essence" (glamour), while setting believable limits to the character's abilities. She has an exceptionally well-trained memory, but even she slips on a few details here and there when juggling too many personas or with someone very close to her for a long time.

The plot was less interesting to me, frankly, than the character. In fact, the details are a little fuzzy and I just finished the book earlier today. (Of course, I've read most of the next book since then, too). Even while reading it, though, some details strained believability. That detail took the rating down a point.

Still, I was interested enough to go right on to the next book in the series, and I intend to read more of del Franco's work. I would recommend this book for those who enjoy urban fantasy.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
A True Classic
A deaf woman working for a secret government agency finds a friend (and then some) when she stumbles across the creature the agency is hiding.

Acting; 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Strickland (played by Michael Shannon) ensured that strong action and tension remained throughout the film. Every scene he is a part of leaves you waiting for something bad to happen. The two opposing sides, those wishing to destroy the creature and those wishing to save it, are locked in a game of cat-and-mouse until the last twenty minutes when it’s more like a head-on collision. There were quite a few close calls that had me wondering whether or not the protagonists would make it.

Genre: 10
Just a beautiful film for the ages. Call it a drama. Call it fantasy or even science fiction. Wherever it’s classified, it hangs up there as one of the very best. Checks all the boxes and does so many things extremely well.

Memorability: 10
Guillermo Del Toro has a way of leaving an impression on your brain with his visual imagery. The movie is just stunning to look at in so many ways with a number of shots that you can’t forget. Del Toro has created a home for the weirdo here, a place of comfort for those that are different from the norm. It’s a movie so unique in its charm that it’s near impossible to shake.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
The Shape of Water has a charm you can’t get away from. When it won Best Picture, I was shocked and upset. That was, of course, before I had actually seen the movie. I get it now. A true classic.
The Clairvoyants
The Clairvoyants
Karen Brown | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Martha has had an interesting childhood and upbringing. As a young girl, she saw the ghost of her aunt, a nun, in her grandfather's barn. As a teen, the dead frequently appeared to Martha, though she rarely knew what to do with these apparitions. Also in her teen years, Martha's younger sister, Del, wound up sent to an institution. Incredibly close as children, Del's slow decent into some sort of madness also haunted Martha. So she decides to depart her family's farm and move inland to college. Once in Ithaca, Martha falls in love, is reunited with Del, and frequently sees the ghost of Mary Rae, a missing woman from a neighboring town, who stands beneath Martha's window for hours, wearing her coat and with her hair covered in ice. Martha had hoped to escape the dead in Ithaca, but it seems like somehow everything is going to converge on her nonetheless.

This book was not at all what I had expected; it's less a supernatural thriller and more a literary treatise as we watch Martha deal with the events in her life. The chapters switch between present-day in Ithaca and flashbacks to Martha's life growing up. Sometimes it's a little confusing, but also quite interesting. I had expected the book to be more of a mystery as we try to figure out what happened to Mary Rae, but honestly, it's pretty apparent from the beginning who is responsible for her disappearance, even if the "how" is unknown. Still, the book is incredibly suspenseful and very compelling; I found myself trying to read it every chance as I had.

The psychological/mystical aspect isn't really as much at play here as you'd think from the summary, but that's okay. I didn't find it as creepy as some of the other reviews, but as I stated, still very spellbinding. There's an "aha moment" when you're reading and things come together that is masterfully done. While I wasn't in love with the character of Martha, I was intrigued by both she and Del, and I found all of the characters to be fascinating and intricate in their own way. The ending was a little quick for me, but somewhat redeemed by one particular portion (don't want to give away a spoiler). Overall, this was a different book--unlike ones I typically read--and while I didn't find it amazing, it was an engrossing and suspenseful novel. 3.5 stars.