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Rachel King (13 KP) rated Demon in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Tosca Lee | 2007
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is creepy, intriguing, and haunting from beginning to end. I am not a fan of horror per say, but this book was absolutely fantastic in a horrific kind of way. I have read Tosca Lee's other book, Havah, and I was just as impressed by Lee's style of writing in this book. Her descriptions are vivid and incredible. I can easily discern that the work she puts into the background information is both from intense study as well as a wonderful imagination.
I have read lots of fantasy, including some with the occasional "demon," but no demon has come close to the terror that Lucian evokes - both the fanatical hatred and disgust for mankind that is slowly revealed throughout the plot and the way that he takes any form, any body, to appear to Clay, the main character. At the same time, Lucian is as fascinating as any dictator, terrorist, or serial killer can be, and I am as morbidly curious with his obsession with telling Clay his story as Clay himself is. While I personally believe that Lee's portrayal of the demon is in reality not very accurate - he is too much like a human for starters, the character in the book is still the most unique "demon" that I have ever read in fiction.
Lee does an excellent job of keeping the story of Creation as close to the Biblical text as possible, while filling it with all the imagery of first-hand experience. As many times as I have read the Biblical account, Lucian's retelling of it, interspersed with Clay's false memories, made the story come alive for me in a whole new way. Lee covers topics using this story-telling that have often sparked my curiosity when reading the scriptures, such as the angels being with God before the creation of man or even the existence of time, exactly what triggered the fall, or even what it was like to do nothing but the purpose the angels were created for. I often had to put the book down just to contemplate some of these things that she addresses with the plot.
Even though there were no loose ends to speak of, I was still a bit disappointed when the book ended. I wanted Lee to draw out Clay's fate and describe it in all its excruciating detail to the very end, instead of the implications of what happens to him with Lucian's parting words and the letter in the epilogue. But the message I gathered from this ending is like a warning to the reader - to beware that Clay's fate is not the same as that of the reader's.
Demon Familiar (Wanted #1)
Demon Familiar (Wanted #1)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Demon Familiar (Wanted #1) by Bellora Quinn & Sadie Rose Bermingham
Demon Familiar is the first book in the Wanted series, and we are introduced to a whole new world, which I can't wait to learn more about. Neil witnesses the death of his mother by Bone Men, and runs away, needing to hide from both them AND his father. He meets Mal as he is trying to sell his very desirable, but distinguishable, car so he has funds. Mal and Neil have an instant spark, but neither of them act on it immediately. This just makes it even hotter when they finally do.

I love this couple of author's work - I don't think I've read a bad book by them. Yes, their characters may frustrate the hell out of me (which they know and laugh about!), but their stories are always interesting and gripping. The writing and editing is their usual high standard, the world building superb, and with a whole host of characters I can't wait to see more of - Merc!

A brilliant start to the series, with not all questions answered, so I can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Better than online reviews suggest
Contains spoilers, click to show
Firstly, this version of Hellboy doesn't deserve only 17% on Rotten Tomatoes!

Yes it's different to the 2004 Hellboy, it's less jokey, more serious and darker.

I love Ron Pearlman in the 2004 Hellboy film, lets face it, he is an amazing Hellboy but I was very happy with David Harbours version of Hellboy. He played the tournamented demon perfectly. He was serious, yet funny.

Also I love the fact that in this version, Alice is played by a young, black woman, who is feisty and powerful. Sasha Lane plays the psychic, badass amazingly.

Throughout the film there is a few surprises in terms of who you'd think would star in this film, alot of familiar faces, and big names.

The storyline is well done, it's more like the Hellboy comics I read growning up than the first films. There is dark plots, Hellboys inner struggle of trying to keep his demon side down, amazing effects and real emotions.

I feel it's only let down was the fact is came out in cinemas as two major Marvel films also came into the cinema.

I very much look forward to a sequel, and judging by the first clip after the credits.....and the reveal of a certain favourite characters looks like a sequel is very much on the cards.
Descent ( Immortal chronicles book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
109 of 230
Descent ( Immortal Chronicles book 1)
By Sloane Murphy

Six hundred years after The Outbreak, the human population stand side by side with the Fae & the Vampyrs to stop the Demon King from starting a second Dark War.
Seventeen year old Adelaide Tate is in her last year of the Academy, with her eyes set on becoming part of the Red Guard.
Who cares that no female has ever joined?
When a dark force develops an unhealthy liking for her, Adelaide needs to fight for her life and figure out what makes her so different from the others.
Betrayal. Fear. Anger.
She must overcome it all in order to turn her world the right way around again.
Adelaide has one choice. Accept the help offered to her by Xander Bane, or face the Demon Hoard alone.
One thing is for sure. The descent will be bloody.

That had me totally engrossed it was a cross between Lauren Kates Fallen and the House of night series by PC Cast. I really enjoyed it. It had me remembering how much I enjoyed this YAs. It may not be perfect but I found it really enjoyable and looking forward the next book. The only thing stopped it being a 5⭐️ was I saw the ending coming!
The Gates (Samuel Johnson, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my gosh! I loved this book! I bought it on a whim based on a reccomendation & boy am I glad I took the chance. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor & I laughed through the entire book! I dont think I've ever been able with an entire book before. I can't wait to rrad the next book.
I love the main character, Samuel. I teach & could see parts of plenty of my students in him. Believeable charactersvalways make a book so much better. Nurd is also hilarious...strange think to say about a demon from the Wasteland of Hell but it is true none the less.