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Twilight's Dawn (The Black Jewels, #9)
Twilight's Dawn (The Black Jewels, #9)
Anne Bishop | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anne Bishop's newest addition to the Black Jewels series is a collection of four novellas that fill in a few gaps in the growing storyline, as well as answering the question of what happens after certain central characters are gone from the series.
The first story, "Winsol Gifts", takes place a year after Daemon Sadi and Jaenelle Angelline have been married and after the events in Tangled Webs (Black Jewels, Book 6). It is a sweet story that explores Daemon's new roles as the Warlord Prince of Dhemlan, as well as Tersa's relationship with both Daemon and Lucivar. The question of whether Jaenelle can ever take back the Ebony - and if she will - is also answered, which was very satisfying for me.
The second story, "Shades of Honor", centers on Prince Falonar and the on-going damage he causes from his own prejudices. Surreal and Rainier's recoveries from injuries sustained from the evil haunted house are also central to the story. It also answers the question of how Rainier came to work for Daemon Sadi. Lucivar is also forced to learn how to better run Ebon Rih, which allows the reader to learn a bit more about Eyriens. This story also sparked my curiosity about the Dea al Mon, Surreal's heritage, since the story ended with her going to stay with them.
The third story, "Family", is about what happens to Sylvia, Saetan's lover and wife, and her sons. Through her story, the reader gets a clearer picture of what life is like for the demon-dead, as well as a glimpse of the kind of power that Tersa can wield. The reader also gets to find out if Jaenelle will ever take on the role of a Queen again, as well as how Daemon and Jaenelle deal with the issue of no children.
The final story, "The High Lord's Daughter", spans a period of decades in the telling. This story is both the most tragic and the most promising of the four novellas, as two main characters pass on, while the next generation of the SaDiablo family opens up brand-new story lines for Bishop to explore, should she decide to do so. While it was pretty obvious from the cover description that Jaenelle would die in this story, I was not satisfied with the explanation as to why she could not become demon-dead. I did find it both believable and realistic that Daemon would need to marry again, despite his own grief and stubbornness, and I was very happy that he married the woman he did, as I saw their unique bond long before this book came along. Their daughter also made me quite happy, as I can see how she could continue the magic of "dreams made flesh". I was also happy for Marian and Lucivar, as they finally got their daughter. Of course, now I have a new question that will drive me nuts until the next book - if a person's Birthright Jewel is Twilight's Dawn, then what stone does she descend to?
Sophie Breeze | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre (0 more)
The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. (0 more)
Surprise its the first book in a series.
Exile by Sophie Breeze is a great book. It is the first book in a series of unknown length as the second has yet to be released. The cover however says nothing about it being part of a series. Please keep in mind as well that Sophie was only nine years old when she started writing Exile, no small feat.

 A group of five kids live on the planet Mellania but are not accepted there. Mellania only accepts those without human DNA and unfortunately these kids are all half human. The kids live with Lucia, a demon whom they believe to be their friend until she takes them to Earth. Upon arrival they are almost immediately attacked and discover Lucia’s true intentions. Now on the run from an evil demon on a planet they are unfamiliar with the kids don’t know who to trust and the stress creates a rift in the group.

 Two of the kids go one way and the other three go another, wondering if they will ever see each other again. Soon it is clear that even apart they are not safe as both groups are attacked and tracked down by the SSC. Sadly even once they are with the SSC the kids don’t know who to trust and secrets start revealing themselves. Will they ever be able to feel safe again? Who is really their friends and who is just trying to use them for their own benefit?

 The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre. It starts out as a science fiction heavy in politics and with an assassination. Then as the story moves on it seems to take a more fantasy element with question. While the politics remain through out they do not overpower the rest of the story. The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. I found myself becoming increasingly confused as I came towards the end and things were no where close to a conclusion.

 This book is probably best for young adults with an interest isn’t science fiction/fantasy. They dynamics of the relationships between the hybrids themselves might be a little difficult for young readers to understand. Those who have enjoyed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series should enjoy this book as well since they share many elements. I rate this book 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5. I enjoyed this book very much and the twists actually surprised me. The only twist I did not like was how the book turned out to be the beginning of a series. While I have nothing against series I plan when I start a new one carefully and I imagine so do may others, because of this the book lost a point.
The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
2018 | Horror
If there was ever somewhere befitting of a horror film it’s in a morgue. But unlike the terrifying Autopsy of Jane Doe which, uses the location in a dark and gothic manner, The Possession of Hannah Grace feels overworked and desperate to please.

When an exorcism goes horribly wrong the body ends up within the confines of a Boston hospital morgue three months later. There, ex-cop Megan (Shay Mitchell) who is recovering from her own personal trauma, takes a job working the graveyard shift. The setting had so much potential it’s annoying that the film just saunters along, relying on cheap jump scares to capture audience attention.

As Megan walks about with not much to do until the eventual arrival of Hannah Grace’s disfigured corpse, she spends the time familiarising herself with the creepy surroundings. Megan’s backstory is far more interesting. Suffering from PTSD after watching her partner get gunned down, she battles an addiction to pills and now has the thankless task of having to battle a demon – hardly job satisfaction.

The setting had so much potential it’s annoying that the film just saunters along, relying on cheap jump scares to capture audience attention.

In fairness to director Diederik Van Rooijen, he has chosen a tried and tested subgenre. And he isn’t helped by Brian Sieve‘s poor script. There is the odd positive moment, mainly when Hannah’s twisted body offers a glimpse at something more sinister lurking inside her. But that’s about it.

“When you die, you die. End of story,” says Megan – and after 85 minutes we’re pleased it did.
Death Be Told (Terra Vane #5)
Death Be Told (Terra Vane #5)
Katie Carys | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
97 of 250
Death Be Told ( Terra Vane book 5)
By Katie Carys

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. I have visions, but my gift is getting more dangerous and I’m starting to worry. Though the team are continuing the pursuit of the escapees, my own hunt has taken a different course now a psychopathic serial killer has taken an interest in me.

Obsessed with fairytales, he’s kidnapped a young woman, and I've seen what he intends to do. I can’t let it happen – I won’t let her go through that pain. But I need to address my own pain too, and that means confronting the hard truth of who I want to be with, face-to-face.

Right now, I feel like both the predator and the prey but one thing’s for certain, I won’t be letting the killer have his happy ending.

These books just get better and better! I think the characters and story are just so good.Karen is just all man! He’s finally getting his girl! Fingers crossed. I adore Terra too. This story was so good and creepy with one of their demon prisoners possessing the soul of a serial killer it was just so interesting watching her work with Grady and hopefully he will say yes to the job! He will definitely be an asset to the team. Plus for some reason I don’t think we have seen the last of Cole and his jealousy.
Briar Rose
Briar Rose
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book as a first reads copy via GoodReads and My Kinda Book.

I'll start by saying I love the cover of this book.

Then: I'm a big Jana Oliver fan, having loved her Demon Trappers series so when I saw the First Reads giveaway on Goodreads for this I just had to enter and luckily for me, I was picked as one of the winners.

I have to admit that I, too have always liked the idea of Princes and Princess' and fairy tale endings and this was a unique take on it, with the twisted fairy tale one that is almost of Briar Rose's own making.

I kinda wish I could say more but I don't want to ruin it for those who are going to read this...sorry ;D

Saying that, it was very unique to me, as I have never seen or heard of anything like this before, and I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was the authors style which I can easily fall into or maybe it was the idea of the story but I was captivated by it from early on.

I also really liked all the major characters though it took a while for Pat to grow on me. The rest; Briar, Joshua, Reena and Ruric were all pretty cool from the start.

If you're a fan of the author then you should give this a try, as well as those who like fantasy books as this is no ordinary fairy tale.