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Derek Landy | 2019 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Travel, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Part two as good as part one
Desolation continues where Demon Road left off. Cinematic demon filled road trip adventure. Its good vs evil, road trip, fantasy adventure. but anyway. I am not going to write a massive review. You need to read Demon Road first then you will already be aware how good this is and will already be reading this

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Constantine - Season 1 in TV

Apr 15, 2020 (Updated Apr 15, 2020)  
Constantine  - Season 1
Constantine - Season 1
2014 | Drama
Casting,special effects, acting, story. (0 more)
Only one season (0 more)
It says master, does it? I should really change that to petty dabbler
Contains spoilers, click to show
My name is John Constantine. I am the one who steps on the shadows, all trench coat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bollocks, and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod, a wink and a wisecrack

Demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine decided to cease fighting evil since his soul now belonged to the netherworld.
when demons target the daughter of one of his closest friends, he reluctantly rejoins the battle.
discovering Liv (the friends daughter) has second sight, an ability to see other worlds and predict supernatural occurrences, a power that makes her a threat to the new evil, She and Constantine take their combined skills on the road, travelling the country finding demons and send them back to hell.

Matt Ryan stars as john Constantine "master of the dark art's" who after failing to save an old friends young daughter from a powerful demon that dragged her to Hell years prior, leaves that life behind...until now.
This show was short lived, it was eventually accompanied by a animated mini series & an animated movie.
The character was voiced by Matt Ryan of course allowing that version of the character to continue, also being a main character in the DCAU movie justice league dark.

The character also appeared in the CWs arrowverse & is currently a mainstay in CWs legends of tomorrow, Ryan is casting perfection and is a fan favourite.
Demon Road
Demon Road
Derek Landy | 2016 | Horror, Paranormal, Thriller, Travel, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A kids book we can all love (0 more)
Pre entertainment where good and evil fight
Derek Landy's 'Skullduggery Pleasant' series is great. i read them to my son, so when Demon road came out I got it for him and he recommended I read it too. I was pleasantly surprised, Landy has created a trilogy that is brilliant and very cinematic.

This takes place in our world and in our world are demons, some of whom have made deals with high demons for powers and in return has to do terrible things as payment. The lead character is the daughter of such demons but is a normal girl...until she hits puberty. But then she finds out her parents don't quite have her best interests at heart.

I don't read many teen books unless sent for me to review or because i am reading to my kids but this is a gripping brilliant read. it is so cinematic it deserves to become a movie.

Characters are very strong, the adventure is adrenaline fuelled and its done in a completely non cheesy way. Its brilliant and I went straight to book two afterwards.
The Mansion
The Mansion
Ezekiel Boone | 2018 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mansion is a tale stricken with ghosts of the past–but not the sort that haunt. Rather, in this novel by Ezekiel Boone, much of the elements that one might describe as horrific simply don’t exist. If you’re picking up The Mansion to find out what goes wrong in an automated house, I’d suggest Dean Koontz’s Demon Seed instead because this story crawls at a dreadfully slow pace.

The story centers around a rather messy love triangle. One girl, two guys, they both want her, and beyond that there’s little use for her character in the story. Much of the book’s plot consists of exposition, exposition, and even more exposition. You’ll learn all the faults and flaws of the characters, you’ll learn their childhood histories, you’ll hear their sob stories. It’s not until the final ten percent of the book that you’ll actually get a chance to see some action, and even then it’s still rather tame by horror standards. Amongst all this exposition, we learn of the wedge driven between Billy and Shawn, as well as a mysterious third person, Takata, whose whereabouts are unknown. Despite playing somewhat of a role in the book, he’s mostly an unnecessary character.

Speaking of characters, The Mansion has a rather small roster of them, and they’re all traumatized. With the exception of one, and she’s objectified. Billy has an addiction problem. Shawn is a pretentious nitwit that thinks the entire world revolves around him. Emily is simply there to fuel a fire between these two masculine characters who have devalued themselves to the point that now, years and years later on down the road, are still fighting over the same girl–and no one asks her what she wants at any point in the story. Poor Emily. There’s also the twins. They’re creepy. Really creepy. And no one seems to acknowledge that? Hello, realism?

Development. That’s an important part of a book, and The Mansion severely lacks it. There’s no development in the plot for 90% of the book. There’s absolutely no character development for Wendy, who is described as a black woman that looks like she walked out of a Victoria’s Secret magazine (or something along those lines). In fact, poor Wendy gets the short end of the stick all around. She’s the oddball out in this little teenaged drama hissy fit.

The Mansion simply falls horribly flat all around. The writing style was good, and it wasn’t so awful that I could’t complete reading the book, but it’s definitely not a title I’d recommend to a horror fan. A romance-thriller sort? Maybe. But not horror.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Alice (12 KP) rated Red Sister in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Red Sister
Red Sister
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Many thanks to Mark for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review </i>

Original review can be found on my blog Raptureinbooks <a href="">here</a href>

<blockquote>It is important, when killing a nun, to bring an army of sufficient size.</blockquote>
I know they say to never judge a book by its cover but first impressions are everything. The above quote is the first line written in <i>Red Sister</i> - Mark Lawrence's newest masterpiece. I don't use the term lightly.

For those of you who haven't read his work before - know this: it will change how you read fantasy for the better. There's a really apt line in this book for this sentiment:
<blockquote>...a book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. </blockquote>
For those of you who have, you know his main characters are the ultimate in anti-heroes. All male, all rough, all the epitome of badassery. <i>Red Sister</i> is the first with a strong - and I mean strong -all female cast.

From the first instance you know this book is going to be top of the scale of epicness, <i>Red Sister</i> will draw you in within moments of opening the pages.

It follows the story of Nona Grey- an eight year old girl saved from the noose by an unlikely saviour - a nun - Abbess Glass, leader of the Sweet Mercy Convent. Nona becomes a novice nun and begins her journey to becoming a Red Sister- a nun skilled in combat. At first the book can feel a little like you've stepped backwards in time to where children are bought and sold on the road, where the Church has almost absolute power and where little girls do not become killer nuns; however as the story progresses and Nona's back story is revealed to us piece by piece I found my original thoughts to be utter bullshit because frankly the plot is outstanding.

I'll hold my hand up and say I've never read a book about nuns before but Red Sister has ruined me for any other.

As signature with Mark's work, Red Sister has the perfect balance between seriousness and humour with some brilliant descriptions of the most simplest of things:
<blockquote>...and a quill. This latter gave the impression that the bird from which it was taken had died of some wasting disease, falling from its perch into a dirty puddle before being run over by several carts and finally thoroughly chewed by a hungry cat.</blockquote>
The dialogue was witty and the right tone for what is ultimately a group of girls in boarding school who both love and hate each other and what they do on a daily basis. The friendships made at Sweet Mercy are friendships built to last through the toughest of scenarios, literally through thick and thin. Nona's past catches up with her frequently and she is tested to her highest limits and on occasion shoved over that limit.

<blockquote>"Trust is the most insidious of poisons." </blockquote>
There are some harsh lessons to be learned in <i>Red Sister</i> and not just the physical ones - of which there are many. The plot is thick with action, betrayal, uncanny abilities and supernatural old world bloodlines that show through in current generations that haven't been seen since the first tribes settled in Abeth; with prophecies galore and the odd psycho, bare knuckle fighting in the pits and justice is wrought.

The revelations are spectacular and revealed in unexpected ways that have totally done them justice. The writing style of Mark Lawrence is once more on point with the right amount of length for each chapter; the supernatural demon element was written in a great way. Overall, it was a masterpiece of the genre and deserves all the stars.

<i>Red Sister</i> has been one of the highlights of my year so far and it is outstanding. I've tried not to give anything away which is hard cause I want to give all the spoilers! I'll leave you with a parting quote that sums up the book nicely.
<blockquote>"Words are steps along a path: The important thing is to get where you're going."</blockquote>