Last Podcast On The Left
The Last Podcast On The Left covers all the horrors our world has to offer both imagined and real,...

Tales of Horror Podcast
Tales of Horror takes you back to the early days of radio when alone with your imagination the story...

Akame Ga Kill!: Vol. 8
Akame and her teammates have finally arrived at the headquarters of the religious organization...but...

Goosebumps (2015)
Movie Watch
A teenager teams up with the daughter of young adult horror author R. L. Stine after the writer's...

Insidious (2010)
After moving into a new home, a family finds that their comatose son has become the target for...
Supernatural horror Demons

Brian Fallon recommended The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil in Books (curated)

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Leashing the Tempest (Arcadia Bell, #2.5) in Books
Sep 6, 2019
This was the boat trip from hell. Everything that could go wrong, did. Storms, demons, Jupe...
A great instalment in a series that I love. Straight onto book 3!

Season 3 - The Revival of the Commandments
TV Season
The Seven Deadly Sins must come together to stop The Ten Commandments from seizing control of the...

Magical Girl Ore
TV Show
In this over-the-top parody of the entire "Magical Girl" genre, Saki must protect her crush, Mohiro,...
Anime Magic Girls satire parody