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The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
No, not that one
Nordic noir is big business at the moment, but with the incredible scenery of the locations lending themselves perfectly to film, is there any wonder?

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Hypnotist are just a couple of movies that have fallen into this massively expanding genre.

Now, Jo Nesbø’s chilling The Snowman novel gets the silver screen treatment in a film of the same name. But can this continue the thrilling trend of whodunit novels being turned into fabulous crime dramas?For Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender), the death of a young woman during the first snow of winter feels like anything but a routine homicide. His investigation leads him to “The Snowman Killer,” an elusive sociopath who continuously taunts Hole with ingeniously crafted cat-and-mouse games. As the brutal deaths show no sign of slowing, Harry teams up with a new recruit (Rebecca Ferguson) to try and lure the madman out of the shadows before it’s too late.

With Michael Fassbender at the helm, director Thomas Alfredson (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) manages to blend gorgeous imagery with an intriguing plot and excellent performances in a film that suffers from a couple of issues that stops it from becoming a must-see event.

These R-rated thrillers are ten-a-penny these days with the bar still being set incredibly high by Gone Girl. Last year’s Girl on the Train was a decent stab at dethroning David Fincher’s masterpiece, but it just fell a little short – well the same has happened here.

Michael Fassbender is uniformly excellent as troubled detective, Harry and the actor can do no wrong in his performances, but he’s suffered this year. After Assassin’s Creed failed to ignite the box-office, it looks to be a similar story this time. While The Snowman is technically competent and filmed beautifully, it lacks the sense of originality that breeds success.

It also doesn’t help that he’s surrounded by thinly padded supporting characters like former love interest Rakel (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and new police officer Katrine (Ferguson). Elsewhere, bizarre glorified cameos for Val Kilmer and Toby Jones leave you wondering if these actors expected a little more from their parts.

Perhaps I’m being a little harsh. After all, the cast is one of the film’s strongest suits. Add J.K. Simmons to the aforementioned roster and it really does have one of the best line-ups of the year. It’s just a shame the script doesn’t do more with them.

To look at, The Snowman is absolutely gorgeous. Helped obviously by magnificent Norwegian landscapes, Alfredson shoots using steady cam in scenes reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, high praise indeed. In a year populated by CGI-heavy blockbusters, this comes as a real breath of fresh air.

Unfortunately, the constant use of flashbacks and a peculiar subplot involving a Winter sporting event ruin the pacing, though at 130 minutes, this isn’t too much of an issue. The ending however, is disappointing and lacks an emotional payoff after the film’s events.

Overall, The Snowman is a gritty adaptation of Jo Nesbø’s successful novel and while some of the plot choices leave a little to be desired, a great anchor performance by Michael Fassbender and stunning cinematography mean it’s definitely worth a watch; just don’t expect too much.
Girl Last Seen
Girl Last Seen
Nina Laurin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lainey was ten when she was taken. She spent three horrible years in her kidnapper's basement, enduring horrible things. Lainey is supposed to be "lucky," since she escaped, but it's hard for her to see it that way sometimes. Her entire life has been formed by that awful period in her life. And now, another girl has gone missing. Olivia Shaw, who looks exactly like Lainey did thirteen years ago. Lainey's kidnapper was never found: the police say because she could never give strong enough evidence to identify him. So Lainey has spent these years afraid, living in a haze of pills and booze, and waiting for something bad to happen. Well, something bad has happened. How exactly is Lainey involved, and is she ever going to be safe again?

I definitely have some mixed feelings about this one. <i>It certainly grabs you from the beginning and has some moments that make you go "what?!"</i> Parts of the story are very unique--I enjoyed the plot of two young women/girls aligned by a potential kidnapper--but the story was marred somewhat by the focus on Lainey's drinking and drugs. She's presented as an unreliable narrator, which I understand, and as a flawed heroine. Some of the scenes with her nearly make you cringe: you feel a mix of such sympathy and frustration, because she's such a stressful protagonist. The trend toward these frustrating, unreliable narrators lately has grown a bit old for me.

My other issue was Lainey's strange dynamic with the detective investigating Olivia's disappearance, Sean: the same detective, coincidentally, who found Lainey thirteen years ago as she stumbled helplessly along the road after escaping her horrible fate in the basement. Their dynamic, frankly, is just odd, and I found it almost distracting from the main story. Romance? Just a side story? Is he involved? It was less a bit of intrigue though and, as I mentioned, a distraction. And honestly, a little confusing. After a while, I started to get a little bored with Lainey's helplessness, her interactions with Sean, and the overall lack of things moving forward.

That changed about 3/4 in, when things picked up and became interesting again. There are definitely some fascinating moments in the book, and I did find it engaging overall, despite some stumbles along the way. This is a first novel and I see room from improvement, for sure. I'm going for a 3-star rating -- this is based on a combination of 2.5 stars for some stilted/cheesy writing combined with 3.5 stars for some exciting plot twists, including one near the end that pretty much made it all worth it. I would certainly be intrigued to read Laurin's next book. Don't let my review scare you from this one: I read a lot of thrillers, so I get bit jaded reading some similar plot devices. There's still plenty of pieces to like here.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 07/20/2017.

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The Chosen Ones
The Chosen Ones
Howard Linskey | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Police detective Ian Bradshaw is assigned a case where it is believed, that five women are missing. He calls two journalists, Tom and Helen, to help him solve this case. I really liked that the author doesn’t leave these cases only to the police but also involves other people to help. I think, that there is no single main character in this book, Ian, Tom and Helen are equally important in this novel. I really loved that this book is told from multiple perspectives, allowing to understand the characters and to have a glimpse into different minds and lives. Even though it is told by multiple people, the mystery and suspense were very well kept throughout the book. I don’t think I could single out my favourite character, I think they all have very intriguing personalities, and I quickly warmed up to all the important characters in this book.

The narrative is very well developed in this novel. There is more than one investigation happening, and I think that made the whole book even richer and more absorbing. I really liked all the twists and turns this story had to offer, and I believe, the author really knows how to sidetrack the reader. The narrative kept changing continuously, depending on the character, that is why this book was a real page turner to me.

The writing style was very creative, but at the same time enjoyable and easy to read. The chapters are very well constructed and have a decent length, so for me, the pages just flew by. This book is fourth in the series, and it does carry quite a bit of information from the previous books, and I wish I read them before this one, however, I was able to understand of what was going on. So, you can read it as a stand alone, but I would recommend reading the previous books first. I really liked the way this book ended, it answered all my questions and gave a glimpse of what to come in the next book, which I will be looking out for.

So, to conclude, this book is dark, claustrophobic, and very gripping, filled with very well developed characters, absorbing plot and plenty of twists. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope you will give it a try and will like it as much as I did.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Outsider in TV

Apr 17, 2020  
The Outsider
The Outsider
2020 | Drama, Thriller
A great adaptation
I've had this series recorded on my box for quite a while, lockdown has finally allowed me time to watch it and it really is a brilliant adaptation of the King book.

It isnt an entirely accurate adaptation of the book, but it is a very good attempt. There are some changes but there are a lot of things that match the book too, and the majority of the changes aren't necessarily for the worst either. The story is a great one, not a surprise considering it's based on a King novel. It moves seamlessly from a detective crime thriller to a supernatural horror and the cinematography and soundtrack support this so well along with a decent amount of gore. It also has a fantastic cast. Ben Mendelsohn is perfect as Ralph and Cynthia Erivo is too as Holly, backed by a wonderful supporting cast.

There are some changes that I didn't appreciate as much though, some fairly small and minor nods towards the books - especially the references to Holly from the Bill Hodges trilogy series. Also I didn't appreciate the mid credits scene at the end of the final episode which appears to hint towards another series and a different ending. This series works so well as a standalone and I really dont appreciate them potentially looking at turning this into yet more series! It's also frustrating that the Bill Hodges trilogy has been turned into the Mr Mercedes series for another network, as really these 2 series should be linked with the same cast and theme.

Overall though this is a brilliant adaptation and definitely worth a watch.
21st Birthday
21st Birthday
James Patterson, Maxine Paetro | 2021 | Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Needed Some Careful Editing to be Good
It all starts with a woman confronting Cindy Thomas in her office at the San Francisco Chronicle. The woman is certain that something bad has happened to her daughter and granddaughter, and her son-in-law is to blame. She wants Cindy to write stories about it and post about it on her blog, but Cindy quickly turns the woman over to her friend, San Francisco detective Lindsay Boxer, who pushes the police to start an investigation and make it a priority. Sadly, it isn’t long before a dead body turns up. Will Lindsay and the rest of the Women’s Murder Club figure out what is really happening?

Usually with this series, I complain about the characters having plotlines that rarely if ever intersect. Here, I was thrilled to see that the characters, including Claire and Yuki, are working together on one case, and they all get their moments to shine. While the characters are a bit thin, we did like them all and care enough to keep reading. The plot is compelling with twists that intrigue. However, the authors can’t land it. I get what we are supposed to think happened, but in the rush to wrap things up after the final twist, we don’t get a major plot point from earlier in the book explained. Meanwhile, the editing was sloppy, including students at a high school being in class on a Saturday, missing days, and Lindsay being in two places at once near the end of the book. This reads more like a first draft that needed an editor to help polish it up instead of a finished novel.
The Killer On The Wall
The Killer On The Wall
Emma Kavanagh | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, so it is quite hard to choose the main character. I think they all played a very important part in this book. I really liked Isla and Mina (police detective investigating the murders), they are two smart, dedicated, and determined women. Ramsey’s (Isla’s husband) parts were quite boring, and my mind just wandered off on multiple occasions. I liked the way the characters interacted between each other, and even though they are into different things, they all had something to offer to this investigation.

I liked the narrative of this book, it was full of surprises and you never knew who is going to die next. The investigation part was quite slow and not very inventive, but I enjoyed all the twists and deception it had to offer. I have to admit, after finishing this book, I had a ton of questions and some of the things didn’t make sense to me.

The writing style was creative, and overall delivery of the book was pretty good. The chapters had a decent length and didn’t leave me bored. I liked the ending of the book, it was very unexpected and it rounded up the story very nicely. This book carries some gross details about murders, so it’s a joy for gory crime lovers, but a nightmare for sensitive readers. :S

So, to conclude, I liked this twisty story, filled with psychopaths and the reasons why they become one. Even though I have lots of unanswered questions, I hope that after reading, it will make more sense to you.
Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16)
Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16)
Jim Butcher | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was, what something like 5 years? 6? Between the release of the last book in the series (Skin Game) and this.

Long enough for me to go back and re-read the entire thing from scratch, anyway.

I'd also seen several reviews (on Amazon, mainly) bemoaning the fact that this is more like half a book: first impressions, upon receiving it, where that they were right: this was roughly half the size of that previous novel.

Having said that, there was also an argument to be made that those later novels (from around Changes onward) had themselves become too bloated, unlike the earlier entries in the series when Harry was (mainly) a detective.

Now that I've finished reading this, I can see where some of those reviews were coming from: more than any other I can think of in the series, this definitely sets up the next (Battle Ground, cutting off just as it 'tees up' the conflict to come and how the supernatural community is going to react to it.

After having conspicuously being absent in the previous, this also see's the return of Thomas Raith (and his sister Lara), both of whom play a large role in the proceeding within this, as does Harry's mentor Ebenezer McCoy, with the concept of family coming to the fore.

Did I enjoy it?


Do I feel slightly cheated by the fact that it sets up but doesn't resolve the conflict to come, meaning I would have to buy the next book?

Also yes.

(I was going to anyway, having made it - and mainly enjoying them - this far)
In Her Bones
In Her Bones
Kate Moretti | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful thriller with detailed plot and characters
When Edie Beckett was in her teens, her mother, Lilith Wade, murdered six women. Lilith went to prison for life and Edie's life irrevocably changed. Now she's nearly thirty, trying to stay sober, working a city clerk job, and living a lonely life. Her only family is her brother Dylan, and she has no friends, no real life. At night, Edie secretly obsesses over the families of Lilith's victims, watching them online--and in real life. Then she actually meets one in person, and a man ends up murdered. Edie is immediately the police's one and only suspect. The investigating detective, Gil Brandt, is the same one who arrested her mother. He knows Edie better than anyone. She goes on the run, with Gil on her trail. Will Edie discover the truth in time?

This book just kept getting better with every page. I absolutely loved Kate Moretti's THE BLACKBIRD SEASON and was worried this one might not live up to it. I shouldn't have worried. This is just an excellent, fascinating novel.

The book is told from the point of view of Edie and Gil, with excerpts included from a tell-all book written about Lilith and her family. It all combines to make a very intriguing read. The way the novel explores looking at serial killers from the perspective of their family is just amazing and interesting. As Edie says,
"Sometimes, Lilith was just my mother."

You get this really in-depth look at how Lilith was both an awful mother, a regular mother, and influenced by mental illness. The book does a great job of providing a portrait of mental illness as well. I thought its look at Lilith as a serial killer was just so well-done. Lilith isn't necessarily the main focus--that's Edie--but she's had such an influence on forming Edie that we learn so much about her.

As for Edie, I was worried at first that I wouldn't like her or enjoy her character, because sometimes I have a hard time with characters who make nothing but bad decisions. But I quickly grew attached to her and to really, really like her. One of the best things about this book is that despite its serious and sometimes even gruesome subject matter, it can be funny sometimes. It's definitely heartbreaking and real. It's powerfully written, and Edie becomes this wonderfully great main character. She's so very smart and so very real. Moretti gives such a personality to everyone through her excellent detail; you're just able to visualize each character so well. I really love how you can get lost in her books. The bond between Brandt and Edie is interesting--different in many ways, but I liked how they were tied together in some way, and the how they each described that thread.

What's so great about this book is that you get to explore the serial killer aspect--how Edie is affected by her mom, some of the elements that formed Lilith into what she is, and more, but you also get a really well-done mystery too, after a character dies and Edie goes on the run. These two storylines run expertly in parallel and keep you riveted throughout the entire novel. There are some awesome twists and turns, and the whole book is just so well-done. I really loved these characters and truly just felt changed by the end of this one.

Overall, this is just a wonderful book. The characters are amazing and detailed, the plot is excellent, and I was just drawn in from the beginning. This goes deeper than your usual mystery or thriller, and I was so impressed and touched by this novel. I highly recommend this one!
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
D.W. Moneypenny | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a brilliant science fiction novel and first installment of <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> by D. W. Moneypenny. Set in present day Oregon it deals with metaphysical ideas and bizarre creatures – a very intriguing read.

Mara Lantern is a young adult who has left school to work in a gadget repair shop where her amazing natural talent for restoring machinery is put to good use. At the commencement of the book she is being driven to the airport by her New Age obsessed mother in order to fly out to San Francisco to visit her father. Once the plane is airborne it is clear there is something terribly wrong. Bright blue light flashes throughout the aircraft and the passengers around Mara appear to be distorting: growing fangs and snouts, and changing eye colour. What is even stranger is a redheaded boy is running down the aisle closely pursued by a clone of Mara.

In an attempt at an emergency landing, the plane crashes into the Columbia River – a crash impossible to survive – however everyone does. All the passengers and crew are pulled out of the river unharmed; all except Mara who is strangely found unconscious on the pavement with a head wound.

Detective Daniel Bohannon is assigned to the case investigating the cause of the crash, but when some of the survivors start displaying super-human or animalistic traits it becomes clear this was no ordinary situation.

Whilst the investigation continues, Mara begins to deal with what she saw on the plane. With the help of a fellow survivor, Ping, and the redheaded boy, Sam (who claims he is her brother) she begins to learn that her world, her life and human existence in general is not all she believed it to be.

Although <i>Broken Realms</i> is accurately described as a science fiction and fantasy novel there were times, particularly during the police investigations, that it also felt a little like a crime thriller. There is nothing particularly bad about that but to begin with it was as though there were two different genres competing with each other depending on which character point of view was being read.

What helped to make this book so great were the excellent writing skills of D. W. Moneypenny. It was written so clearly that vivid images came to mind whilst reading. The pace of the narrative was fairly quick and at no point did it ever stop being exciting.

Another good thing (admittedly others may not see it as such) was that there were no romantic attachments between any of the characters to detract from the main storyline. This meant the novel was completely focused on the plot without any unnecessary interruptions.

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a highly recommended book for science fiction and fantasy lovers. It does, however, leave the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next. So now the wait for the next book in <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> begins.
The Lost Letters of William Woolf
The Lost Letters of William Woolf
Helen Cullen | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to begin by saying, that this blurb sounds very very intriguing, and I got ready for a love story, but oh sugar, how deceiving it is. There is soooooo much more to this book, it is very complex, thought-provoking and deep.

William and Claire are married for a very long time, their relationship saw everything, from happy times to major disappointments, now they are kind of wondering whether to continue with it or to go separate ways. So while all this is happening, William experiences everything that is mentioned in the blurb as well. So yeah, this is a very complicated story…

This story is told from multiple perspectives, in this case, William’s and Claire’s, and I am very happy, that I got to know the characters better this way. The more I read, the more annoyed I got. Even though the characters are very realistic and believable, I really disliked Claire. I just didn’t like her personality, bossiness, and I just couldn’t connect with her. I liked William, he is kind and generous, but I think he was really weak and it annoyed me that he allowed being treated like a mop.

I think the plot of this book is quite unique, highlighting couples relationship and thoughts that run through so many couples in real life. This novel carries so many feelings, memories from the past, and thoughts about the future. The narrative travels between past when they had a blooming relationship to the present when the situation is tensed. I really liked that the author chose different settings for this novel. The author describes Ireland beautifully as well as London and other towns. I am really curious, how the author did her research for this book because I would love to be a lost letter’s detective. &#x1f600; That sounds so exciting! &#x1f642; Another thing that I really enjoyed was William’s little adventures while looking for the owner of those mysterious “Great Love” letters, that kept my interest going, and I was curious to find out, what William is going to do.

Helen Cullen’s prose is absolutely beautiful and it is a great debut. I found this book easy to read and it was an enjoyable journey. The chapters are a decent length, but because this novel is filled with thoughts, sometimes my mind did wander away, some of those thoughts repeated itself and in some cases, it was just too much of it for me. The ending rounded up the story nicely, but I have mixed feelings about it. I am kind of happy with the outcome but at the same time kind of disappointed.

So, to conclude, don’t be fooled by the blurb, there is way more depth in this book than it shows. It analyzes a very complex couple’s relationship, letting the reader really get into characters heads. I enjoyed this book, and if you wish to find out what happened to William, Claire and the mysterious letter sender, do give this book a try and I hope you will enjoy their story. &#x1f642;