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Our Little Secret
Our Little Secret
Roz Nay | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent, well-written suspense novel from debut author
"All love stories are crime stories and all crime stories, love. If you say that's not true, you're not looking properly. Perhaps when two people join, it's inevitable, the things they'll damage in each other." ~Angela to Novak*

Angela is being held for interrogation at the police station. Detective Novak wants only thing from her--to know where Saskia is. But Angela cannot comply; instead, she tells Detective Novak a story, one starting with her senior year, when she fell in love with a boy named HP. As she tells her tale, it becomes clear it is one of love, sadness, betrayal, and anger. Does Angela know where Saskia is? And can we trust her?

This was a really fascinating and different book, and it was so refreshing to read something that felt original and unlike so many of the suspense novels I've read lately. I will say upfront: Nay is an excellent storyteller, and I found this novel to be wonderfully written. Parts of this story actually hurt me to read, because it was so vividly told. I could so clearly picture the events unfolding and visualize this tale of teen love gone wrong.

I loved the idea that our entire book is Angela, trapped at the police station, telling the story of the last several years of her life to Detective Novak. It seems unconventional, and it is, but it worked well for me. It took the unreliable narrator trope to a different level, and it was so much better than the drunken, rambling, angry unreliable narrator that we see so often. Angela tells her tale of woe and bitterness to the Detective, with only minor interruptions as he provides some pieces of new evidence that occasionally cast doubt upon her viewpoints. As such, we are left to guess how truthful she is being with all of us. Every statement she makes is charged with double meaning. I found the entire thing to be incredibly compelling and oddly fascinating. I was completely hooked, madly flipping the pages to find out what happened next. Even more, I was amazed at how Nay created sympathy toward a character who wasn't all that likeable at times. I was rooting for her, even when I knew I probably shouldn't.

I felt this faltered only a little near the end, where I wasn't quite sure I was on board with everything, but it certainly wasn't enough to diminish my love of the novel. And the actual ending is excellent and basically redeemed it all. Overall, this was an excellent, well-written, suspenseful novel. Angela is a dynamic and complicated character who immediately draws you in with her narration. I was constantly second-guessing her as I read and found the entire novel to be incredibly powerful and satisfying. Apparently this is Nay's first book, which is even more impressive. Can't wait for the next one. Definitely worth a read! 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
*all quotes from an advanced reader copy and subject to change
A Map of the Dark
A Map of the Dark
Karen Ellis | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel had many layers which is often the case with stories featuring “damaged” investigators wanting to “make a difference”. It is not an original concept as it is seen more often than not; however, this book introduced us to an array of characters whose lives and backgrounds make the reader want to know more. To say that the lead investigator’s backstory was more distressing and disturbing than the crimes she is investigating would be an understatement. The detective work feels solid and the characters are believable. This was certainly a page turner with a surprise at the end which brings some satisfaction.
Bells On Her Toes
Bells On Her Toes
Diana J. Febry | 2014 | Crime
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When a body is discovered in a burnt-out barn, DCI Peter Hatherall and DI Fiona Williams are assigned to investigate. The barn is owned by a racehorse trainer and the two detectives struggle to penetrate the closed and secretive world of horse racing to uncover who the body is and why they were murdered. As the body count rises Hatharall's personal life starts to impact on his professional judgement putting not only the investigation but lives at risk.

The police procedural has a long and distinguished history and Febry does an excellent job in following the formula and adding enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. Everything is told from a personal point of view (mostly Williams') and the author does a great job in conveying personality through how events are described. One of the key suspects also provides some of their thoughts between chapters and this very effectively cranks the tension up.

The cast of characters is very convincing. The detective with personal problems has very much become a cliche but Hatherall is drawn in a very realistic and human light and is clearly struggling. Williams has her own relationship issues and their interaction has a ring of authenticity. The cast of suspects is wide and a number of them could easily be guily. What is certain is that it will take time for all the secrets to be uncovered.

The plot has many twists and plenty of red herrings for both the reader and the detectives to fall foul of. The stakes are constantly raised until the final confrontation.

When reading this book I was reminded of one of my favourite detective thriller novelists, Reginald Hill. The characterisation, the plot twists and some of the way Febry plays with the reader's expectations reminded so much of a Dalziel and Pascoe novel. I think that's a very fair comparison and although Peter Hathersall is not at all like Andy Dalziel he is still a detective who works with both facts and instinct

This books is part of a series (and indeed one of the other books in the series is mentioned in passing) and if this novel is anything to go by the series is one to read as soon as possible. Anyone who likes a good detective novel with interesting characters and plenty of twists will like this. A lot.
The Dark Lake
The Dark Lake
Sarah Bailey | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to begin by saying, that the person who wrote the blurb, should get a raise because this blurb is very intriguing and well written, that’s why I really wanted to read this book. To be honest, this novel was different from most of the thrillers I read.

The main lead in this novel is Gemma, a small town detective in Australia, who is investigating murdered teacher’s case. I found Gemma as a very unusual main character. This novel is filled with Gemma’s thoughts and feelings about her life, wishes and struggles. All these thoughts kind of shadowed the whole investigation. But on the other hand, I think some of them were kind of necessary in order to bring out the desired effect from this story. Gemma seemed very realistic in this novel, but I could not warm up to her. I think she needs help because she is a very troubled young woman, on the other hand, this makes her quite unique… The author chose to use a very vast amount of characters in this novel, some of them showing up only for a chapter as witnesses. It was quite a fresh approach to telling the story, but at the same time filled my mind with unnecessary information about the character itself…

Even though the investigation was pretty slow and not very eventful, I did like reading Gemma’s story from her past. I liked the way they tangled together, and it kind of kept me going because I did want to find out how all these parts are related. I really enjoyed reading different perspectives and different thoughts in this novel, it allowed to have a glimpse into different personalities and to have a better understanding of overall events.

The writing style was creative and the plot kept time travelling between present and past, and I really enjoyed that. Another winner for this novel would be short chapters. I was binge reading it and I was tempted to read chapter after chapter all the way throughout the book. Even though the climax was not very impressive, I did like how author rounded up this story, I think it concluded the events pretty nicely. So, to conclude, it was quite different from what I am used to in the thrillers, and I quite liked this fresh approach. I do recommend to give this book a try, and I will be waiting for the next book with Gemma Woodstock, to see, what Sarah has “up her sleeve” for this unusual detective.