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Sarah (7798 KP) created a poll

Aug 2, 2017  
Which film(s) are you most looking forward to for the rest of 2017?

Pitch Perfect 3
Murder on the Orient Express
Animal Crackers

0 votes

Blade Runner 2049
Logan Lucky

0 votes

Annabelle: Creation
The Hitmans Bodyguard

0 votes

Justice League
Rough Night

0 votes

The Dark Tower
Thor: Ragnarok
American Made

0 votes

A Ghost Story

0 votes

Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
2014 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gosh, I love this movie. The soundtrack is great to start out with, I own it, and frequently listen to it when I'm at work. Tom Hiddleston's character, Adam, is so melodramatic and sarcastic and it's oh-so amusing. Anton Yelchin (RIP) is Ian, Adam's music agent, and basically one of two humans Adam has contact with. Tilda Swinton is Eve, Adam's wife, who lives in Tangiers, while Adam lives in Detroit, visits him because he's depressed and suicidal. And, while the word is never said, Adam, Eve, Kit (John Hurt/RIP playing Kit Marlow), and Ava (Mia Wasikowska) are all vampires, who deal with vampire probs. Anyway, it may seem like there's no plot, but there is, it's just slow moving. One particular thing I liked was the filming in Detroit and the beauty in the ruin.

Steven Yeun recommended Robocop (1987) in Movies (curated)

Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi

"RoboCop fucked me up when I first saw it. It’s set in Detroit, where I’m from, and it’s just so brutal. The first movie I ever saw was Terminator 2, when I was five—my parents clearly weren’t checking what I was watching at that age. With RoboCop, you’re getting the truth, but you have no idea that what it’s telling you is actually the truth."

Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Graphics are excellent, storyline is interesting (0 more)
Nothing! (0 more)
Started Detroit become human after finishing studying for the year... played it through over the space of 2 weeks a couple of hours every other night so it's not the longest game, BUT it is addictive, thought provoking and you find yourself really rooting for your characters even though at times they are pitted against each other. The map that shows percentages is interesting too as you see what other players chose. Your characters are not safe from a sticky end btw so choose wisely! My ending was played by 3% of other players and I would play again to get a different ending. Would recommend!
The digital deluxe version also comes with a copy of heavy rain which is also worth a play but worth playing that before Detroit as the graphics do not compare.
Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
Fascinatingly horrific
A film that follows the horrific events of what happened in Detroit in 1967 that reflects not only what society was like then but what it is still like today. It's thought-provoking and gut-wrenching and you leave the cinema with a heavy feeling in your gut. It's a little too long, bits can definitely be trimmed off here and there. It's a film everyone needs to see.

Andy Bell recommended Upstairs At Erics by Yazoo in Music (curated)

Upstairs At Erics by Yazoo
Upstairs At Erics by Yazoo
2008 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is when I fell in love with the genius Mr. Clarke & Alison's amazing voice. I could see why they thought she was a black gospel singer in the Detroit/Chicago House clubs. 'I Before E Except After C' kinda fucks your head up, and it's very indicative of what it's like to work with Vince. 'Winter Kills' is bleak and heart bracingly sublime all at the same time."

Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
“Detroit” tells the story of the Algiers Motel incident that took place during the massive 12th Street Riot in 1967 Detroit, Michigan. Director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal have created a stunning film that will suck the audience into a historical moment of horror.

The film, based on what is known about true events, takes viewers into a world of absolute terror as the streets of Detroit become a warzone filled with racial hatred and violence. After a police raid, looters took to the streets vandalizing and robbing local storefronts.

Rapidly, the police response grew into extreme reactionary violence and fueled the fire of the riot. The national guard is called in and rather than getting the situation under control, the city devolves into what looks like a warzone in a foreign land.

The film has a great build up and the characters are developed quite well by the time the thick of the plot gets started around the Algiers Motel Incident, an event that resulted in the deaths of three black men and the torture of nine other people.

The entire cast is amazing. Heart strings are pulled by the characters portraying Larry Reed (Algee Smith) and Fred (Jacob Latimore), two musicians that are caught in a horrific nightmare simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

John Boyega also delivers a heart wrenching performance as Melvin Dismukes, a black man who tries at great length to stay safe and keep the peace. His character is portrayed as caught in the cross fires of morality and necessity.

Will Poulter plays a real-life villain as blood thirsty and racist police officer, Phillip Krauss. His portrayal of Krauss is terrifying.

The film as a film, is gripping, an amazing cinematic feat. But, the story is painful to watch. Scarier than any horror film, “Detroit” brings to light one of the darkest sides of the human species and a bloody stain on American history.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Detroit (2017) in Movies

Apr 20, 2019  
Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
Great cast line up (0 more)
A little longer than needed (0 more)
Powerful Drama based on real events
A dark drama based on true events of police brutality in Detroit in the late 60's. The cast is very good. The story is fascinating, even more so based on true events. For that reason disturbing and shocking. It's a little long but well worth your time for a story that will stay with you long after the credits.
Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Leaves Heavy Rain in the dust
The only other Quantic Dream game I have played is 2010s 'Heavy Rain' - a game that I kind of enjoyed, but to me always felt like it was in the cusp of being so much more.

Detroit: Become Human is that 'so much more'.

Detroit follows the narrative of three playable characters - Kara, Markus, and Connor - all androids living in a not too distant future. Androids exist purely to make life easier for humans. They are treated like slaves in a lot of cases and generally mistreated, causing some models to deviate from their programming, and develop free thinking.
These characters stories follow different parts as an Android revolution for equal rights picks up pace.

With all the issues our real world faces at present, a lot of the storyline seems apt, as a subtle social commentary is weaved throughout, without ever slapping you over the face with it.
The different narratives flow perfectly alongside one another, and it becomes clear very quickly, that even the smallest choice you make can drastically effect the route your story takes. It makes for some thrilling an intense moments, where someone you've grown to care about could be snatched away from you without warning.

The graphics and motion capture are breathtaking. It's a gorgeous looking game that emits pure quality, showing off just how much effort has gone into it.
The gameplay ranges from slower detective work, to furious chases, to combat wrapped in QTE. It stands apart in that respect as the moments where the often dreaded QTE sections are deployed, the situation is usually so tense that it feels more urgent - the stakes are always high, as one slip up could cost you dearly.
(The mission aboard Jericho in the latter stages of the game had me legit stressed!)

And to top it all off, Detroit has a wonderful musical score, that compliments the well written script perfectly.

I can't recommend Detroit enough - I can't fault it in any way. I'm already excited to dive back in to pursue more of the many endings the game has to offer!

Ben Watt recommended On Another Level by Los Hermanos in Music (curated)

On Another Level by Los Hermanos
On Another Level by Los Hermanos
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This taps into my DJing years. It's a techno record which oozes the melancholic, musical tropes of deep house, made by DJ Rolando and Gerald Mitchell, from Underground Resistance in Detroit. I've played this far too much in the car, but it's great in the car. Tracey uses a couple of the tracks on here to power-walk to as well. [laughs] I love that. So if you see her steaming across Hampstead Heath, headphones in, she's probably listening to this!
