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Dean (6924 KP) rated Dexter - Season 4 in TV

Nov 17, 2020  
Dexter  - Season 4
Dexter - Season 4
2009 | Drama
Great plotlines (1 more)
John Lithgow
Hello Mr Morgan!
Another great series I've ploughed through quickly. This time John Lithgow stars as a serial killer who has been going for 30 years. Can Dexter learn from him? Or should and him to his slide collection. If he doesn't what cost could this have?
Well written with some very surprising twists and turns. Another one where you can't wait for the next episode!
Bloodline (2018)
Bloodline (2018)
2018 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
Nice ideas ok execution
Good to see Sean William Scott doing something other than a fratboy comedy. Taking on a Dexter style role in this film as he works as a social worker at a college. Distributing his own brand of justice.
Low budget and it shows at times. Despite the short run time the film does feel quite slow. Not a bad thriller but could have been much better.

Dean (6924 KP) rated Dexter - Season 5 in TV

Dec 6, 2020  
Dexter  - Season 5
Dexter - Season 5
2010 | Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Great cast (1 more)
Well written
Possibly the best series yet. Despite the shocking ending of the last series I did wonder if this series might dip a bit below the others. I need not have worried. It carries on much the same with another gripping story and with others close to realising the truth about Dexter. With 2 great guest stars, Peter Weller the original Robocop and Julia Stiles who is great. Again another gripping finale after more close scrapes.

Dean (6924 KP) rated Dexter - Season 7 in TV

Jan 16, 2021  
Dexter  - Season 7
Dexter - Season 7
2012 | Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
The secret is out (0 more)
Are you...?
After the finale of the last series Dexter's secret is out. How will this effect his relationship with Debra, how will she react? Good to see a return to form, I thought the 6th series main story wasn't as good as other series. There is also a femme fatale in this series, special guest star Yvonne Strahovski better known as Serena Waterford in The Handmaid's Tale. Will Dexter put a stop to her or is he strangely drawn to someone similar. Possibly the best series yet.

Dean (6924 KP) rated Dexter - Season 8 in TV

Jan 23, 2021  
Dexter  - Season 8
Dexter - Season 8
2013 | Drama
Final episode and ending was disappointing (0 more)
Do you remember the Monsters?
So the final series of what has been a classic show. No wonder it won so many awards and accolades. This series has Dexter trying to balance his life along with his dark passenger. After the ending of the last series how will his relationship with Deb be effected. So it feels slightly different to the majority of the previous series formats. It's still very good although the final episode and ending was rather disappointing to an excellent show. Let's wait and see where the new series picks up.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Perfect balance of music and biopic (0 more)
He's still standing
Where do i start when it comes to a film about to excentric yet turbulent years in elton john's life. Everyone was cast to perfection with lead star taron with a knockout elton. Dexter fletcher's brilliant mix of song and mixed with his personal life troubles. Just goes to what a talented director (and the right one) to pull of and entertaining. Joyus with heart. The film also showcases the long lasting to this day relarionship with his musical collabarator bernie turpin (played by jaime bell). All in all a must see for rock and music fans everywhere.
Siren of Depravity
Gary Fry | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The idea of a story about a dark, tormented, and dysfunctional family with Lovecraftian undertones is definitely something I'm interested in; however, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed at the execution.

Written in first person perspective, Siren of Depravity is narrated by the main character, Harry Keyes. Harry is anything but the perfect husband: he's cheated on his wife and has a habit of lying to her. His pride and joy is his little girl, Eva. Harry also has a brother, Dexter, who just found out that he's actually adopted: they have different mothers.Coming from abusive childhoods, the two are haunted by their monster of a father. While Harry grew up, married, and found a career, Dexter bought the family house from his parents and became a bit of a recluse, burying himself in necromantic studies. The other characters, including Harry's wife and child, are largely minor characters until the end and, while most of them are fairly flat and static, Eva appears to be the only one that undergoes any sort of change.

Upon discovering the nature of his maternity, Dexter calls his brother up on the telephone for the first time in ages, divulging to Harry that he has discovered something that he absolutely must show him. Naturally, Harry casts aside all reason to travel two hours to visit his brother and learn what he has discovered, despite knowing how dark Dexter's interests are. It is at this point that Siren of Depravity starts hinting at old and terrible creatures that are inspired by Lovecraft, suggesting that they are buried deep underground. Dumbfounded by the knowledge that Dexter has a different mother, Harry takes it upon himself to solve the mystery and thus readers are led on a journey filled to the brim with horror after horror, from necromancy to human experimentation, Fry doesn't hold back on the grisly details that define the Keyes family's past.

Though the book begins a bit slowly, the action is nonstop and picks up speed further along. Fry has a knack for painting gruesome images with his words; however, I feel that his writing style would be better suited in third person, rather than first. Harry's perspective seems to be a bit heavily diluted by his own personal regrets, and the constant mention of his affair and of being swatted with a newspaper by his father throughout the book really takes away from many of the scenes. What bothered me more than how repetitive these moments were, was the constant beginning of a sentence with the word "but." "But" is a conjunction, and as such is meant to connect two thoughts. Many of the instances in which it was used, the word could have been omitted entirely, which would have helped the flow of the story. Instead, it gives the book a bit of a jerky feeling. Hopefully this will be addressed before publication.

I would like to thank NetGalley, DarkFuse, and Gary Fry for the advance review copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Version Control
Version Control
Dexter Palmer | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a completely unique take on the genre. Rather than focusing on the characters you would expect to focus on [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] focuses on those around them. It's a much better way to tell the story that he was telling through this book. It was a very engaging and fun take on a "what if?" time travel story.

I really appreciated his approach to time travel. It removes the need for loopholes and I can see why [a:Elan Mastai|14587932|Elan Mastai|] stated that [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] was one of his favorites, it does inspire his book [b:All Our Wrong Todays|30255743|All Our Wrong Todays|Elan Mastai||47452430] in the removal of the loopholes that come with time travel paradoxes. It is something that I was also going to include in my book, and I liked the thought process that engaged with this.

It was a fantastic story of dealing with grief and regret. The story is much more about the relationships then the actual time travel sci-fi. I loved his not making a big deal about the McGuffins and instead tells the story he wants to tell. I loved his style and story telling method. Even in the dull bits, I was engaged and wanting to know every detail of the world he created.
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
1960 | Action, Adventure, Western
Classic western only misses out on a 10 because it's not quite as good as the Kurosawa version. Mexican peasants in improbably clean clothes (the Mexican government insisted) hire a septet of gunmen to defend them from marauding bandits; Bernstein's famous theme gets played a lot. I mean, A LOT.

Enduringly and deservedly popular, both as a piece of entertainment and a source of discussions down the pub (Horst Bucholz and Brad Dexter are the names everyone struggles to remember). Loses some of the subtlety and depth of characterisation from the original Japanese version, but also scores by building up the character of the bandit leader (Wallach). Possibly not the greatest western ever, but still iconic and immensely influential. One for the ages.

Dean (6924 KP) rated You - Season 1 in TV

Dec 6, 2020  
You - Season 1
You - Season 1
2018 | Crime, Drama
Some quite dark humour (0 more)
Few slow episodes (0 more)
Overall interesting Thriller
Finally watched this after hearing about it quite a bit. An enjoyable thriller about a stalker who kinda inserts himself into the lives of women he takes an interest in.
Done with a similar narration style as @Dexter - Season 1 to the viewer. It was fun in some episodes, with a fair amount of humour to it. You shouldn't like the main character but you view things from his perspective, and he comes across as the nice guy. The ending was a bit of a disappointment for me and felt rushed compared to the rest of the series. Not exactly gripping, I got through about 30 episodes of Dexter by the time I did all 10 of this. Entertaining if not a classic.