Nancy Drew Diaries: Vol 08
Stefan Petrucha and Sho Murase
In "Tiger Counter," Nancy Drew and her friends Bess and George, have volunteered at the River...

They Drew as They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney's Late Golden Age: Volume 3: Part 2: The 1940s
Walt Disney always envisioned the studios that bear his name remaining relevant by consistently...

To Dream Is To Die (Dead Dreamer, #1)
Eighteen-year-old Brenna Whit is entering college as a freshman and starting to meet new people, but...
New Adult Paranormal

Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2)
The longing of dreams draws the dead, and this city holds many dreams. After a supernatural...
ghosts 1920s new york city

Dictionary of Sexual Dreams
Approximately 8 percent of what we dream about has sexual connotations. Interestingly, authorities...