Sinus Floor Elevation: Avoiding Pitfalls Using Cone-Beam CT
In this book, Dr Yasuhiro Nosaka examines the different issues that may arise and be encountered by...

The Art of Detailing: Philosophical Foundations
The path to exceptional clinical results and patient satisfaction begins with a solid philosophical...

The Oxford Handbook of Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders: Developmental Perspectives
Inspired by the increasing need to consider developmental factors in understanding the etiology and...
Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology
Paul Riordan-Eva and Emmett T. Cunningham
Ophthalmology's cornerstone text enhanced by a vibrant new full-color presentation For more than...

Vitreoretinal Surgery
This is the second edition of a highly successful textbook that in many areas has become the...

Acute Abdomen During Pregnancy
This book will help the reader to recognize, diagnose, and treat most of the acute abdominal...

Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases
Dimitris Tousoulis and Christodoulos Stefanadis
The establishment of precise and reliable biomarker tests for the early stages of cardiovascular...

Strawberry: Growth, Development and Diseases
Methods of strawberry cultivation have undergone extensive modifications and this book provides an...

18 Summer Holidays, 18 Years to Grow
Jane Franklin and James Franklin
On 15th May 1995 James was born ostensibly perfect in every way. It would be another seven years...

A Tour of Bones: Facing Fear and Looking for Life
Author, academic and adventurer, Denise Inge grew up in a large and rambunctious family on the east...