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The Marrow of Tradition
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an interesting read and another book I had to read for one of my classes. It was full of historical events that were easily pointed out. The Plessy versus Ferguson case, the Wilmington Massacre, and the obvious ties to the racial tensions in the newspapers of the South at the time. It was interesting to get the viewpoints of so many different characters in this novel. It gave a lot of insight into the minds of the people at the time this was written and throughout the period after the Civil War. There are a few points that are slow, but that is to be expected of any book published so long ago. There are some heavy dialect aspects to the book that, at first, can be more difficult to read, but as you go along, you get used to it and it will go by much faster. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about what went on around the late 1800s and early 1900s in the South.
In The Silence
In The Silence
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In The Silence has a blurb so enticing, I just had to read it, and author M. R. Mackenzie did not disappoint.

Anna Scovalini has finally come home; a place she avoided for several years only to find herself involved in a murder case, up close and personal. At first she doesn’t mean to get involved, but when she feels the police aren’t taking things seriously enough curiosity gets the better of her and once she has a poke around for answers she uncovers much more than she bargained for, and inadvertently puts herself into trouble, too.

Throughout this story I found myself intrigued by some of the serious issues discussed, from femicide, rape to gang mentality, and this was all played out by some great characterisation and an exciting plot, where the more I read the quicker the pace sped up until it reached the final reveal of who the killer actually was!

I found the unravelling of the secret surrounding the reason why people were getting killed really enjoyable. Mix this with those paragraphs where there’s a hooded figure tracking people down that literally sent shivers down my spine and made my blood run cold. Is that corny? Maybe. But true!

A word on the dialect. For an East Anglian, born and bred, I thought the Scottish dialect was actually quite fun to read. When I tried the words out loud I actually could do a very good impression of a Glaswegian! On one hand I always find this a little distracting as it does take you out of the story as you’re experimenting with how the words sound on your tongue, but on the other hand it was not full-on throughout the book, and I quickly got used to it.

Returning to characterisation, I loved how Anna (now a criminology lecturer living in Rome) and her best friend Zoe, (who like me has never left her home county) seem to have lives which are worlds apart, and when they get back together they’re instantly best pals again. But under the stress of the investigation even Anna has to think twice about Zoe.

What happened back in the past, that caused so many people in one town to have so many secrets? For me, uncovering the truth made this story for me. For a debut book, I’m exited to see what this author writes next!

An intriguing, fast read that had me guessing who the killer was throughout, with a satisfying, final conclusion.
Sissala Goddess by Wiyaala
Sissala Goddess by Wiyaala
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Wiyaala is a charismatic singer-songwriter from Funsi, Upper West, Ghana. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her “Village Sex” single, featured on her second studio album, entitled, “Sissala Goddess”.

Wiyaala’s name means ‘the doer’ in her Sissala dialect.

Thanks to a musical mother, The Young Lioness of Africa dodged FGM and child marriage. Also, the patriarchal society which she grew up in made it very difficult for her to become an entertainer.

Since then, she has won over fans across the world. Also, the most remarkable thing is she’s from Ghana, a country with a notoriously conservative music industry, where any challenge to the norm is frowned upon.

Wiyaala’s “Village Sex” single contains a relatable storyline and ear-welcoming vocal. Also, the song possesses energetic instrumentation flavored with West African folk, Afro-pop, and world elements.

‘Sissala Goddess’ is a fascinating, often moving glimpse at Africa old and new through the Young Lioness of Africa’s eyes.

Wiyaala sings part of the album in Sissala—one of the world’s most endangered languages.

Also, she celebrates the love of those who have supported her as well as challenging traits of bigotry, jealousy, and greed.
The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Interesting but not scary
A Puritan family lives by themselves off the land to farm, raise their children and suffer through their lives barely scraping by. The perception of evil forces slowly overruns the family and they start to point fingers at each other as for who is to blame.

Short review today, but I had not heard much about this until a friend recommended. I enjoyed more than I thought I would for a film with a slow start. It seems I like slow burn movies ore than most. I can stay with a film if it seems interesting or I feel like it is going somewhere and will have a decent climax.

I did not think the film was scary at all with not even any jump scares, but the characters were interesting and the family dynamics were extreme especially once there is doubt and paranoia about what is happening to them.

Since I am an American, I did find some of the dialect hard to comprehend at times so much so that I actually turned the Netflix subtitles on to make sure I didn't miss anything.

It's not like it's a fantastic film that will stay with me or anything; however, I feel it is unique and interesting and well worth 95 minutes of your life.