Dictionary.com Word Explorer
Information on word origination, definition, usage and history.

English Latvian Dictionary
Reference and Education
This is English Latvian Dictionary. The Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet...

Midori (Japanese Dictionary)
Reference and Education
Midori is a Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionary. It's a perfect tool for those who are...

English-Finnish Dictionary
Reference and Education
This is English - Finnish and Finnish - English Dictionay (suomi-englanti-suomi sanakirja),...

Egyptian Arabic Dictionary
Reference and Education
This is a set of powerful learning aids for Egyptian Arabic: it is also useful for Egyptians who...

Learner's Dictionary - English
Reference and Book
The best dictionary available for English language learners, from Merriam-Webster. Master written...

English Spanish Dictionary C.
Reference and Education
USERS LOVE IT! 5 STARS “The synonyms allow me to quickly suggest more appropriate words to my...

A Dictionary for the Modern Singer
Titles in the Dictionaries for the Modern Musician series offer both the novice and the advanced...

The Singer's Guide to German Diction
Valentin Lanzrein and Richard Cross
The Singer's Guide to German Diction is the essential foundation for a complete course in German...