Gyldendal's Italian Danish Dictionary
Reference and Education
Gyldendal's Italian Danish Dictionary The dictionary is based on Gyldendal's Røde Miniordbog. It...

Aviation Abbreviation Dictionary
Reference and Education
An aviation tool which helps you search FAA abbreviations and also large and medium sized airports...

A Dictionary for the Modern Trumpet Player
Titles in Dictionaries for the Modern Musician series offer both the novice and the advanced artist...

Little Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins
Did you know that coconut derives from the Spanish and Portuguese coco for 'grinning face'? Or that...

Oxford School Dictionary of Word Origins
This new paperback edition of the Oxford School Dictionary of Word Origins gives an engaging insight...

Word of the day — Daily English dictionary app
Reference and Education
Become the smartest among your friends now… Learn one new word every day. As simple as that… ...

Pitch / Tempo / EQ (for dictation) - Tune Changer
This app is a music player that controls pitch and speed of the song in real time. [Use cases] -...

Offline English Dictionary and Thesaurus
Reference and Education
* Straightforward and precise definitions of over 140.000 terms * Works offline! No Internet...

Dictionnaire Français et Synonymes
Reference and Education
Consultez plusieurs dictionnaires Français et un dictionnaire de synonymes, tous issus des sources...