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Popcorn Dice
Popcorn Dice
2021 | Dice Game, Party Game
Two things everyone in my little family likes: popcorn and dice games. My daughter would eat popcorn all day if you let her. She takes after her dad. My son would play dice games all day if you let him. I like to let him as much as possible. Once I saw that Van Ryder Games was coming out with a marriage of these two beloved things, I knew I had to get my hands on it for preview.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is an advance retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

Popcorn Dice is a very light dice chucker where the winner is the player with the most amount of points at the end of the game. Setup could not be simpler: place all the dice in the popcorn bucket and pass it to the starting player. Done. Let’s make some corn!

The active player shakes up the popcorn bucket and then dumps out the dice on the play surface (I would normally use the word “table,” but we have actually played this on many different surfaces). Every die face showing the golden kernel icon is placed back in the bucket: it’s not fully popped yet. All dice showing the single Pop! icon is placed in the player’s score pile to be counted later. Each Burnt dice face showing can be countered with one Double Pop! icon, with both dice being placed back in the cup. If there are no Burnt faces, then the remaining Pop! and Double Pop! dice can be placed in the score pile. However, if at any time four Burnt dice are unable to be canceled with the Double Pop! then the turn is over and ZERO points are scored. Similarly, if no dice (upon a subsequent re-roll) are moved to the score pile, the turn is over, but the player may count up their score pile dice. The active player may continue rolling as many times as they wish or are forced to stop due to unwanted dice rolls. The first player to 30 points signals the end of the game. Every player continues the round so each takes the same number of turns, and the player with the most points wins!
Components. This game is a plastic bucket in the shape of old timey popcorn buckets and a pile of dice. The bucket is nice and very sturdy, and the dice are great! They are big and chunky (like the size of King of Tokyo, if memory serves) and the icons are mostly clear. I say mostly because The Double Pop! and single Pop! icons are white ink on off-white colored dice. They can sometimes be hard to distinguish, especially if playing under less-than-favorable lighting. Other than that, I totally dig the look and style of this game.

When I say that my son and I played this 23 times the first day we received it, I am not at all exaggerating. My kid LOVES Popcorn Dice, and it plays differently from other dice games. I was just expecting this to mimic earlier dice games like Martian Dice and Zombie Dice. Thankfully, this one is lighthearted enough for my children, and still keeps the adults very satisfied. And let me know if you ever accomplish The Perfect Pop.

It is so simple to play, and that’s the beauty of it. I’m talking 10 minutes with toddlers. When you need something super quick and easy, and maybe to bring in absolute gaming beginners, you cannot lose with Popcorn Dice. Have some youngsters tagging along with their parents to game night? Show them Popcorn Dice and watch them be entertained nearly the entire night trying to pop the best batch of corny goodness. If you need that one little game in your collection that can work in many many different scenarios, then consider adding Popcorn Dice to your collection. Grab your copy here: Popcorn Dice from Van Ryder Games.
Welcome To...
Welcome To...
2018 | City Building
Welcome to...Palingrad
A really nice little roll-and-write style game (without dice, so less of the rolling) that lets you play at being a city planner. As many people can play as you like, it doesn't take long to complete, and it is fairly compact, so we have taken it on holiday before. Perfect for rainy afternoons, it is easily one of my favourite games
    Under Falling Skies

    Under Falling Skies

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    Tabletop Game

    Aliens have arrived to conquer Earth. Enemy ships fill the skies. Humanity retreats to underground...

1995 | Economic, Territory Building
If you are good at Rolling dice, this game is great (0 more)
if you are Bad at rolling dice, this game hates you.... (0 more)
It's a good game to trading and playing the odds
Picking a settlement means picking specific numbers to get specific resources. when rolling two dice the most likely roll is a 7 statistically. with 6's and 8's being the next most and so on both up and down. Starting the game fast is vital so your placements are vital. then you collect resources and build from there. Negotiation with your neighbors to trade what you have to get what you need is a great part of the game.... unless you play with the people who just don't trade.... which happens. Also if the rolls are going to everyone else's numbers and not yours, there is literally nothing you can do about it. This game can be both amazing and frustrating at the same time, and with the right people this is a great time. It has some flaws but over all it's a great gateway game into modern board games, and everyone should play it once in their lifetimes even if you out grow it shortly after.... If all you play is monopoly and scrabble, this is a game that will blow your mind.
Dice Forge
Dice Forge
2017 | Ancient, Dice Game, Fantasy
Dice are customizable. (3 more)
Components are nice.
Game has short play time.
Everyone rolls on everyone's turn. Results in little to no downtime.
Dice sides are hard to get off if the game is new. (1 more)
Almost no distinct difference between which die is for sun and which is for moon. Very hard to tell the color difference.
Most Interesting Dice Game I've Played
Players: 2-4
Ages: 8+
Time: 45 minutes

Dice: Guys they are customizable!!! Each side of the dice comes off! You can change them. It's so cool. As you play you have to strategize which die to put your new sides on. Which sides to buy with your gold, and think about what your chances are for rolling that side a lot to benefit you the most. I mean they are basically lego dice. It's amazing.
Componemts: The dice are solid but roll a little different than normal dice. You really have to give them a good roll. If you just lasily through them, sometimes they just end up on the same side it was already on because they are larger and heavier than normal smaller dice.
Play Time: 45 minutes is what it says on the box. If you are just playing the game, acurrate. But if you have to teach the game too. It takes longer. The longest part of teaching the game i found is the cards. The gameplay has a simple flow but the cards are all just symbols and I found I needed the reference guide in the rulebook closeby almost every time I play. The symbols just don't explain enough for each card.
Downtime between turns: There is little to none. On your turn, everyone rolls and then the active player may buy new dice sides or buy a card. The only waiting is for the active player to strategize in what they want to buy. But you can be thinking of that on their turns as well.