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Talon, Come Fly with Me
Talon, Come Fly with Me
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m reviewing Talon, Come Fly With Me, by Gigi Sedlmayer. Here are my thoughts:

“Talon, Come Fly With Me” is a sweet book, for children, although I’m sure adults would love this, too. This is just the sort of book I would have loved to have read with my son when he was younger.

On the surface this is a story about a nine year old girl called Matica, living among the mountains of Peru with two condors she’s claimed as her own. In as much as you can claim two wild birds. But in fact it’s much more than that. The author, Gigi Sedlmayer, delves into more serious issues in a way which is suitable for children to read and understand. For example, she touches upon what it’s like to be a child with a disability, not fitting in, and feeling socially inadequate. She also covers subjects of which I sense are very close to her own heart; the protection of condors, habitat loss, and their possible extinction.

I totally felt for the condors, Tamo and Tima, when the poachers were coming to steal their egg, and there a few really tense scenes where the poachers are involved, which had me rooting for those birds to protect their young. Especially, after learning they only have one egg every two years. (If I’ve remembered that fact correctly).

But it’s not all doom and gloom. With some great laugh out loud moments, a happy ending and meaningful lessons learned, this book was a treasure of a find for me. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect from a children’s book about condors, which seemed so far removed from my usual reads, but Gigi Sedlmayer is an award winning author, so I hoped it would be good. And it was. Even though I’m not a kid. ?

It was lovely to meet Talon, of whom this series of books is based around. Condors are strange looking creatures. To some these large birds look so ugly, but they’re actually quite beautiful in their own way. In fact, through this book I’ve learned so much more about them, they now have an additional fan. What a great way to introduce children (and adults) to these amazing birds! I love learning real facts in fictional books, especially about wildlife, and the author did this so well, without information dumping.

Overall: For young and the not so young, this book is a lovely introduction to not only condors and their habitat, but of living a totally different life from our own in the Peruvian mountains. (That is, if you’re not actually an Indian who can speak Arawakan, and reading this from your home in Peru! ). On top of that, it’s a positive book, which highlights how we should be more accepting of others, their cultures, and differences, whatever they may be. Whether you’re a monster of a bird, or child with a disability, things are not always as they, at first, may seem. If this sounds like your sort of read, don’t hesitate to buy it. You should love it!
Ant-Man (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Paul Rudd like you've never seen him before
You can almost hear the groans, yet another superhero film bulldozes its way into cinemas. Sandwiched between the ambitious Avengers: Age of Ultron and the Fantastic Four reboot, Marvel’s Ant-Man is the first of this year’s summer superheroes.

However, numerous setbacks that included a director walking out halfway through filming meant that Ant-Man would be haunted by the action behind-the-scenes, rather than that on it. But what is the finished product like?

Peyton Reed took over from Edgar Wright after some “creative differences” and directs one of the best films to come out of Marvel studios, despite a few issues.

The film follows the story of former criminal Scott Lang, played by Paul Rudd, as he is tasked with becoming the mightily tiny superhero and stop a dangerous form of weaponry falling into the wrong hands – notably those of Darren Cross.

Helping him along the way is scientist Hank Pym, Michael Douglas, and his daughter Hope – played by the wonderful Evangeline Lilly.

Rudd’s casting raised a few eyebrows during the films pre-production but he is as charming as ever and really gets stuck into the role of a superhero. Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lilly are both more than a match for Rudd’s charisma and play their roles well.

What sets Ant-Man apart from the plethora of other big-budget superhero movies is the unique way the titular character utilises the environments around him. Summoning a host of ants to infiltrate buildings adds a new dimension to the genre that is much needed.

The CGI during these sequences is absolutely top-notch. When Rudd shrinks down we are drawn into a whole new world of giant carpet pile and huge ants and it’s hard not to get involved with the insects – you’ll never look at them in the same way again.

Marvel’s usual sense of humour is also in fine form, but again taking a different approach. This is a film well aware of the fact that Ant-Man is a ridiculous character, one of the most bizarre creations to ever come out of the studio.

Thankfully, this doesn’t stop Ant-Man from being ridiculously good fun. The action sequences are thrilling and beautifully choreographed throughout the film and on the whole show that the change in director hasn’t harmed the finished product.

However, like the titular character, the film feels ultimately, very small. After the city-levelling antics of Avengers: Age of Ultron and all the previous Marvel movies, Ant-Man comes across a little lightweight and lacking in substance.

Overall, Paul Rudd’s first foray into the superhero genre is highly commendable. Peyton Reed has managed to overcome near constant bad publicity to create a film that’s funny, thrilling and a little different.

Marvel will continue to churn out these movies until audiences are fed up with the genre, and if the quality remains at this level, it may be a while yet.
If you are looking for a refreshing Young-Adult read, with college unlike any other - this is the perfect book for you. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You is the first book from the Gallagher Girl series, where we meet girls that go to a school for spies, and nobody except them, knows it.

The Gallagher Academy is a typical all-girls-school, except, instead of normal subjects, they learn advanced martial arts and chemical warfare studies, they have exams where they need to spy, or go unnoticed, or steal.

We meet Cammie Morgan, who happens to be the headmistress's daughter, and when she goes on a mission and gets noticed by a boy - everything changes and her life is suddenly everything but normal. She knows how to kill a man in seven different ways, and she can speak fourteen languages, but when a cute boy comes and says hi - she is definitely not trained for that. What's worst - he thinks she's just an ordinary girl, and she is falling in love with him.

Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, and track him through town without his ever being the wiser - but can she have a relationship with a regular boy who can never know the truth about her? Cammie may be an elite spy-in-training, but in her sophomore year, she's beginning her most dangerous mission - falling in love.

I loved the writing style, and I loved something new and refreshing - it is a plot that I haven't read before, and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes when it felt a bit childish, I would remember I am not thirteen anymore, but even now at twenty-one, I got lost into this silly world of spy girls and the drama and love life of Cammie.

I liked Cammie - she is the type of girl that you would love to have as a friend, because she always makes you giggle with her silly comments. I also liked how brave and honest she was - not always honest though… Sometimes, she was too whiney for her own good, and making little things out of nothing, but then again, all teens kind of do that all the time, so it's acceptable.

I loved her friends - they were such a team, and always covering their backs. I loved how, even despite all their differences, they manages to fit right in and have their own impact to the group friendship.

Overall, quite an enjoyable read and I would definitely recommend it to you guys, if you love anything YA, or fantasy, or spy girls, or college related. I enjoyed this book, and I wish I read it way sooner. I can't wait to read the rest of the series as well.

Thank you to my friend and author, Michael Kott, that send me this book after recommending it to me, as Ally Carter is one of his favourite authors, and he enjoyed this book as well. Check out his book Piasa - it is amazing!
First Impressions (Auckland Med. #1)
First Impressions (Auckland Med. #1)
Jay Hogan | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
awesome read!
This is book one in the Auckland Med series, but I am reading this AFTER I read book two, Crossing the Touchline. This book has been re-edited and tidied up, and is a re-release. I did not read the original version, so I can’t comment on any differences there may be.
But THIS version? Was brilliant!
Michael runs into Josh at a very inopportune moment, with his trousers round his knees, and his junk on display. That Josh immediately pushes ALL of Michael’s buttons and THEN some, is irrelevant. Josh does not want a player and Michael does not want a relationship. So why can they not stay away from each other?
Michael’s reason for not wanting a relationship and Josh’s for not wanting a player in his life are made clear to us very early on, but it takes a LOT of time for them to open up to each other, and it really is painful watching them get to that point!
I mean, neither wants *this* thing between them, that much is clear, but they cannot keep apart, and the chemistry between them of off the charts but emotionally?? Neither is ready for anything. And then, the pesky emotions do their thing and both of them, separately of each other, decide that maybe, just maybe they can make this work.
Then something happens that sends them both into the unknown abyss and Michael runs clear across the world.
It took me all day to read this, because I alternatively wanted to punch both Michael AND Josh in the face, and to wrap them both up in cotton wool and love hard on them! I still don’t know which is the more dominant feeling, I really don’t! I had to keep putting the book down, to get over whichever was higher up at the time.
And trust me when I say, I rarely verbally react when READING (listening is different) and I did swear at this book a time or three at this book, I really did!
These guys have some serious chemistry, let me tell ya! I was *NOT* being sociable, and reading at the mother in law’s house and she kept asking me if I was too hot, cos my face was flushed and I had to tell her I was coming down with a cold! Along with the noises, and I think she thought I was nuts!
I can’t go into much, for spoilers, but this book twists and turns all over the place, and just when you think it’s all sorted? Boom! It goes off again!
I loved that Cam, from book 2, takes a huge part and we see a different side to him here.
Even though I know this has been edited and stuff, I would have loved the first version, I know.
Don’t know who is next, I really don’t care, so long as I can get my grubby little mitts on it!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Go Back for Love
Go Back for Love
Anne-Marie Sassoli | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like many of the books that I do not care for, I do like the concept, it just wasn’t presented very well. (0 more)
The book is extremely vague. It is almost as if it is an unfinished draft of what could be a much larger story. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Go Back for Love by Anne-Marie Sassoli is an extremely brief romance. This book can easily be read in a day, in not just a couple of hours. It also relies heavily on time travel in very short bursts.

 Laura is a bit of a nobody and always has been, at least in her own opinion. Then one seemingly random day she gets a letter from a solicitor. This letter sets her off on a whole new life as it is her inheritance from an aunt she barely knew. Along with a large sum of money Laura is given a mysterious coin collection that is connected to her aunt in a most unusual way. Through these coins, Laura learns about her aunt's past. She is introduced to her aunt’s fall from riches to being a servant. Her aunt’s journey doesn't end there but in an unexpected interaction with a man who sees her potential as a person despite the differences in their social classes.

 During Laura’s discovery of her aunt's past, she also starts forming a cautious relationship with her neighbor, Blaire, who also happens to own the building she lives in. What is most startling is how Blaire is already interwoven into Laura’s life by a surprising connection to her Aunt. Was their meeting predetermined by fate (or the Aunt) or is it just something that happened by chance?

 Like many of the books that I do not care for, I do like the concept, it just wasn’t presented very well. So much could be done with how the Aunt's coins allowed Laura to travel back in time. What Laura saw when she traveled was also interesting but lacked relevance, it contained no lesson and did nothing to directly encourage Blaire and Laura to get together. The book is extremely vague. It is almost as if it is an unfinished draft of what could be a much larger story. Unfortunately, everything felt glossed over, like the author had a good idea but didn’t want to take the time to write a larger novel.

 If I were to recommend this book to anyone it would be adults who like romance (there is one semi-vivid sex scene). It is good for those that want a basic and quick read, but those wanting something with more depth will be disappointed. I rate this book 1 out of 4. I was rather disappointed in it. While so short stories have the amazing ability to quickly draw readers in, provoke emotion, or make them think, this one missed the mark. In fact upon thinking about the story, time travel wasn’t even needed as the money that Laura also got put the couple in contact and not the coins.
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I don’t always read poetry, but I won "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" by Casey Renee Kiser and Johnny Scarlotti through a giveaway on LibraryThing.

And if you are already familiar with my “reading rules”, you know I try and read every single book I have ever received, because it’s only fair. And sometimes, the most unexpected books and the ones we don’t actively search for tend to surprise us the most. That happened with this book as well!

"It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" is written by two authors - two amazing writers of poetry, who have a very similar style of horror and suspense, but also very distinctive differences in their writing style too. The book is split in two parts, and we get the chance to explore both worlds. 

<b>Part 1 - Casey Renee Kiser</b>

The first part of the book was written by Casey Renee Kiser, and my favorite poem was “I am not a ghost yet”. It is morbid and powerful, and I loved the way the feelings and scenes were amplified in a morbid sense. I love the brutality of the writing. 

<b><i>“Everything was beautiful the day you died”,
You said as you touched my cold hand. </i></b>

<b>Part 2 - Johnny Scarlotti</b>

I could instantly see the difference in the poems between the two poets, but at the same time, also admire how similar their styles and themes are. I find Johnny’s writing very creepy, much creepier than Casey’s. Especially when the mood suddenly changes and the random “haha’s” and “woahh’s” in the poems appear.

<b><i>Now I’m dashing through the park clipping
Children’s kite strings
Ha ha, that’s what you get, you little freaks!</i></b>

It felt like I was reading the secret diary of the Joker. Either him, or Pennywise. It was so fucked up, but it read as the new normal, which is what a psycho would think and feel. It was creepy, it was wrong, but at the same time it satisfied my curiosity. I think that may be the same curiosity that makes me watch true crime shows, crime confessions and old interview with Ted Bundy. And I really enjoyed it. 

If I could change anything about my experience with this book, I would have read this for Halloween. I think it would have been the perfect experience, next to a lot of red candles and dim lighting, alongside some quiet creepy music. 

I would recommend "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" to all fans of horror poetry - it is dark and twisty, brutally honest and creepy, and it will pull you over to the dark side, even for a day. 
Black Witch Magic (Paranormal Hunters #1)
Black Witch Magic (Paranormal Hunters #1)
Mila Nicks | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black Witch Magic is the first book in the Paranormal Hunters series and we are introduced to Aiden (the paranormal hunter) and Selene (the witch). Aiden is the sceptic who tries to debunk paranormal mysteries. Selene is the witch cursed never to leave her hometown or find/keep love.

Although I enjoyed this story for the most part, there are some parts that just didn't work for me. For a start, the whole build-up to the wicked witch Luna? What did she actually do that was that bad? Okay, so I know she slept with someone who was engaged but is that it? Why did she get all the flak and not the other witch who disappeared at the same time? And for that matter, why were the Blackstones black-balled? There were no explanations about them or their family tree or even what happened to make them the scape-goats in the first place.

I did enjoy the differences given between being a Lunar or a Green Witch although I also found it a bit strange that Bibi, Noelle and Selene didn't seem to know anything else about being a witch other than what they made up themselves. Bibi and Noelle aren't cursed to stay within the town limits but it reads like they are.

There were other parts in the writing that were repeated over and over - Selene's address is one example. How many addresses does she have? Just the one so why is it repeated instead of just saying she went 'home'? Also, I wear glasses and I can tell you, if my glasses fell down my nose as often as Selene's did, I'd be going back to the Optometrist and getting the fitting sorted out. 'Fleshy thighs' is another description that was repeated too often for my comfort.

There are a few supporting characters in this book. Noelle and Eddie both have their own issues but neither of them come across as particularly tactful or sensitive to their so-called best friends. I thought Officer Gustin would play a bigger part than he did but he came good in the end.

This is classed as adult but most of the time the only thing described is the kissing. There are a couple of scenes that are steamy but they still don't go into major detail so I didn't think they were that bad.

The angst level is fairly low in here with most of it being between Eddie and Aiden and the filming of the episode. Or between Noelle and Selene when they don't agree on things but that's about it.

Overall, this was a light, entertaining read with some minor things I couldn't help but take notice of. It turns out this will be part of a series/serial and ends with a "To Be Continued." If this is what you are looking for then I can recommend this read.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Rose Coloured - Single by Celine Love
Rose Coloured - Single by Celine Love
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Celine Love is a London-based singer-songwriter from Hamburg. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her debut single, entitled, “Rose Coloured”.

“The music video (directed by Sylvia Hong) explores how that darkness we are shielded from as children were always there. A lot of us may think back to our childhood as perfect when truly we have blocked out the negative we might have seen or experienced. If we do not confront these issues from the past, it can drive you insane.” – Celine Love

‘Rose Coloured’ tells an interesting tale of a happy young girl who wants to use love to erase darkness.

Apparently, her caramel skin differs from her friends’ vanilla skin tone. But she doesn’t see the difference between her and them.
Even though they trust each other, she still has to look at life through a rose-colored filter.

‘Rose Coloured’ contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B and neo-soul elements.

“The idea behind ‘Rose Coloured’ was to capture memories, moments and situations that describe the blissful ignorance of my childhood. The desire to put a rose-colored filter on everything that is bad in the world. Before racism, insecurities, heartbreak, or stress became part of life. The world is not only on your side but shields you from the negativity.” – Celine Love

“The imagery in ‘Rose Coloured’ is taken directly from my childhood. The song describes both joy and pain in wanting to relive these moments. Not having to confront the real world with all its social pressures and evils. Growing up in Germany there was a time when I saw my skin color as nothing but ‘caramel’, everyone else was simply ‘vanilla’. The chorus goes ‘I wanna live in a fool’s paradise, show me what love is and we can erase all the darkness.’ The music video reflects this inner conflict.” – Celine Love

A few milestones in Celine Love’s young career include a full scholarship to the music school BIMM Berlin & London.

Not too long ago, she performed at the 2000 Trees in Cheltenham, Kings Jam in Gloucester, Deichbrand and Reeperbahn Festival in Germany, and supported the electro-pop band Years & Years in Hamburg for NRJ Radio.

She composes music with expressionism and self-discovery at its core with a hint of socio-critical commentary.

“The imagery within the song is directly taken from my memories. Writing and recording it left me feeling very nostalgic. So I dug out old photos and songs and reached out to my childhood best friend. It reminded me of a pivotal time as a child, before I became aware of the differences in skin color and hair structure. Not only did I look different from most of the German kids surrounding my life but I would be treated differently too. It wasn’t always negative, but always in a way that made me feel excluded. There was a time before I became aware that my skin color was nothing but ‘caramel’ and everyone else was simply ‘vanilla’. Nothing more. ‘Rose Coloured’ is an almost desperate wish to have that mindset back. The wish to live in a ‘fool’s paradise’. – Celine Love