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ClareR (5784 KP) rated Monogamy in Books

Sep 13, 2020  
Sue Miller | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Monogamy is just the kind of book that I’ve come to learn that I really enjoy. It’s a beautifully written novel about marriage, and what happens to people in the marriage as well as those on the periphery. It’s not all action, it’s not hugely exciting, but it IS compelling and full of characters that you want to get to know.

The main characters, Graham and Annie, are written as real people: not everything they do is particularly likeable. Graham owns a bookshop, Annie is a photographer. They have a daughter together, and a son from Graham’s first marriage. His ex-wife is very much present in their lives, which may seem odd at first, but they all seem to get on well, with no-one feeling threatened by the arrangement.

This is a story mainly about grief. Graham dies and Annie is left to grieve his loss. Then at his funeral, Annie makes a discovery which then causes her to grieve more than just the loss of Graham.

I don’t want to give too much away, but I really did love how the feelings expressed in this book all seemed so relatable (even if you haven’t experienced what the main characters have experienced), and that Annie didn’t feel the need to ruin her daughters or stepsons memories of their father. It was nice just to read a reasoned reaction to Annie’s discovery.

I’ve probably said too much, but it’s tricky writing about this book without disclosing too much of the storyline!

Anyway, many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book. It’s not one that I would have known about without their serialisation, and that would have been a great shame. It’s a wonderful novel.
    Power Of Numbers

    Power Of Numbers

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    Power of Numbers Welcome to Power of Numbers Life Calculator Rediscover yourself from who you are...

Secret Origins (Story Thieves #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s been two months since Bethany last jumped into a book, and she’s started to notice a man sitting in a car across the street. Owen thinks Bethany is overreacting to things, but as the friends follow him to his house, they make a startling discovery. Have they stumbled upon Bethany’s fictional father?

This book overs things to the comic book world, and I found this setting to be lots of fun. The plot twists out in some surprising and fun directions, and the cliffhangers at the end of each chapter kept me turning pages. The characters are strong as well, and we meet some great new ones along the way. Just watch out for the cliffhanger at the end of the book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 in TV

Feb 16, 2018 (Updated Feb 16, 2018)  
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Not as we have known it
Knockabout SF action series that's strong on bonkers pulp fiction ideas - mushroom-powered star drives, evil duplicates, 'species reassignment surgery', and so on - but less impressive when it comes to narrative cohesion or actually resembling anything previously released under the Star Trek banner.

Theses could and probably have been written about the myriad ways in which Discovery cheerfully ignores or rewrites continuity from previous series and movies; a more serious problem is the generally dark tone, emphasis on military conflict, and absence of humanistic optimism. Effects are okay; Doug Jones is the best thing in it as peril-averse first officer, though pushed hard by Jason Isaacs as loose-cannon captain of the ship. Not actively bad on its own terms, I expect, but very disappointing as an actual piece of Star Trek.
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A underrated horror film
Contains spoilers, click to show
Prince of darkness- is a underrated horror film directed by john carpenter and stars donald pleasences.

the film is the second installment in what Carpenter calls his "Apocalypse Trilogy", which began with The Thing (1982) and concludes with In the Mouth of Madness (1995).

The film is about cellar, a priest finds an otherworldly vial filled with slime. Frightened, he brings his discovery to a circle of top scholars and scientists, who eventually learn that the strange liquid is the essence of Satan. The slime then begins to seep out, turning some of the academics into zombified killers. As the possessed battle the survivors, student Kelly is infected by a large quantity of the liquid and becomes Satan personified.

It has supernatural elements, psychological elements and horror elements.

Its underreated and i think more people should watch it.
Star Trek: Picard - Season 1
Star Trek: Picard - Season 1
2020 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
High hopes let down
I'm sure we all had a vision of what the triumphant, long-awaited return of Captain Jean-Luc Picard would look like. The series starts and ends in that vein, being exciting, thoughtful and with a moral lesson, but with a lot of padding throughout the series. Much like Discovery, the series decided to throw a lot of side adventures in the mix and while Picard is much more focussed than its Netflix cousin there are still times when it drags.
Stewart tries well to play his most famous role, but his age shows at times and I felt the makers missed the chance to sensitively keep his character but replaced with a younger actor in the last episode. This would have allowed Stewart to bow out gracefully and show more promise for the future series of his life.


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